The day before they leave camp, Charlie, the coach driver, must have a statutory rest day. This means no boring excursions and no trip to the beach. The students have to make their own fun at the nearby lake. But the fun Ben wants isn’t just swimming and playing games.
A Summer of Discovery: Back to the Beach by David Heulfryn
A trip to a local vineyard splits the group, and Ben and his friends are left at the beach. This time, they have three girls with them, wanting them to make good on their promise of going to the nude beach. When they get settled, the nude beach offers them more freedom, and they become emboldened to satisfy their desires.
A Little Breathing Space
I know I’ve been a little distant recently and unresponsive, so I’d like to thank all of you who have left comments, especially from new contributors. I’ve now read them and appreciate them. I love the ones where you tell me your experiences.
It has been a stressful few weeks lurching from one family issue to another, and I seem to be the one who helps and supports the others. But it has had a detrimental effect on my mental health, and I’ve been trying to hold things together. The sleepless nights are the worst; your mind runs rampant, and you are left feeling tired all day.
I’ve decided that now is the time to look after myself and give myself permission to be a little selfish. I’ve not written anything for several weeks and want to start writing again. I need to finish the story of Ben Masters and his camping trip in France, and I’m eager to start some new stories that have been swimming around my head.
It’s a bank holiday weekend, so I’m hoping the extra day off on Monday will help me recharge my batteries, and I’ll be posting the next instalment of Ben’s French adventure shortly.
Thank you all. You are the best, and I appreciate all your support.
A Summer of Discovery: Fun at the Park by David Heulfryn
Ben and his friends spend the day at a local waterpark. Of course, they are wearing their light blue Speedos, but no one cares except Mr Fisher. This was the first excursion Ben hadn’t complained about. When they get back to the campsite, Ben finally gets to have a shower, and he takes Calvin with him.
A Summer of Discovery: An Away Day by David Heulfryn
A Summer of Discovery: Cooking Chores by David Heulfryn
A Summer of Discovery: Finding the Nude Beach by David Heulfryn
A Summer of Discovery: The Fifth Speedo-Boy by David Heulfryn
A Summer of Discovery: Ben Goes To Monte Carlo by David Heulfryn
Monaco is a playground for the rich and famous. So why have the students been taken there? Ben and his friends try their best to entertain themselves and get thrown out of a high-end car showroom.
In the meantime, Calvin is left alone after a disagreement with his friends. Ben and his friends find him and insist he spend the day with them.
Back at the campsite, the friends play table tennis, and Ben gives a prize to the winner.
Reactions to Max & Min
I’m glad I decided to post “Conversations With My Brother” on Nifty. I received many encouraging comments from readers when I started posting the story on Screeve, but I never expected the reaction from many readers from Nifty. It is a long story, and I thought most people would not be bothered by such a long read. But I was wrong! And I’m glad I was wrong.
I have received many emails from new readers who loved the story and the special relationship between the brothers. Max & Finn have a place in my heart. I enjoyed writing about them, but I knew it had to end. I didn’t want it to be a never-ending “Soap Opera” that eventually fizzled out.
I’m proud to have written the story of Max and Finn (aka Min). I’m sure it could do with some more editing and perhaps the writing tightening up in places, but, on the whole, I’m happy with it. Many of you have mentioned the emotional connection between the brothers and how real it felt as you read the story. That means more to me than you could know. For people to tell me how their relationship affected them brings me back to how I felt as I wrote about the intimate moments between the brothers.
One day, I may return to their life. But until then…
Max & Min Forever!