The Other Boy With Pubes
by David Heulfryn


I had been badgering my older brother, Billy, for over a year to take me to the CYMA so I could have swimming lessons. He was sixteen and had already learned to swim. I was fourteen, short, and underdeveloped for my age, but I was desperate to learn. But Billy flatly refused every time, and I couldn’t understand why. He must have moaned to our father because, a few weeks before school started for another year, Dad came to me and said he had signed me up for lessons at the CYMA, and I would begin on Monday evening.

I was ecstatic! I literally jumped up and down before hugging him tightly. Mum was in the room, and I hugged her.

“What changed your mind?” I looked at them.

Dad simply said, “It’s about time you learnt. So we have been saving for the past few years to get the money together for your lessons.”

I hugged Dad again as I knew he’d had to make sacrifices to pay for my lessons. A few years ago, he was made redundant, and after nearly a year of job searching, he managed to find one, but it wasn’t on the same level as his previous job. He had to take a lower position and lower pay. Money was tight, and we all had to be careful what we spent, even me with my meagre pocket money.

I ran upstairs and burst into my bedroom, which I shared with my brother.

“What the fuck, Eric!” Billy must have been changing his clothes; he quickly pulled up his sweatpants so I wouldn’t see him in his underwear. He was shirtless and swiftly pulled on an old tee shirt.

“Dad says I can go for swimming lessons!” I beamed at my brother, still excited.

“Good for you!” Billy was annoyed, “Now, fuck off!”

I ran back downstairs to hug my mother and father again. I was giddy for the rest of the day, too restless to settle, so Mum suggested I go out on my bike to cycle off my excess energy.

“Soon, I can go swimming to get rid of my excess energy.” I smiled at her and ran to the shed to get my bike.

I cycled to my best friend’s house, but he wasn’t in. He hadn’t mentioned he was going anywhere when I spoke to him a few days ago, but Jonny’s parents always made him go with them when they went to places; he didn’t have a big brother to look after him while the parents were out.

I cycled to the CYMA. It was a twenty-minute ride to Cockaigne. I was nervous as Dad always told us to be extra careful in that town and always be on our best behaviour. I didn’t know why. I was tired when I reached the CYMA, so I rested and watched from outside. I looked at the young men going in and coming out. Fathers and sons going to the pool. I felt jealous that I would have to wait until my father took me.

It was beginning to get dark, so I rode home. My little legs frantically pedalled, and my heart raced as I dashed home.

I was panting as I came in the back door. Mum was in the kitchen making dinner; she looked at me and my sweat-soaked tee shirt.

“Go and have a shower before dinner. Now that you’re older, you must start showering more regularly, like Billy.”

“Yes, Mum.” I looked back at her curiously, “Is that why Billy spends so long in the shower? I’m in and out in less than ten minutes. Billy spends half an hour in there.”

“Never mind about your brother. You just look after yourself.” Mum smiled at me, “Now, go and have your shower.”

I dashed upstairs and burst into my bedroom again. Billy was lying on his bed, and I saw his hand quickly pull out his sweatpants, turning off whatever video was on his tablet.

“Fucking hell, Eric!” He glared at me, “Don’t you ever knock.”

“It’s my room, too. Why should I knock?” I pulled off my tee shirt and sweatpants, sat on my bed, and removed my socks. I left my dirty clothes in a pile and grabbed my towel. “I’m going in the shower,” I told Billy. Wearing only my white briefs, I left our room and went into the bathroom.


When Monday came, I was excited all day, much to the annoyance of my mother and Billy. Dad was spared my annoying enthusiasm as he was at work.

As it neared five o’clock, I stood by the front window, watching for Dad to come home.

I jumped up and shouted, “He’s home!” when I saw his car pull into the drive.

I ran to the front door and opened it for him.

“When are we going?” I asked.

“The lessons start at six; it’s only just gone five now, and it only takes ten minutes to get there. Let me have a break and a cup of coffee, and then we will get going.”

“Okay, Dad.” I smiled. He knew this was a big moment for me.

