Life Is Not Straight

We would all like an easy straight road to get where we want to go, but life is seldom like that. For the past few months I’ve been winding my way through the crap life throws at you. On top of that, the Black Dog paid me a visit.

I’m feeling better now, but I’m still navigating my way through many responsibilities that are keeping me very busy. So I had to let a few things slip, unfortunately, Screeve was one of them. I am hoping to get back on track soon and later I will be posting another chapter of the Fletcher family in Cockaigne. I haven’t stopped thinking about them.

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3 Replies to “Life Is Not Straight”

  1. Hello David,
    With a hunderd percent certainty I can say I have a visit from the ‘black dog’ this moment in life. He and I are no strangers to each other. It has been about 3 months now. I managed to stay out of its way for a few years, but after being made redundant I slowely slipped its way. I miss my colleagues, the banter. I tried and tried to get a new job, but I am either too old, too expencive, too educated or not educated enough, don’t fit in their idea of what the team should look like etc.

    I hope you will find your way up into the light again.

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    1. For some reason your comments need approving now, no idea why as they don’t have links in or anything else that could look like spam.

      I’m beginning to feel better now, I hope you are too. They tried to make me redundant before Covid, but I managed to talk my way out of it. I scared the shit out of them when I told them what I did. It’s the first time I’ve known them change their decision. But I knew I would have the same problems as you. Too old and too expensive. That’s what happened to my boss, too.

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  2. Thanks for your honest post, David. Welcome back. Paul x

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