The Infamous Five on Kipper Island
by Tom
And now for something completely different – I hope you will read this short introduction, since if you are not familiar with the original stories the ensuing pastiche may sound like gibberish – although it could well do that anyway!
Since the 1950’s, probably millions of English boys have read the Famous Five or Secret Seven series of children’s adventures, from which at least three television series have been spawned. Basically, the stories revolve around privileged, middle class, asexual children who have highly improbable holiday adventures with the obligatory happy ending. It might even be worth seeking out a sample of an original story to put this decidedly irreverent adaptation into context, to which I will but add, if only this had been around when I was reading the original stories!
Naturally all the usual caveats and dire health warnings apply, so you read this at your peril and should be aware that no representation of any person, animal, cadaver, mineral or vegetable, including the large beta vulgaris rubra is intended. However, should you recognise yourself at some point in the narrative, perchance in relation to a particularly unwholesome actus reus or in conjunction with any of the aforementioned just think yourself very, very lucky to be included!
Finally, as ever, all comments, ideas, suggestions, good bad or indifferent are always welcome – my apologies in advance for any typo’s you may spot. Enjoy.
The Infamous Five on Kipper Island
Chapter 2: Camping For Boys
“Land ho!” came Cap’n Julian’s cry from the helm. “Dick, Ned… jump out and take the rope.”
“Oh Julian! But my legs have gawn all wobbly!” replied Dick, he endeavoured to stand up, failed and fell against the side of the boat.
“Oh rowlocks!”
“Do hurry up.” repeated Commodore Julian.
Being a distinctly non-nautical type Ned hadn’t been looking at the water at all, he was more concerned with the spunky mess on the front of his shorts and had wisely switched off from matters nautical. Finally he glanced around to see they were in very, very shallow water and only a couple of feet from a sandy beach, he breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank fuck for that!”
“Dick, now hurry up,” shouted an exasperated Fleet Admiral Julian, “get orff and steady the boat, can’t you see we’re being pushed around by the waves!”
“I’m trying.” replied Dick suffering from the serious side effects of post climatic, first proper dry orgasmic orgasm along with over-rubbed, tender willy syndrome, his legs were naturally still very wobbly.
“Dick hurry up or we’ll drift orff!” hailed the Vice Admiral irritably. “Ned help him.”
Dick stood up once again and braced himself ready to jump into the shallow water, except at that very moment a minute wave hit the small boat, he lost his balance and promptly fell over the side.
“Heavens! Where has he gawn now?” cried exasperated Admiral Julian. “He’s absolutely bally useless!”
At that point Ned had had an absolute brainwave, since it was obvious Dick wasn’t going to drown in the few inches of water he hopped over the side taking the rope with him and stood by the boat. Dick having been thoroughly submerged was on the verge of tears and found himself being hauled up Ned who, of course got very wet in the process. But that of course was the whole idea since by splashing around in the water he successfully washed some of the vast excess’ of spunk off his shorts.
Naturally Pooper now came bounding up through the surf to soak them both and immediately start licking at Ned’s shorts, Anne followed in hot pursuit.
“I say Dick, will you be taking your clothes orff to dry them?” she asked hopefully.
“Not with you girls around!” he looked frightened at the very thought.
“Ooh arrr, don’t worry I’ll look after him,” said Ned, “we’ll find some bushes in a bit!”
Eventually, the boat was secured, unloaded and all the camping gear taken to the sheltered grassy area where the tents were to be set up. Helpfully leaving Anne and George to sort out their own tent, the boys set about erecting theirs and were very surprised at how easy the bigger tent turned out to be.
“Well that’s that then.” said Dick proudly. “I say where’s that Pooper gawn?”
“Pooping in the woods I bet,” said Able Semen Ned, “be careful where you walks!”
Julian, who being a six-a-day boy, was now way behind schedule with five wanks still to go, approaching a state of near despair he feared that all too soon he would be inadvertently ejaculating in his shorts. Could he somehow manage instigate a joint effort, not just with Dick, but with Ned as well?
Sexy Ned had much the same idea, but thought it would sound better coming somebody else, he opened the conversation. “You are very wet Dick.”
“Oh!” Dick sounded quite upset having typically taken it the wrong way, even if it were something of an understatement
“Golly yes, look your clothes are really very wet, shouldn’t you change them?” added the rampant Julian, more than hopefully.