Mum dragged me into the kitchen and gave me a plate with three biscuits. “Take these to your Dad. He’ll need something to keep him going until you get back and have dinner.” I took the biscuits from her, “Tell him I’ll bring his coffee through, then come back here. I don’t want you in the front room pressuring him to go too early.”

“Yes, Mum,” I said and sloped off.

Instead of going back into the kitchen, I went to my bedroom. Billy was lying on his bed and playing a game on his tablet.

“I can’t wait to go.” I sat on my bed and looked at Billy. “Once I’ve learned to swim, perhaps we could go together. We never do anything together anymore.” I sighed.

“Well, I’m growing up, and you aren’t.”

“I am growing up.” I protested, “I’m getting taller, and my feet are getting bigger.” I didn’t tell him that I also had hair around my cock.

Billy chuckled. “That’s the only thing getting bigger,” I heard him mumble under his breath, but I didn’t understand what he meant.

I lay on my bed and kept glancing over at Billy. I noticed he would scratch his crotch occasionally. He almost pushed his hand inside his sweatpants until he realised I was still in the room, and the elastic waistband snapped against his smooth skin. I wondered why his crotch was so itchy. Perhaps he needed a shower. I always got itchy down there when I hadn’t showered for a few days.

“Eric!” Mum shouted upstairs, “Time to go.”

I jumped off my bed and ran downstairs, not bothering to say anything to my brother.

“Your Dad’s got everything you need,” Mum was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, “he’s just in the toilet and won’t be long. Do you need to go before you leave?”

“I’m fine. I went an hour ago.” I waited for Dad by the front door.

Dad appeared smiling. My childish enthusiasm was infectious. We got in the car, and he drove the short distance to the CYMA.

I couldn’t stop smiling as we entered, and Dad checked us in with the man at the front desk.

Dad took me into the changing room and sat on a bench in front of some lockers.

I was surprised to see so many people in the changing room; most were naked. My eyes darted to look at each person. There were young boys, teenage boys and young adults. I’d not seen anyone else’s cock before, not even Billy’s, and we shared a room, and now I was confronted with a roomful. Some of the young kids were small and hairless, with their balls hardly showing. The teens had hair. It was the first time I’d seen hair around other boy’s cocks. Some boys had loads of hair, some just a bit. I looked at one boy who had two tufts of pubes at the side of his cock, none above it.

The boys went to the shower and came back soaking wet, queuing up by the door to the pool.

“Are you going to get undressed, Eric?” Dad asked.

“Where’s my trunks?” I asked.

Dad sighed and looked me in the eye, “I’m sorry, Eric. I thought you knew. Everyone swims naked here; it’s the rules.”

My eyes widened. I wasn’t prepared for this. I’d not been naked in front of anyone for years, not since Mum stopped bathing me when I was eight.

“It’s okay, Eric.” Dad rubbed my back reassuringly, “Everyone else will be naked, so there is nothing to worry about. As you can see,” Dad gestured to the line of naked boys,” everyone is different but the same. Some are hairy, and some are not. Some are big or long. Some are small and thin. Look at them,” Dad gave me permission to look at the naked boys, “I bet you don’t look different to some of them.”

“But I wanted you to come in and watch me.” I looked frightened. I wasn’t sure I could get naked.

“Look, Eric. We had to save for this, and we won’t get our money back if you pull out now.”

That was it. Dad played the ‘we are poor’ card to make me feel guilty. It worked because I knew we didn’t have money to waste.

“I’ll do it, Dad.” I conceded.

“Good, boy.” He smiled at me, wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and gave me a brief hug. “Do you still want me to come through and watch?”

I thought for a moment. Dad was going to see me naked while I took my clothes off, so I didn’t see any reason to say no. “Why not? I’d like you to see how quickly I learn.

Dad grinned, “Now get those clothes off and put them in the locker. You need a shower before you go in the pool, soap and shampoo, too.”

I was half naked by the time he’d told me about taking a shower. I pulled down my sweatpants and took off my socks. I stood in front of my father in just my white briefs.

