Stories by Tom
All stories copyright Tom and reproduced with their kind permission
An everyday tale of youth, to be precise the misspent youth of the brothers Jason and Kelvin Twerk and their not inconsiderable drive for the heights of new sexual pleasures, perversions or usually misdemeanours when at school. Severely lacking in any cerebral capacity their quest revolves around little else but an insatiable quest for orgasmic gratification by whatever means be it animal, vegetable, human or invariably prolonged bouts of self-abuse. Add to which the brothers have their own friends all equally firmly addicted to the pleasures of the flesh, be that in a solo or communal capacity and all that goes with it. Thus taken on a cumulative basis, the combined seminal output of the protagonists will one day ensure that the entire, crumbling edifice of their run-down secondary school slide inexorably into a fetid morass of adolescent spunk.
Now dive in and read on, each chapter is so thrilling in its own right that it needs no further introduction.
Chapter-01 Chapter-02 Chapter-03 Chapter-04 Chapter-05 Chapter-06 Chapter-07 Chapter-08 Chapter-09 Chapter-10 Chapter-11 Chapter-12 Chapter-13 Chapter-14 Chapter-15 Chapter-16 Chapter-17 Chapter-18 Chapter-19 Chapter-20 Chapter-21 Chapter-22 Chapter-23 Chapter-24 Chapter-25 Chapter-26 Chapter-27 Chapter-28 Chapter-29 Chapter-30 Chapter-31 Chapter-32 Chapter-33 Chapter-34 Chapter-35 Chapter-36 Chapter-37 Chapter-38 Chapter-39 Chapter-40 Chapter-41 Chapter-42 Chapter-43 Chapter-44 Chapter-45
The Infamous Five on Kipper Island
And now for something completely different – I hope you will read this short introduction, since if you are not familiar with the original stories the ensuing pastiche may sound like gibberish – although it could well do that anyway!
Since the 1950’s, probably millions of English boys have read the Famous Five or Secret Seven series of children’s adventures, from which at least three television series have been spawned. Basically, the stories revolve around privileged, middle class, asexual children who have highly improbable holiday adventures with the obligatory happy ending. It might even be worth seeking out a sample of an original story to put this decidedly irreverent adaptation into context, to which I will but add, if only this had been around when I was reading the original stories!
Chapter-01 Chapter-02 Chapter-03 Chapter-04 Chapter-05
First rate tale of horny teenagers. Hoping to see the conclusion and all the lose ends resolved. Keep up the good work.