“Oh I see, ha ha!” on realising they were not actually referring to his ineffectual wet personality, surprising as it may have been, he sounded happier.
“Arrr, they is wet.” agreed Latent Molester Ned.
“Ah… well, oh!” still tingling a little from Ned’s strenuous ministrations, Dick was finally beginning to catch on. “Well, quite possibly Julian, do you mean right now?”
“Arrr, maybe us could both help to you to… to change?” said Nawty Ned hopefully, his cock already beginning to move all on its own.
“Oh rather.” agreed Julian, who had now been erect for far too long and was in dire need of relief, he looked around to see Ned was also more than a little damp, “I say Ned, you’re a bit wet as well, where are your things?”
“Oh arrr, oh silly me… I must have forgotten them!” Silly Ned looked suitably contrite, having never thought of bringing anything with him in the first place.
“Well why, why don’t I help both you and Dick to undress,” Julian’s cock was now so hard it was in danger of becoming brittle and breaking in half, “I know Dick has spare clothes, but uumm… well you could wrap a towel round you while your things dry as it’s so jolly warm today.”
“A sorta skirt then?” the idea certainly appealed to Cross Dresser Ned. “A short skirt maybe!”
“Not so short that we couldn’t look up!” Julian blushed and giggled at his own suggestion.
“Now why would you want to do that Master Julian!” Ned winked. “You dirty boy!”
It would be a rare event, nevertheless Julian thought he might actually be on the verge of unaided premature ejaculation.
“And I don’t want the girls coming in and seeing us!” said Dick. “Julian you must have a listen and see what they’re doing.”
“I’ll come out with you in a min, but first tell us is that George a boy or a girl?” Ned lowered his voice. “It’s hard to know with that gert moustache!”
Dick had to think. “Well uumm… I think she’s a she who wants to be a he!”
“Arrr, yeah, maybe. I weren’t too sure.” Ned nodded. “I’d better check him\her out!”
“You mean… how? What… you would… look at her bits?” asked Dick incredulously.
“Arrr, try too.”
“But, but I’m sure that he\she is a girl,” added Julian equally incredulously, “do you really want to look at a girls bits? And do you really think he\she would let you?”
“Arrr, if I shows his\her mine and if he\she were a boy he\she’d show me his\hers wouldn’t he\she? I reckon he\she will.” Ned grinned, his cock twitched. “Me cousin Doris do, so I do knows wot I’m looking for!”
“Crikey! You’ve looked at a girl!” Julian was quite excited. “So… so what are you looking for?”
Predator Ned laughed. “In George’s case, probably a very hairy front bottom!”
“What! So the front bottom is like the back bottom then? Gosh!” gasped Dick, now thoroughly lost. “So, so what comes out of the front bottom? She can’t poo out of both surely!”
“No Dick, don’t be so silly!” said Julian in his superior font of all knowledge voice. “At school, my friend Sticky McWherter says he’s been spying on his big sister and just she wiggles things right up her front bottom and then she goes all funny and has to lie down!”
“Arrr, probably so, just like Doris do then,” replied Ned, “anyhow, I’d have a look and check him\her out.”
“Crumbs! Golly gosh! I don’t know if I’d want to look!” exclaimed both Dick and Julian in perfect unison. “We certainly don’t want girls looking at our bits do we?”
“Somehow I didn’t think you would!” Ned smiled. “Now come on Julian, first, let’s creep out quietly and listen to wot’s going on in their tent.”
Leaving Dick to put his hand down the front of his wet shorts, Ned and Julian crept outside and listened as to what was happening in the smaller tent, a few moments they returned smiling.
“Sounds to me as though they’ve got that bucket of custard again!” announced Julian as primly as only he could.
“I think Pooper’s in there as well!” added Ned.
“Oh gosh… well I didn’t see them take the bucket on the boat!” said Dick, puzzled.
“Bucket? Wot bucket!” muttered Oversexed Ned in disbelief, he decided to move things on while the girls were occupied and the brothers still keen for a little fun. “Now Julian if you wants to undress us two, it’s only fair that we have to undress you as well. That’s right innit Dick? That’s fair innit?”
“Oh rather!”
