Stay Safe and Look After Each Other

I have been a little quiet of late and not given you updates or new stories for several weeks.

About a month ago my depression returned. I thought it was just writer’s block but it was something else. My lust for life dissipated and my enthusiasm for writing stories waned, I was consumed with self-doubt.

The afternoons are getting dark and the Covid-19 precautions are exacerbating my problem with greater feelings of isolation. This pandemic is extremely serious and we have to take it seriously. The UK now has a vaccine but even though I have pre-existing conditions which make me vulnerable, I have learnt that I am only in the 6th category on the priority list. So I may not be vaccinated until May/June next year. I fear that not much is going to change in the first half of next year.

But we have to get there first and it will be a tough Christmas for many.

I’m clambering out of my depression and I have started writing again this week.  So I hope to have some updates soon.

In the meantime, please look after yourselves and look after those around you. If someone has gone quiet and is not responding, then send some friendly words without any expectations. Just say “Hi” and say you’ll be there if they need you.

Covid-19 has meant an increase in mental health issues, so let’s all support each other.

I may not always show it, but I really do appreciate all of you.

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4 Replies to “Stay Safe and Look After Each Other”

  1. I know I’m not alone in feeling this way but you mean more to us than your prose. we love the man, the stories are a bonus. We need you to take care of yourself.

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    1. Thanks Jack. Your kind words mean a lot to me.

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  2. I confess I was worrying about you, David, so I am glad to see you resurface from the depths. Will read the new story later but have been popping in daily to see if you have reposted. Good news that you have. Take care, you beautiful man x Paul x

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    1. Thanks Paul, it’s been a strange few months. The second lockdown really got to me. And I suspect we are heading for a third lockdown in the new year.

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