“Go on, Eric, you’ll be fine once they are off.” Dad nodded to my briefs and the bulge my cock and balls made.

I pulled them off, threw them into the locker and stood in front of my father, naked. He looked at my crotch, my two-inch cock and balls which hung loose in the warm changing room. Dad was the first person to see my new growth of pubic hair.

“You’re growing up, son. I’m proud of you, Eric. Now go take a shower and join the other boys.”

“Did Billy have to do this?” I asked. Dad nodded, “He never told me.” I left Dad to shower and noticed he was taking off his shoes and socks, ready to walk poolside.

After showering, I tagged on to the end of the group of boys. I was cold and started to rub my body with my hands to warm myself up. I also jiggled up and down. I looked over at my father, and he was watching me and smiling as he saw my cock flailing around as I jumped.

The door opened, and I saw a gorilla! He looked like a gorilla. I’d never seen anyone so hairy. He had a thick mat of hair on his chest, reaching his shoulders and down his arms. His fleshy belly was covered, and his cock was almost invisible in his unkempt pubic hair.

“Beginners at the shallow end, intermediate in the middle and those taking lifeguard training at the deep end.” The man had a deep voice that resonated in the changing room.

Dad came over as we went poolside. The hairy man stopped him.

“My son asked me to stay and watch. He’s Eric, and this is his first beginner lesson.”

“No problem, Mr Ashworth. But you will need to take your clothes off. Everyone poolside must be naked. Those are the rules.” The man chuckled, “It makes the annual pool inspection from the authority interesting,” he laughed.

Eric was waiting for me and heard what the man said.

“Do you still want me to watch?” He asked.

I didn’t think it through, “Yes, Dad.” Then I realised that my Dad would be naked, and I would see him naked. I’d never seen him naked before.

My father returned to the changing room, and I kept watching for him to return, not listening to the young blond man who spoke to us. The door finally opened, and my father emerged naked. I watched him as he walked over to the shallow end, his cock swinging. I didn’t know his cock was so big, it must have been six inches, and his pubic hair was neatly trimmed; otherwise, there was no other body hair except some tufts in his armpits.

“Eric! Pay attention and start kicking.” My teacher shouted at me. It wasn’t the hairy man. He was the young, slim, blond and tall man I hadn’t listened to. He must have been six feet at least. He towered over us young kids. The hairy man was teaching the older kids to be lifeguards, and a middle-aged man with a slight pot belly taught the intermediates.

We were lined up along the side, holding onto the gutter and kicking our legs like we were swimming. Our pert bottoms were sticking out above the water.

Dad found a chair and sat down. After being told off once, I ignored Dad and listened to the teacher.

I wasn’t the oldest in the beginner class. There was another boy who looked older than me. He’d also got hair around his cock; we were the only two in the class. His cock was also about two inches long, the same as me. His balls hung loose, especially after being in the warm pool water. All the other kids were much younger, eight, nine or ten. It seemed that me and the boy with pubes were late starters.

I was next to the boy with the pubes as we kicked our legs. The little kids loved it and would let out the occasional squeal of excitement.

“Eric, keep your legs up.” The teacher came over, placed his arm under my thighs and lifted my legs. “If your legs sink, then you sink.”

He removed his arm, and my legs started to sink again. I adjusted my body and raised them so my feet splashed the water like the other boys. It was fun. I turned to look at the other boy with the pubes, and he smiled back.

“Okay, Guys.” The teacher stood in the water, “Put your feet on the bottom and stand up.”

I eagerly followed his instructions and looked at him. His body was out of the water. I could see his blond pubes and most of his cock; only the tip was dipped in the water. His balls skirted the surface.

I was getting obsessed with cocks. Being exposed to so many, I wanted to look at each one. My little cock got hard. Fortunately it was under the water, even standing in the shallow end. The other boy with the pubes stood next to me. I looked over, and his cock was also underwater.

“Right, Guys. You seem to have that sorted. Now. If you feel confident, I want you to grab a float,” He gestured to a rack of fluorescent floats by the wall. “Then, instead of holding on to the side of the pool, hold on to the float, kick your legs so you can move along the pool to the other side.”