Collectively driven by the need for further immediate ejaculation, the undressing quickly turned into a free for all, with hands everywhere and clothes rapidly being strewn all around the tent. Less than a minute or so later the three of them stood there naked trying not to look at each other’s cocks, actually at Ned’s.
“Blimey!” exclaimed Julian looking at Ned, his plump cock quivered in anticipation.
“Golly! What a whopper!” confirmed Dick, turning to look at Julian’s sub four skinny inches, then at his own marginal three inches, he concluded that life wasn’t fair!
“Why don’t we,” began Randy Ned, seeing an opportunity to be physically seized like no other, “why don’t us zip all three sleeping bags together and get in ’em?”
“Oh rather!” exclaimed Julian who immediately bent over to start the zipping process whereby, much to Ned’s delight his chubby cheeks parted for all to see.
“Ooh!” even Dick took notice. “I’ve never seen it wink like that before!”
“Arrr, oh fuck me!” said Ned to himself.
“Later, later, later now don’t rush it Ned!”
“If you go in the middle Ned…” Dick was excitedly clutching his dick, “well, well you could uumm…”
“Yeah, I could! And wank you both off at the same time!” said Ned making a dive for the middle section of the giant sleeping bag with cock in one hand and holding onto his glasses with the other. “Hurry up before I cums! Get on either side!”
What could be more exciting than that and what an invitation, what indeed!
In fact it was just so exciting that Julian was unable to contain his hairless genitalia for more than a further twenty-eight seconds once Ned had got hold of them, they exploded in a veritable small fountain of watery spunk all over Ned’s arm. It was all very impressive, so much so that despite Julian’s climatic gyrations Ned decided to carry on rubbing, being only too well aware that second climax could well be in the offing or more likely be sprayed over the sleeping bag.
Whilst Julian continued to writhe in ecstasy, Dick took over as Wanker in Chief and started to give Ned’s magnificent organ a thorough stroking, his own, not quite so magnificent boyhood was similarly subjected to Ned’s expert hand. It was Ned who was the next to climax, despite his recent major orgasm on the boat he managed a more than respectable showing which, as many a boy scout could testify quite correctly, turned the inside of the sleeping bag into something of a sticky mess.
With Dick being probably in need of the most input to produce a climatic result, Ned and Julian joined forces and took it in turns to bring him off. Of course Dick was desperate to know if he had actually ejaculated or whether it was just another dry climax, the problem was that with the surfeit of Ned’s spunk it was impossible to tell. Nevertheless all three had now climaxed, which would serve to relieve the immediate pressure on their collective libido and allow them to conclude setting up the campsite, then start to think about something to eat.
Leaving Julian and Dick to get dressed Ned, who’s clothes were still wet, wrapped a pale pink towel around his waist and with a more than obvious bulge made his way quietly out of the tent. Once outside and keeping very quiet he turned towards the other tent and listened intently hoping to catch the girls in action. He was not to be disappointed for there were certainly muffled sounds of life, George’s excitable baritone voice predominated with some occasional high pitched squawks of delight from Anne.
“Keep your legs open!” lots of shuffling sounds. “I’ll try two fingers again!”
“Ooohhhhh…” squeaked a muffled Anne, “ooooooohhhh… oh! Pooper no, no!”
“Anne… you’ve got to get it juicy! It’s no good if you are dry, now is it?” said George in his\her games mistress voice. “Look at mine… aawwhh… ooh it’s dripping agin… d’you see!”
Some very concentrated juicy squelching sounds followed.
“That’s it! That’s it! Now keep rubbing it and I’ll try three fingers!”
“Aawwwwwwwwwww…” groaned Anne, “push them right in… oooooooohhhhhh..”
“And, and now you’ve got going… oooh… do it to me just like I showed you,” George was sounding understandably breathless, “get your thumb up my back bottom and your fingers up my front bottom!”
“Oooohhhhhh… I can’t see…” sounds of giggling, “oh it feels all so hairy!”
“Think of it as groping in Braille and I’ll guide you in!”
Having been now joined by the innocents Julian and Dick, Ned was correctly visualising what happening and suddenly dropped all pretence of modesty along with his towel! Much to the brothers amazement he started to masturbate for the third time in less than an hour.
“Arrr, well they ain’t coming out now is they!” he whispered. “Come on, get wanking with I!”
