A Bitter Pole by David Heulfryn

After reading this story again, I remembered how I came about to write it. I was in the process of relocating to London and was living in a hotel under the flight path of Heathrow airport. Most of the hotel staff were of Eastern European descent and I recall the attitude of the natives about. I hate to say it but they treated them like servants rather than hotel staff. There was so much disrespect towards them that I felt ashamed. I enjoyed talking to them, they were fascinating and I admired their courage in moving to a different country. Something I would do about five years later.

This story was my attempt to portray that attitude. In hindsight, it seems a very nasty story about the abuse of a man who is considered inferior. I will be honest with all of you, this is a story that I don’t like and wouldn’t hesitate to only give it half a star. It fails to shame the attitude of the man taking advantage of the hotel employee and it also fails in being erotic.

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