Some boys got out and grabbed a float, and the other boy with the pubes got out. I followed him and caught up to him as he grabbed a float.

“I’m Eric.” My cock had softened and was no flaccid again.

“Ross.” The other boy with the pubes smiled at me, and I watched him jump back into the pool. His arse looked firm, and they had some cute dimples.

I grabbed a float and jumped in next to him.

“Okay, Guys. For those using the floats, the pool is shallow enough that you can put your feet down and stand up if you struggle.”

There were still a few younger kids holding on to the pool. Most of us tried the floats. Ross kicked off, and I was engrossed in watching him and his buttocks that were above the water as he kicked his way to the other side of the pool.

“Eric, if you’re not confident yet, just hold on to the side of the pool.”

“I’ll be fine, Sir,” I said, kicked off, and slowly made my way along the pool.

“Keep your legs up, Eric.” The teacher shouted to me. “I want to see your buttocks above the water.”

I gulped and swallowed some water as I thought about the young blond man watching my buttocks. It made my little cock hard again.

I stood up and looked at my father when I reached the other side of the pool. He was sitting cross legs and looking at me. He smiled and gave me a thumbs-up. I blushed. I don’t know why, but I was glad my Dad was proud of me.

“Come back, Guys.” The teacher called us, and we pushed off and headed back to the other side of the pool.

As we approached, the teacher told us to put the floats on the side of the pool.

“Okay, Guys.” He seemed to like this phrase, “everyone stand up and listen and watch. It’s bubble time. Watch me.” The teacher gave a step-by-step demonstration while he spoke. “Lower yourself until only your head is above the water. Take a deep breath and hold it. Then lower your head until only your eyes are above the water.” He lifted himself again to say the next part, “Then let out your breath through your nose and make as many bubbles as you can.” He took a deep breath and blew them out in the water.

Some of the younger kids giggled.

The blond teacher waded around as we all blew bubbles in the water. He ensured we all did it, unafraid to have our faces in the water.

“On your feet, Guys.” The teacher shouted. He stood, too. He was in a shallower part of the pool now, and his entire cock was above the water. I noticed Ross looking at it. I looked as well. “Now, Guys. I want you to do something similar. This time, I want you to take a deep breath and put your entire head underwater. Count to five, and then come back up.”

He watched as we all did it. One boy choked. He went over to him and gave him some advice in a low voice so the boy didn’t feel singled out. I watched as the boy dunked his head again, this time coming up after five seconds with a broad smile, proud he had done it.

“That’s great, Guys.” He was glad we were all doing so well. “I want you to combine the dunking of the head and the bubbles. Dunk your head and slowly let out your breath, creating bubbles, as you count to five and then lift your head out of the water.”

Some of the younger kids looked worried.

“Don’t worry if it’s too much and you struggle. Dunk your head first, then lower your head and make your bubbles. Each time you blow bubbles, try lowering your head a little lower each time.”

He walked around us again, checking we were doing it correctly.

As my head was submerged, I opened my eyes and looked at Ross and his cock lolling in the water.

We emerged from the water together and shook our heads to clear the water from our faces. We smiled at each other. Ross had been looking at my cock at the same time I was looking at his. It made my cock go hard again.

“Okay, Guys.” He shouted at us, and we all stood up. “You are all doing very well. For the next ten minutes, you can choose what you practice. Kicking, bubbles or holding your breath.”

Ross and I got our floats and started kicking. Ross got the other side first.

“Do you want to race back?” Ross asked me.

I grinned at him, “Last one gets a slap on the arse.” I teased and pushed off again.

Ross was behind me but was getting closer. I kicked harder and faster, but my legs were sinking. It was no good. I slowed down and raised my legs. Ross swam past, and I kicked again. This time, I went faster. I started gaining on Ross, but he touched the side a fraction of a second before me.

Ross grinned at me.

“Best of three!” I said.

“Okay, but no head start this time. After three. One… Two… Three.”