And so they did. Unsurprisingly semen production was well down, but still they managed to deposit more than a few deposits on the flysheet of the girls tent. Sadly, Dick’s dick had still not begun to actually ejaculate, but he had the advantage of being able to produce repeated intense dry orgasms, well at least until he had reached the stage of rubbing himself into a state of near raw, tender oblivion.
In general, adolescence was not noted for producing long spans of concentration so it wasn’t more than some five minutes later that they were thinking of food, for as Julian had rightly pointed out, wanking certainly produced an appetite. The boys sat on some convenient rocks, Ned was still wearing the towel and watching as the girls crawled out of the tent and busied themselves with the laying a table cloth on the ground and started to unpack the enormous wicker picnic hamper.
“Golly,” exclaimed Julian, “it was absolutely whizzo of Aunt Fanny to produce what looks like a very superior cold collation for us.”
“Who? A cold wot?” Ned looked at him, then to the food and finally to George who was in a state of perpetual motion, driven by her front bottom which would just not stop tingling. “I ‘spose so… so what have we got then?”
“It’s absolutely all yummy,” chorused Dick, reaching out with the unwashed fingers that had very recently been coated with Masturbator Ned’s excess of semen, “well I’m going start with a jellied anchovy wrap with garlic butter and gherkin puree!”
“This is really sooper scrumptious,” said George rifling through the selection of filled wraps with fingers still a little sticky, then quickly squeezing his\her legs together he\she failed to stem the flow, “oooooohhhh… I think a foie gras wrap with Aunt Fanny’s extra… oooh… juicy quince stuffing is the way, what about you Anne?”
“Hmmmm…” Anne wasn’t immediately thinking of food. She was thinking that her thick navy blue school knickers had absorbed so much by way of girly fluids that were now so heavy they might well fall down around her ankles if she stood up quickly. “I say Julian, could you pass me one of those French curly finger things with the blue cheese pate and roasted baby goat sweetmeats.”
Ned’s towel moved on its own, there was something about wearing a skirt. “Arrr, ain’t we got no pork pies or nothing? Corned beef butty or something real nice?”
“Oh, let me see,” exclaimed Dick licking his fingers, “gosh, oh Ned, I don’t really think we have, but there’s a spiffing looking wrap with pastrami, Egyptian mustard, flaked coriander leaf and Bulgarian crushed pepper if you want!”
Ned looked down. “Better keep that dog away from me towel!”
Pooper had been licking his lipstick, but was now hot on the scent of adolescent bodily fluids, he pushed his nose under the edge of the pink towel. Not that Ned minded being licked by the dog, but didn’t want to expose himself quite yet and so frighten the two biologically female personages.
“Anybody for some absolutely spiffing homemade ginger pop, I see Aunt Fanny has put in a magnum size bottle.” called out Julian after considerable delving in the seemingly bottomless hamper.
“Oh rather, whizzo!” chorused George and Anne. Well they would.
Despite the risk of being over stimulated George had been looking for an excuse to move and be nearer to Pooper. Who now appeared to have again put his lipstick entirely on show, for George it could well be the equivalent of watching a boy commit self-abuse. Anne wasn’t too far behind George’s thinking having also literally seen the rewards of Pooper providing some of the answers to the questions they were so desperate find out.
“And me please.”
Taking a plastic cut-glass glass, Anne slid across to sit beside George, where under cover of the flowery summer skirt her hand quickly found its way above Anne’s heavy, soggy blue knickers which as predicted had already slipped down to her knees on the move across.
“Crumbs look!” Dick moved across to sit next to Julian, he nudged him excitedly and gesticulated. “Crikey Julian! Look at Pooper! He’s committing nawty self-abuse with his tongue… I say it does look a lot bigger than yours!”
“Shut up!” snapped Julian angrily.
Anne looked up, but she hadn’t quite caught what Dick had said. “I say what was that that Pooper had that was better than yours?”
“Keep your voice down! Well it’s not that much bigger! And at least unlike you I can cum!” hissed Julian. “If you say things like that I jolly well won’t wank you orff ever again!”
“Oh sorry Julian.” Dick was instantly contrite, the thought of not being taken in hand as had become their nightly custom was just to too much to contemplate.
“Now Dick, as the girls can’t see you sat there,” whispered Julian, “you get your hand under the elastic of my shorts and rub my willy till I cum in my pants and I’ll forget what you just said.”
