To write is human, to edit is divine

I have been quiet recently, but that does not mean I haven’t been busy. I am so glad I managed to finish the saga of Max and Min (Finn), and that story really took it out of me. I didn’t know it would take a life of its own and take me to places I didn’t realise it would go. When I start a story, I have an idea of what I want to say, where it will go, and how it will end, but I don’t let that constrain me, as sometimes it takes me in an unexpected direction.

But something has been warming me up in this cold season. The temperature outside may be hovering around zero degrees Celsius, but inside, I am busy editing a story that takes place in summer in the south of France. The weather is hot, the beach is inviting, and the Mediterranean is refreshing. I think I have most of it written, and I’m editing what I have, but I don’t want to start releasing it until I’m further down the road.

I hope you will be patient with me as I dangle the promise of a new story in front of you. I do love things that dangle!

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One Reply to “To write is human, to edit is divine”

  1. Always lovely to hear from you, David, and to know you’re ok. Dangle away! love Paul x

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