We both went in three. This time I won, only just. I was breathing heavily from the effort I put in to win.

Ross let me recover before we raced the final leg. I lost. Ross cheered himself, raising his arms above his head. I saw the damp wisps of hair in his armpits, and my cock went hard again.

“Okay, Guys.” The teacher called out. “Lesson is over for this week, so get out and shower.”

There was a scramble of naked bottoms as the young kids got out of the pool and padded in their wet feet to the changing room.

“Ross and Eric!” He called us. “Get out and wait. I want a word with both of you.”

I watched the teacher climb out of the pool and the water rolling off his smooth arse cheeks. I didn’t care that my cock was still hard. I got out of the pool and went to the teacher. He waited until Ross joined me.

Dad got up, looked concerned, and walked up to us.

“Is everything alright?” Dad asked the teacher.

“Perfectly fine, Mr Ashworth. I wanted to let these two guys know how well they did today for their first time. I know they are older than the other boys, but I’m glad they are here. It’s never too late to learn. I hope they can be role models to the other guys.”

I couldn’t stop grinning, “I had so much fine, Sir.” I told the teacher.

“It should be fun, Eric. Learning to swim is fun.” The teacher then looked at my Dad, “Will you be accompanying Eric each week, Mr Ashworth?” The teacher asked.

“I hope so. That is the plan.”

“How would you like to help out next time?”

I turned to look at my father. My eyes pleading with him to agree.

“I’m not trained,” Dad told him.

“That doesn’t matter. I’ll show you what to do. I’ll be in charge and continue to monitor all the kids. You can be an extra pair of hands.”

“Okay, I’ll do it.”

I jumped up and down before hugging my Dad, “Thanks, Dad. It’s going to be even more fun.” I turned to Ross and introduced him to Dad, “This is Ross, my new friend.” I looked at him again, “You are my friend, aren’t you?”

“Of course, Eric. I’m your newest friend.” I was surprised when he hugged me, and I felt my hard cock poke his thigh.

“You two get yourselves in the shower and make sure you soap up well to wash off the chlorine in the pool.”

Ross and I left to shower. As we went into the changing room, I looked back at my naked father and swim teacher. My little cock throbbed as I saw them talking, their cocks swaying as they fidgeted. I looked at my teacher’s cock again and the almost invisible blond pubes.

“Stop gawking.” Ross pulled me into the changing room.

We joined the other boys in the showers. I stood under a showerhead, expecting Ross to go to the one next to me. But he didn’t. He came under mine. I had just rinsed my hair when he pumped the shampoo dispenser and started to wash my hair. I had to close my eyes to prevent the suds from stinging. I felt his fingers massage my scalp. I felt my body tingle every time he touched me. My cock occasionally lurched. Ross put me under the showerhead and let the water rinse the shampoo. As the water ran over my body, I felt Ross rubbing shower gel over my chest. He lifted my arm and rubbed the suds into my armpit. He did the same with my other arm.

Ross turned me to face the wall and rubbed shower gel down my back. He didn’t stop when he reached my buttocks. He kneaded them, pulling and pushing them apart so I could feel the damp air against my hole. He moved his fingers into my crack and washed my most intimate place. His fingertip rested on my hole and tickled me. It made my cock lurch, and I felt my balls ache.

I think I groaned, but if I did, the sound couldn’t be heard above the din the other boys were making.

Ross left my arse alone and washed my legs. He turned me around so I faced outwards and went back up my body. I was scared as he got closer to my crotch. Would he touch my cock?

He did. Ross soaped up my hard cock and caressed my tender balls. My cock lurched again. I didn’t know what was happening to me. My cock kept lurching, and my body shuddered. My balls ached, and my cock went from lurching to throbbing. I could feel it push against his hand as I came.

I gasped as I spewed cum into his fist. My abdomen spasmed, and I lurched forward. Ross stood up and held me. His hand slowly stroked my cock as I came down from my climax.

Once I’d recovered, Ross released my softening cock and washed it again. I looked around the showers. No one was looking at us. Some boys were doing the same. I watched one of the older boys come as his friend wanked him. Another was wanking himself as he watched the other boys.