The girls couldn’t see, but Ned could see both what the boys and the girls were doing, under the towel his cock twitched in anticipation, who should he join in with?
The situation quickly changed whilst he was still deliberating what to do when Pooper gave a woof of sexual delight and restarted his efforts to lick the end of his lipstick with a sudden urgency. It might only have been Pooper committing an act of self–fellation, but it certainly focused the young minds, especially when considerable quantities of a strange liquid started to spurt forth and he began to slurp it back.
“Awww fuck!” muttered Ned. Even though it was only Pooper, memories were coming back, for when younger he had often helped his Auntie Daisy’s’ dog do much the same, he was now really aroused, the pink towel was tenting skyward.
The sight of both spunky Pooper and Ned erectus was too much for Julian, who with Dick actively rubbing away he just couldn’t hold back and managed to shoot another fairly minimal load into his already heavily stained Aertex briefs.
“Aaawwwh he really cum didn’t he!” exclaimed Ned jumping up in excitement and immediately losing his pink towel as he pointed to Pooper.
“Golly! Did he see us?” asked Dick, as ever at cross purposes.
“Look! Anne look!” shrieked George pointing at Ned’s quivering appendage. “Look!”
Ned looked down and grinned, the bulbous head glistened in the sunlight, he turned slowly round so the girls were in no doubt what he had. “That wot you wanna see?”
“Good heavens!”
Anne immediately jumped to her feet hoping to get closer look, her soggy blue knickers dropping to her feet inviting her to trip over them. She landed with her skirt over her head and her hairless girly bits in full view, where unlike George’s quite magnificent, thick bushy display there wasn’t actually very much to see.
“Is that it!” gasped Julian sounding very disappointed. From his scant knowledge of the female anatomy he was at least hoping for a sign that said. “Enter here”.
“Uh! There’s nothing there! Not even any hairy bits!” Dick shrugged his shoulders, not being sure what to expect at all. “Oh, well, well where is it then!”
George was staring at Ned flashing his mighty weapon around, his\her jeans were in the process of absorbing another big slimy hit, unable to control his\herself he\she grabbed wildly at his\her crotch, moaned and fell into a crumpled, extremely wettish heap on the ground, not though before Ned gave his\her another flash of his wares.
Since the picnic was a very hard act to follow it was no surprise that activity quickly petered out and all were left pretty exhausted, wisely they retreated to their respective tents for a well-deserved lie down. However, allowing for any major embarrassment that had been incurred during the revelations they could now, with a little creative guesswork work out who had what and what they could do with it. Except that was for Dick, who remained mystified as to exactly what girls had, what they did with it and why he still couldn’t ejaculate.
By mid-afternoon they were all recharged and ready for action again, only this time the action was to take the form of a concerted effort to begin to locate the fabled treasure.
Whilst Ned would have preferred to stay in his towel, under pressure from Julian he was back in his shorts which to some extent did hide his permanently half-inflated appendage. In return, Julian’s part of the bargain was that both he and Dick would go without underpants under their shorts, something which wasn’t all that arduous and as a suggestion had been immediately accepted!
“So… ummm… well then… about finding the treasure.” said Dick not too sure what to say, as essentially he knew absolutely nothing about it.
“What do you know then Ned?” asked Julian in his superior being the leader voice and sounding as though he were an authority, but actually knew as much as Dick.
“Arrr, yeah the treasure.” replied Ned, who if he were honest was thinking more that he had yet to properly see George’s very hairy his\her girly bits. “Wot d’you say?”
“So what do you know about the treasure?”
“Oh arrr, I knows that we gotta go up to the old ruined fort and look at the walls,” he said, “least that’s wot me old granny says about it all.”
“Look at the walls?” queried George. “Why?”
“Well ‘cause it’s written on ’em of course.”
“Obviously.” said Julian guessing, hoping it sounded about right. “But what?”
“Arrr, well, so you says wot you knows first?”
“Well we don’t know anything really do we Julian!” blurted out naive Dick.
“Oh shut up Dick!” snapped Julian, the cat was out of the bag, that was if it were ever in it in the first place.
“Whoops!” Dick giggled and squeezed his shorts wondering why he still couldn’t ejaculate.
