Naked in School: Exquisite Fantasy or Dreaded Reality?

It’s one of those stories that you’ve always heard about but aren’t quite sure actually happened. They also make great fantasies that you wish happened when you were in school. But the reality would actually mortify most of us.

Now, I had swimming lessons when I was at school and the regulation uniform was black trunks. The thought of actually having to do the class naked would have embarrashed me so much I fear I might have actually died. But it appears that this did happen.

I’ve also heard stories that men would swim naked at the YMCA (where “They have everything For young men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys. It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.”)

I’ve never skinny dipped in the sea, lake, stream or river. About the only time I swam naked was when I had the pool to myself in a hotel I was staying at. I checked there were no CCTV cameras first and I only dared do one length, but at least I did it. I’m sure many of you have had much more adventurous experiences. I would love to hear them, or write them in the comments.

So regulatory nude swimming did happen in high schools and the YMCA in the United States, but did it happen in the UK or anywhere else? Let me know if it did happen, especially if it happened to you.


Gay Porn Filmed on the London Underground

Well it just goes to show that you have to be careful of what you put on social media.

George Mason, 35, aka HungYoungBrit and Nicholas Mullan, 24, from Belfast but known as Toby on an escort site, and a third unknown man filmed themselves in July 2017 having sex on the London Underground.

In February 2018 George Mason put a clip of the film on his twitter feed, which was seen by many. A gay man who saw it, thought that had crossed the line of what was acceptable behaviour and the incident was reported to the police.

I actually saw the full film several weeks ago and was surprised how far they went and how in the open they were. The carriage was originally empty but passengers did get on at various stops along The Northern Line.

And now the verdict of the court case is in.

George Mason  and was sentenced to an 18-month community order and fined £1,000 with court costs of £170.

Nicholas Mullan was not fined but told to pay £170 court costs and carry out a 12-month community order.

Both admitted the charge of outraging public decency

Magistrate Lucinda Lubbock was shown stills of the sex acts and said: “This was a very unpleasant and serious offence on the public underground.” she added: “This is a lesson to both of you. You have been humiliated in the court of social media.”

If you can cope with pop-ups and all the other crap that comes from a porn website, the full video can be seen here:

Extremely HIGH risk sex LIVE on busy London Underground

Some links to the story in the UK press.

BBC News Website – A trustworthy, independant and balanced news source

The Daily Mirror Website – Left wing biased tabloid bullshit

The Daily Mail Website – Right wing biased bullshit, it takes itself seriously while reporting on sensationalist, sometimes absurd stories.

The Sun – Tabloid, right wing leaning, reports garbage and sensationalises stories likes it’s second nature

George Mason was also part of a BBC Three programme called “Queer Britian”. Episode five is called “Porn Idols” where they head into the world of queer porn and meet the producers and performers bringing different sexuality and identities to the screen. George Mason is part of the segment on “Chav Porn”. You can also check out the article “In defence of ‘chav porn’“.

Tired & Fed Up

January and February are always busy months for me with long days and short nights. I barely get time to have a private life so when I check emails I don’t want to deal with a load of crap.

Recently I’ve been inundated with emails telling me I’ve been hacked and they have video of me wanking off to porn taken from my web cam. I must pay them bitcoin to stop them emailing everyone in my address book.

The first time I recieved this it really scared the crap out of me. I actually thought I’d been hacked. Then I thought if anyone had actually hacked my webcam all they could video is me looking blankly at the screen while surfing the BBC News website or the occasional forum; certainly no wanking or anything lewd at all.

Once I realised it was all complete bollocks I felt fucking annoyed.

One good thing did come out of it though. I have stepped up my cyber security and am using unique and complex passwords, I’ve even looked into ramping security on the website.

Welcome Tom

We have a new author joining the Screeve community. Tom is currently writing a new series called ‘Bog Off’ and I will bring you the first chapter tomorrow. Bog Off is an hilarious story that starts with the Twerks family and a certain fifteen year old that is always hard and always leaking pre-cum. Kelvin also has a hair trigger and a desperate need to masturbate all the time. It is rare for a story to make me laugh out loud and Tom’s story certainly hits the spot in so many ways.

Please give him a warm welcome by emailing him at

The Madness of George III

I watched The Madness of George III yesterday at the Nottingham Playhouse. It was a fantastic, with great performances from Mark Gatiss and Adrian Scarborough, the rest of the cast was equally exceptional. It was laugh out loud in place while deeply upsetting and moving in others. It is being transmitted live in some UK cinemas on 20th November. If you get the chance to watch it then I would recommend it.

Lest We Forget

Today is the 100th year since the armistice of the First World War. It was the war to end all wars: but failed! I personally do not think I could fight in any war. However, I accept that those that have fought have granted me that freedom. That is why I will be wearing a red poppy today and attending one of the many thousand remembrance events today. I respect our armed forces and what they do, it is our civilian politicians that ask them to go to war and it is those same civilians that do not help those who have fought, at their bidding, once they have left the armed forces.

Today, we should pay our respects to those who have fought and died on our behalf, and respect those who have fought and lived. Many ex-service personnel are still suffering, and we should support them and help them in any way we can.


Remember, Remember The Fifth of November

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!

Guy Fawkes, guy, t’was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England’s overthrow.

By god’s mercy he was catch’d
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.

And what shall we do with him?
Burn him!

It’s that time of year again when we Brits (and others) celebrate Bonfire night (also called Guy Fawkes Night). The above is a nursery rhyme that we used to sing to our children, but nowadays we only say the first line (it does end quite grim).

I have some vivid memories of standing in front of a furnace of a bonfire in the damp cold night air, eating either a toffee apple (an actual apple on a stick, covered in brittle toffee) or bonfire toffee (toffee so brittle it could break teeth and dislodge fillings). We would also play with sparklers, making patterns in the air, and throwing bangers on the ground to startle people.

These days it’s now a traditional celebration and the gruesome origins are glossed over. But of any of you intend to celebrate with us today, remember to play safe.