A Quiet Moon by David Heulfryn

Not everything I write/wrote is gay erotica (If you’re feeling kind, or gay porn if not) and when I started to write I tended to write more autobiographically.

This was originally published in 2004 but I remember that I wrote it several years previous. It was written while I was still very much in the closet and very much examines my thoughts and feelings at the time.

I remember lying awake one night and moonlight coming into my bedroom. My mind was still active and started to run away with itself. The road I describe is very much a metaphorical one and the chasm at the end the hole what my mind falls into when I have a depressive relapse.

The road is perfect, the perfect road I was expected to take at the time and the weight of the expectation of my family.

I find it an interesting read and a reminder of how I felt in my later teenage years.

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