A Summer of Discovery: Fucked Into Adulthood by David Heulfryn

Ben watches Charlie head to the ablution hut and can’t resist following. It is his last chance to feel Charlie inside him. He meets Pete and Andy showing the evidence of what they got up to in their shared cubicle.

Afterwards, Ben returns to the shop to meet Yves, who tells him more about Cockaigne-Sur-Mer and the other towns called Cockaigne. Ben is amazed that one exists in England as he’s never heard of it.

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3 Replies to “A Summer of Discovery: Fucked Into Adulthood by David Heulfryn”

  1. It’ll be interesting if Ben’s next story takes him to Cockaigne, maybe meet up with Luke………
    Or meet Luke at uni and be invited for a visit

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    1. Oh dear, the cat is out of the bag. Although I don’t think I’ve been particularly subtle about it, but Ben will be going to University on Cockaigne, although that story is not written yet, so it may be some time before you get to read it.

      Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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      1. Like all your stories it’ll be worth the wait

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