Unbeknown to the boys, over the lunch break both Anne and George had also had an exciting underwear realignment. It was instigated by George, who earlier having thoroughly flooded his\her jeans, had decided to wear his\her transgender shorts and abandon his\her very soggy and appropriately transgender Y-fronts in the process. Similarly, Anne decided that since her thick blue knickers were more than a little damp she quickly opted to follow George’s suggestion and was wearing nothing at all beneath her flowery skirt.
“Well…” began Julian, who with no underpants found his shorts pocket was strangely very active, there seemed no option except to tell the truth, “well alright, alright we don’t know anything except that it’s to do with a compass.”
“That’s what Uncle Quentin says.” added Dick, who like Julian was finding the feeling of wearing no underwear to be quite an exciting revelation.
“Arrr, a compass like wot they pirates would have used,” said Able Semen Ned hamming it up in his seafaring voice, “arrr, so have you got one?”
“Of course we have.”
“Can you use it?” asked Pirate Ned, bereft of the knowledge of how to use one.
“Of course we can, we all go sailing don’t we?”
“Then I reckon we’d better go and start looking, see if me granny’s right.” said Ned immediately standing up to display his ever bulging shorts. “Come on, let’s go then!”
Surprised at the sudden burst of energy from the normally lethargic Ned they stood up and set off after him as he headed off at high speed towards the small hillock that dominated the island.
“I say Ned, don’t go so quickly,” called out Julian struggling to keep up. As many, many others before them had discovered, going commando wasn’t as comfortable as it was arousing, though for Ned it had become routine.
“And don’t walk in that dog shit!” called out Ned as he strode on.
“Oh… oh… poo! Pooper!” exclaimed Dick pausing to wipe his shoe on some grass.
Neither Anne nor George were that enamoured with the pace that Ned was setting, but with the air freely circulating they were just able to keep up and avoid more of Pooper’s deposits. It wasn’t too much of a walk before they arrived at the old fort on top of the hillock, basically it was now little more than a roofless, stone built, square building which had been open to the elements for many a long time. Etc.
“Is it on the outside or the inside walls?” asked Julian.
“What?” asked Anne. “Has Pooper done it again?”
“No! The writing obviously!” Julian’s boy bits had been chaffing inside his shorts, his mood was going down, even if his cock was still pointing uncontrollably upwards.
“I dunno,” replied Ned, “have to look at both I ‘spose.”
“And what is it? I mean, what sort of writing?” asked Julian energetically trying to reposition his boy bits through his pocket without being noticed. He failed miserably.
“I say Julian, does your willy hurt a bit as well then?” whispered Dick, never missing an opportunity to watch Julian at play. “I think I’ve caught mine on something.”
“Shut up! Just rub it better!”
“Are you wanking again?” continued Dick. “I’ll do it if you do it!”
“Shut up!”
“You oughta go back home and ask me granny about the writing!” Ned grinned and then looked at Julian’s shorts, he continued. “You wanking again! You’ll go blind! ‘ere, let us know if you’s gonna cum, ‘cause I might join you!”
“I’ll do it if you want!” said Dick desperately doing something through his pocket.
George and Anne had now caught up, luckily missing Dick’s pleas, but catching the end of the conversation.
“Don’t be so inpatient Julian!” said Anne. “Ned’s about to tell us about the writing.”
“What was that about going blind?” asked George who as a real he and not merely a he\she should have been fully aware of the consequences of such self-abuse.
“Looking at sunlight I ‘spect!” replied Pirate Ned.
“Sunlight?” George looked lost, for she was.
“Right, now shut up… Ned what is the writing have we got to look for?” said Julian in a commanding tone, hoping to take the focus from his aching cock.
“Why don’t we start all looking at one wall at a time, there are only four of them.” said Dick with an unusual flash of non-willy inspired inspiration. “George and Anne can do the inside and I’ll do the outside with Julian then Ned can be a sort of roving looker as he knows exactly what we are looking for.”
“Oh, a sort of wall voyeur?” mumbled Julian, surprised, more than slightly annoyed that Dick had made such a very sensible suggestion that he couldn’t really argue with, “Oh, well all right… I suppose!”
“Wot sorta voyage?” Ned looked at Julian. “Not in that bleeding boat again!”
With that the search for the mythical writing on the wall started.
