Naked Education “Pubes Before Dudes”

It’s great to see that Channel 4 has done it again. The new series is called “Naked Education”; the first episode deals with body hair. The programme wanted to dispel myths about body hair and had a small group of teens discussing it.

One young teen, Elliot (15), said he shaved his armpits to avoid smelling bad. He also said he thought shaving pubes was more hygienic and helped protect you from STIs. Thankfully they dispelled this myth, even saying that shaving could increase your risks of contracting an STI as shaving can damage the skin.

They had four models show their naked bodies to the teens. One lady said that an ex-boyfriend demanded she shave her pubes off. She refused, and they broke up. Hence why the presenter commented, “Pubes before dudes”. I’m a massive fan of pubes; the bushier, the better.

Personally, I think the obsession with body hair stems from porn. The vast majority of porn has performers with little or no body hair (gay and straight), and porn with body hair is considered a ‘fetish’.

The main thrust of the programme is to love who you are, no matter what body shape or how much or little hair you have. “The Naked Brigade” helps one young lady come to terms with herself. Being tall, she was teased mercilessly, and the group reclaimed all the insults thrown at them by writing them on their bodies.

I didn’t expect any full-frontal nudity as the programme aired at 8pm, before the UK’s 9pm watershed. Nothing unsuitable for children should be shown before 9pm, so it’s nice to see that the naked body is acceptable, in all its forms. As I try to espouse in the Cockaigne Chronicles, all nudity is not sexual, and sex does not always mean nudity.

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4 Replies to “Naked Education “Pubes Before Dudes””

  1. While I agree with your statement nudity is not sexual, I’m in the states and we’ve been indoctrinated to view nudity in the wrong light. Even as our views have been loosened society on this side of the pond still makes a big deal of it. That’s why a casual glimpse of a woman’s breast in a movie will cause a PG-13 rating but showing a man’s penis is a definite R, if he’s erect NC-17 or X.
    Shows like this would only be pay per view, and their genitalia would be pixellated

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    1. What’s acceptable in one culture can be completely taboo in another. I still remember watching the film “A Room with a View” and the scene where a group a men go skinny dipping. You get to see everything, cocks flopping around all over the place. And that was rated PG in the UK, so anyone could see it, of any age, as long as they were with an adult. This was in 1985.

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  2. Times have changed. Especially in Europe we’ve become more prudish with every generation. I can remember in the early to mid 70’s both men and women would sunbathe nude in city parks, although not strictly legal, it was not enforced by the police. And of course back then, no one had ever heard of shaving bodyhair, so it was bush/cock/balls/fanny galore.
    And look at how the naturist/FKK culture has deminished. These days parents almost get drawn and quartered when people find out their (pre) teen children see them naked. A friend of mine told me he still shared a bath with his 4yo daughter just like he did since her birth. As long as there are no sexual implications, I see nothing wrong with that, but others talked about it in disgust. He never mentioned it again after that.

    We had a tv programme like Naked Education last year on public television. It was called “bloot gewoon” which losely translates as “normal nudity”. It was a programme meant for 8-12 year olds. There was a campaign lanched to get it off air.

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    1. The world is definately getting more prudish. I grew up being body shamed and hated the way I looked, I suppose these days the pressure to have the perfect body is even worse than when I was growing up.

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