Hi Folks. Just to keep you up to date, my novella is now officially a novel. It is now coming to a conclusion and so now all the self-doubt is starting to kick in. Is it good enough? Does the story make sense? Does the story grip the reader enough for them to read until the end?
I really hate this part!
I also hate endings. I think I’m crap at writing endings. This is only the second novel I’ve ever started to write. The first one was many years ago and was a sci-fi novel. I never finished it. That same self-doubt made me abandon it.
I hope to have it all wrapped up by the end of the week and then the editing starts. I have deliberately not gone back and read over what I have written so I can keep the flow and the story moving. I just hope it is worthy when I start to read it again and sort out all the bad spelling and typos from my less than accurate typing. Wish me luck!
I’m not sure how to release my novel. My current thinking is to put it on Kindle and then perhaps highlight a few of the more erotic chapters on Screeve. But I don’t want the readers of Screeve to have to pay to read it, so I may do something special for you guys so you can get hold of a copy. Tell me what you think.
If this goes well I do have another idea for a novel.