There’s an interesting article on the BBC website about some advertising for the TV series “Naked Attraction”. If you click on the picture, it will take you to the article.
While I do appreciate the advert and understand it was meant to be humorous. I do agree with it being withdrawn. The essence is that “complainants argue that the ad sexualises members of the public and does so without their consent”.
I disagree. Nudity is not necessarily sexual, and the complaint seems to equate nudity with sexualisation. However, I do think it incorrectly attributes preferences to members of the public without their consent.
Would you like to be pictured up front with a sign declaring that you love being naked? Especially if you are suffering from body issues.
I do not believe it incites sexual violence (like some complaints imply), but I think it is insensitive to the victims of sexual violence and may make them uncomfortable being on such a bus.
It was a good idea but poorly executed.
Personally, I wouldn’t like to be photographed with any of these “humorous bus adverts”. Just imagine if this was you, and it was plastered all over the internet without your consent or knowledge (hence why I have blanked out the guy’s face).
If we take this argument to its logical extreme, all such bus adverts should be withdrawn for fear of making people figures of fun and ridicule. But while I agree we should draw the line somewhere, society is not grown up enough to embrace nudity as a simple freedom of expression. The majority still associate it with something sexual.
Personally it would not bother me very much. Onlookers know it is an ad and can probably see the humorous side of it.
What does bother me, is that we do not have Channel 4 overhere. So I hope you will be able to post new pictures of Naked Attaction like you did with former series.