Who Is Ben Masters?

Ben Masters is the star of my new series, which will start very soon. I should admit that when I began writing the story, and I named my characters, I had no idea there was a gay porn star of the same name. There is a reason I chase that name, and those readers from the UK may understand.

There was a children’s programme from the early seventies called Mr Benn. He went on fantastic adventures after visiting a fancy dress costume shop. So we go from Mister Benn to Master Benn to Ben Masters.

This first story introduces us to the character and what he gets up to on an end-of-school trip. Ben has finished school and will be going to University in the autumn. This school trip is for the students to let their hair down, enjoy themselves, and say goodbye, and it takes place in the South of France. It may be cold outside, frosty or snowy sometimes, but this story brings sun, sand and sex into our lives.

I hope you enjoy it. The first part will arrive very soon.

Much Better

It has been a terrible ten days, but I am finally testing negative. The tiredness, scratchy throat and foggy head made me feel worse. I still get tired; it’s a great excuse for an afternoon nap.

All the sick days have allowed me to continue editing and writing my new story. After the emotional rollercoaster of Max and Finn, my next story is unapologetically a story of action. I still have a couple of chapters to finish writing, and then I will unleash it on the world.

I will be dangling the story in the next week or so. Stay tuned.

Don’t Be Complacent

Thank you all for your kind words, I appreciate them all. So far, my experience of Covid-19 is like having the flu. Bad flu. But my neighbour died of it and left two young children and their mother alone. It was distressing when I heard of his death. He was young, fit and had no underlying medical issues.

I am in a vulnerable group and have always been very careful. I had all the vaccinations, took social distancing seriously, and seemed to be constantly washing my hands. The main effects, so far, are a blocked nose, tickly throat, sneezing and feeling like crap. The persistent coughing and sneezing have affected my ribs and my chest aches. But I’m not having any issues breathing. The moment I’m short of breath is the moment I turn up at my local “Emergency Department”. My anti-viral medication was delivered yesterday, and I am taking it: three tablets twice daily. I’m hoping any trips to the hospital won’t be necessary.

If you look at the mainstream media, Covid isn’t mentioned very much. But Covid is still with us, and it is just as deadly. People are getting complacent, and so is the government. Vaccinations are no longer offered to the general population, and I’m not aware of any plans for boosters for those of us who are vulnerable.

I spent three years being scared of contracting Covid, and now I have it. I’m hoping all the vaccinations and the anti-virals will prevent me from becoming seriously ill. I still have more stories to tell and won’t let Covid stop me. I hope Covid won’t stop you from reading them.

It’s Finally Got Me

The pandemic may be over, but Covid-19 hasn’t gone away. I spent the past three years successfully avoiding Covid, but my luck has now run out. Yesterday, I thought I was coming down with a cold and tested negative. This morning, I checked again, and it was positive. I have Covid-19!

I feel like crap, but so far, it just feels like a bad cold. I’m hoping it doesn’t get any worse. I’m immunosuppressed, so I am in a vulnerable group. I’ve put in a call to the NHS, and they may decide to give me anti-virals.

The new story is going well on the writing front and promises more action than you could hope for. That happens when you get five young men at a beach in the Mediterranean. Bear with me; I promise you won’t have to wait much longer.