Unsurprisingly after the morning’s events, sex was still very high on the agenda, so after only some twenty minutes the first to succumb to naughty temptations of the flesh were the girls. Standing together inside the roofless shell whilst scouring the wall Anne was delighted to feel a draught when the back of her dress lifted up, even more delighted when a hand pushed its way in between her legs. Down at ground level Pooper peered up under the skirt and sniffed.
On the other side of the wall Julian and Dick were equally occupied, except they were actually searching for the inscriptions on the stonework. Whilst they continued to look, Ned had gone off to try and find something they could either stand on or climb up to search higher up the wall.
“Hey look wot I got!” called out Ned, who some minutes later appeared from the bushes dragging what looked like half a dead tree behind him.
“Oh?” Julian watched as he approached. “We wondered where you had gawn.”
“What are you going to do with that?” asked Dick looking puzzled.
“See if you looks at it, I reckons when we’ve broken off they little twiggy bits it’ll do as a gert step ladder won’t it?” said Ned proudly, but not wishing to admit that he had almost managed a climax in the bushes before deciding that instead he should persuade Dick to finish him off sooner than later.
“Ooh yes. Now I see. I say that’s Jolly clever Ned.” agreed Dick. “Isn’t it Julian?”
“But will it take our weight?” asked Julian, immediately setting about calculating the stress and bending factors of the latent ladder.
“Course.” replied Ned, who unlike Julian did not aim to become a very highly paid actuary when having completed school, university and gained his first class degree in mathematics probably at Oxford, Cambridge or Bolton.
“Let him do it, he loves sums.” whispered Dick. “He was working out the other night how long his willy would be if he added the length of all the strokes together that it took to cum!”
“And?” asked Ned.
“It was two hundred and thirty two yards exactly,” said Dick.
“And to think I just wanks!” Ned grinned, turned and moved towards the wall, he unzipped his shorts, “Now, let’s leave him to it for a min, so get over here and feel me willy, if we got time I might cum, but be quick!”
“Oh golly! Well but… uumm… well, will you do it to me as well then?”
“If you wants or uumm.. later on when we ain’t so rushed, I’ll give you an extra special one and try to make you cum.”
“Gosh, I’ll wait.” Dick’s hand was already inside Ned’s shorts. “Crumbs, it’s just so big and ooohh… it’s all a bit jolly sticky round the end!”
“Well spit on your hand and then rub it!”
“Blimey! Now all the sticky stuff has turned into slippery stuff!” exclaimed Dick, his hand immediately taking off like any well lubed hand should do. “Gosh Ned, I say! Now that’s a trick really worth remembering!”
“You didn’t learn that at your public school then!” said Ned. “We was doing it at junior school!”
“Wish I’d been at your school then!”
Julian meanwhile having calculating the loadings, started to attack the branches breaking off odd twigs quite unaware of what was happening behind him.
On the other side of the wall George was licking his\her fingers. “Hmmm… nice.”
Breathing heavily, Anne was leaning against the stone wall, her hand moving under her skirt, Pooper was looking up expectantly. “Crikey George, you’ve never made it happen like that before!”
“I don’t think you’ve done it properly until now.” said George looking more than a little flushed and squeezing his\her legs firmly together. “I felt like that when I did the first time.”
“Can we do it again, later in the tent?”
“As many times as you want!”
“You know,” Anne looked round and lowered her voice, “you know, when we saw Ned’s big willy earlier, do you think, is that really supposed to fit up a front bottom?”
“So I’m told, but it’s so much bigger than a couple of fingers isn’t it?” George turned to look for eavesdroppers. “Do you think boys make as much sticky stuff as Pooper did when he, he ummm, did it to himself?”
“I don’t know,” Anne shrugged, “and I don’t know or how to find out, I’ve looked in all the dictionaries!”
“I think we need to capture one of the boys, pull their trousers down and, and rub them till it happens,” he\she sniffed his\her fingers, “Dick will be the easiest to catch so shall we start with him?”
“But can he do it? I mean make the cum or whatever the boys call it?” asked Anne.
“We’ll just have to find out!”
“I suppose we could try and make him!”
“Does it matter that he is your brother?”
“Not to me it doesn’t! I just want to see what his willy does!” Anne giggled. “I wonder if he makes as much as Pooper?”
Chapter 3 to follow
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