Then I saw my father. He was standing waiting for a shower to become available. He was rubbing his cock. He noticed me looking at him and removed his hand to allow me to see him. His cock looked huge compared to the boys in the shower.

Dad looked at Ross, who was now wanking himself. He was facing my father. I looked at Ross. I watched as his hand stroked his cock, his foreskin getting pulled back and forth. It wasn’t long until Ross was coming over the shower room floor. I noticed my father come soon after.

“Was that your first time?” Ross asked me.

“Yes.” I blushed, “It felt fantastic!”

Dad came over to the spare showerhead next to us. I noticed his cock was softening, but his foreskin was still retracted, and his knob looked red and moist, a pearl of cum clinging to the tip. Just looking at his cock made mine thicken again.

Ross noticed and ran his hand down my chest, and grasped my cock again. It throbbed in his hand. “Looks like you want to go again.”

I didn’t say anything as I allowed Ross to want me again. As he stroked me, I looked at the other cocks in the showers. No one cared who looked, as most were still engaged in their own sexual games. I couldn’t help but look at my father again. He was soaping his cock. It had grown again, but it wasn’t hard. I grunted and gasped as Ross caused my second-ever orgasm. It was another painful pleasure that gripped my groin as my cock throbbed.

Dad watched me cum again. He smiled and rinsed the soap from his body.

“Better wash your cock and balls again. We should be getting going.” Dad smiled at me.

“I’ll do it, Mr Ashworth.” Ross got some shower gel on his hands and washed my cock and balls. He laughed as he rubbed my floppy cock and aching balls. “I hope you’ll be here next week,” Ross said to me.

“I will never miss a lesson. Believe me.” I grinned at Ross. If this were going to happen every week, I would be here.

“Come on, Eric. Let’s get dry.” Dad went to the stack of towels the CYMA provided and threw one at me. I was drying myself as I walked to our lockers, no longer afraid to expose myself to others.

Dad sat on the bench, his towel draped on his lap; I was standing in front of him, drying my back and exposing my cock to him. I giggled as it flopped around. Dad smiled as he watched.

“You know, Eric. I wasn’t sure you would enjoy it here.”

I sat next to him. “Why? I love it.”

“You have always been so bashful. I wasn’t sure you could cope with being naked in front of others.”

“I was scared at first. But I quite like people looking at me and my new pubes. And I love what happens after the lessons.”

“About that, Eric.” Dad drew a deep breath. “This is a special place where men and boys can enjoy themselves, experiment with others, and play with each other. No women or girls are allowed.”

“I’m glad, I don’t like girls.” I giggled.

“Not yet, Eric. But you might one day. Until that day arrives, this place is where you can play with boys your age, like Ross.”

“I like Ross. He’s good fun and makes me feel good.” My cock tingled as I thought about Ross. I looked over at him in the shower. He was busy washing me that he hadn’t washed himself. He was now covered in soap suds, his cock hard.

“The thing is, Eric.” Dad seemed to struggle to get his words out. “What happens here is private. We don’t talk about it to others, especially not to any women or girls. And that means your mother.”

“She doesn’t know!”

“No, she doesn’t. She would be angry if she knew. But men and boys need a release. This place proves that. No strings, no guilt, just guys getting off.”

“Getting off?” I didn’t understand.

“What Ross did to you in the shower. When he stroked your willy, and you had an orgasm.”

“That felt great. But it made my balls ache.”

“But it felt nice?” He asked.

I giggled, “It did.”

“So not a single word to your mother, agreed?”

“Agreed.” I stood up and got my clothes from the locker.

We dressed quickly, and I felt sad that I was no longer naked.


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One Reply to “”

  1. I have to say how much I liked the first chapter. So good to see a return to Cockaigne.
    Your descriptions of the swim teacher, Ken Ashworth, and the Gorilla’s cocks and bodies, and Ken wanking off were so hot. I can’t wait to read what happens when Ken joins as a class support and read what the Gorilla is like.

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