While Eric and his father drive to the next swimming lesson, Eric tells him what happened in the pool last week. His father is shocked and disappointed in his youngest son. Unfortunately for Eric, his father is obliged to tell the teacher. Mr Anderson has no alternative but to punish him. At the end of the lesson, the two friends receive their punishment.
Category: Cockaigne Chronicles
Meet Lars Andersson
Lars is Morgan’s younger brother; he’s sixteen years old and training to be a lifeguard while Eric is learning to swim. Lars is boisterous and playful and inadvertently causes trouble for Eric.
Two Naughty Teenagers by David Heulfryn
Who Is The Gorilla?
At his first swimming lesson, Eric comes face to face with a man he calls The Gorilla. He didn’t catch his name so gave him the nickname. The Gorilla is teaching the older boys to be lifeguards. He is gruff and hairy. As we learn towrds the end of the story, he is called Hermann Straub and is originally from Germany. For those wonder where I get my names from, Straub is a Germanic surname that literally means “one with bushy or bristly hair”.
The Other Boy With Pubes by David Heulfryn
I am pleased to introduce you to a new family and their experiences in Cockaigne. The Ashworths have two sons, Billy and Eric. Billy is sixteen, and Eric is fourteen. While Billy learnt to swim at age twelve, Eric still needs to learn. The family have saved up for his lessons at The Cockaigne Young Men’s Association, CYMA. Eric is excited and reluctantly accepts that he has to be naked in the pool. While there, he makes a new friend, Ross.
Meet Morgan Andersson
You may recognise the name because Morgan has appeared as a minor character in my first story set in Cockaigne about the Walker family. Morgan is a PE teacher at Cockaigne Academy and volunteers at the CYMA some evenings. He is Eric’s swimming teacher; like all the boys, Morgan must be naked poolside.
Meet Ross MacKenzie
Ross is fourteen years old and is the other boy at the beginners’ swimming lessons, the same age as Eric Ashworth. Naturally, they gravitate to each other and become friends. Ross shows Eric some of the advantages of living in Cockaigne.
Meet the Ashworths
I know that there has been nothing new from me since mid-December, but I have been busy editing ‘Three Tears’ (still not finished) and re-publishing it on Screeve. I have also been busy in writing a new series. And now I’m preparing to publish it. “The Chronicles of the Ashworth Family’ is a ten-part series that centres on a family living outside Cockaigne in Suddene.
Eric Ashworth
Eric is the main protagonist of the story. He is fourteen years old and still can’t swim. His father has finally saved enough to take him to learn at “The Cockaigne Young Men’s Association”, or CYMA. The first rule of the CYMA is that everybody swims naked. Eric is learning with a lot of other young boys. But there is one other boy his age learning with him.
Billy Ashworth
Billy is Eric’s sixteen-year-old brother. He learnt to swim at a much younger age and had no problem learning at the CYMA, but he wasn’t going through puberty at the time. Now he is older, he is very body-conscious and unwilling to let anyone see him naked.
Ken Ashworth
Ken is Billy and Eric’s father. He takes Eric to Cockaigne each week for his swimming lesson. Eric wants him to watch, but that means Ken must be naked once he’s poolside. Father and son spend every Monday evening naked together.
I shall be introducing more characters in the story in the coming days. I hope you enjoy these tantalising glimpses into the forthcoming story and the new AI videos of the characters I have created.
A Summer of Discovery: Fucked Into Adulthood by David Heulfryn
Ben watches Charlie head to the ablution hut and can’t resist following. It is his last chance to feel Charlie inside him. He meets Pete and Andy showing the evidence of what they got up to in their shared cubicle.
Afterwards, Ben returns to the shop to meet Yves, who tells him more about Cockaigne-Sur-Mer and the other towns called Cockaigne. Ben is amazed that one exists in England as he’s never heard of it.
The Punishment of Neil Wilson by David Heulfryn
Note: This story contains scenes of physical punishments. The punishments include birching and sexual penetration. If these scenes cause offence or are liable to trigger painful memories, please do not read any further. Please note that this story is pure fiction and not derived from actual events.
This story is not part of “The Chronicles of the Fletcher Family” as it has a dark tone and doesn’t fit the style of that story. I skipped over Neil’s punishment in that story, but we did see some of the effects of that punishment. I only started to write this after I finished the main storyline. Neil’s punishment had to be brutal, not merely a few lashes of the birch. It is also a reminder that Cockaigne is not the paradise it thinks it is, and the residents must adhere to the laws, as the punishments can be harsh.
I will not be offended if some people don’t read this, as it contains some scenes that some of you may find disturbing. We all like different stories, and I know this will not be for everyone. I must admit that I don’t generally read these stories. I don’t find them remotely erotic, but writing it can be somewhat cathartic.
I have new stories planned this year, which will be more pleasant to read. So stay tuned.