A Bell-End Welcome
by David Heulfryn


Owen pulled into the small parking area at the back of the Bed & Breakfast. Lily started to organise, telling Finn to grab his backpack and asking Max to take the suitcase out of the boot.

Max wheeled the heavy case as they walked around the front to find the B&B reception.

The B&B was converted from two adjacent sizeable Victorian townhouses. The one remaining front door was broader and heavier than usual. The first thing that hit the family was the floral scent as the door opened, and their presence was announced by a clanging bell.

There was no obvious reception area. It seemed to be an entrance hall of a home. The only thing that showed it wasn’t a home was a small display of leaflets about local attractions.

A naked young man appeared carrying a tablet. Finn squealed. He was happy that he’d finally seen a naked person in Cockaigne.

“Good morning, Mr and Mrs Fletcher.” The man smiled. “And welcome to Cockaigne. These two handsome young men must be Max and Finn.” The brothers smiled at the man. “Which is which, you did say, but I’ve forgotten.”

“I’m Finn.” The younger brother beamed at the naked man.

“I’m Max, Sir.” The older brother said politely.

The naked man extended his hand to the boys to shake their hands. Both boys couldn’t help but look at the man’s exposed cock as they shook his hand.

“Now, I’ve reserved our best family room for you. Let me show you.”

The family followed the naked man up some stairs, around a corner and then up a few more stairs. He opened a door, waited outside and showed the family inside.

“It’s wonderful.” Lily smiled as she entered a large room and saw the two large beds. “Are those king-size beds, Mr Bell?” she asked.

“They certainly are. Nothing but the best for some prospective residents. We want you to have the best impression of us. And please call me Henry.”

Finn dumped his backpack on the floor, ran to the closest bed and leapt on it. He rolled over and fidgeted. Lily was shocked. “Finn!” She yelled at her son, “Don’t jump on the beds. Now get up and behave yourself. You’re not a baby anymore.”

Finn skulked off the bed, his eyes cast downwards, “Sorry, Mum.” Finn said.

“I suggest you apologise to Mr Bell,” Lily instructed.

“Sorry, Mr Bell. I was just over-excited. It is a brilliant room, and I’m just so happy to finally be here.”

“I understand, Finn. Your Dad has told me a little about you. Come and see the en suite.” Henry opened the bathroom door, and Finn poked his head inside.

“Max! Max! Come here.” Finn became excited again and wanted to show his brother. It was a large en suite with two wash basins side by side. “We can have a sink to ourselves, Max.” Finn looked at the shower. The end of the room was separated by a clear glass sliding door, and two overhead showerheads, about a metre apart, emerged from the ceiling. On the wall, halfway down, were other jets that sprayed water. “Max, you can get two in the shower!”

“I’ve heard that four people have been in there at the same time before, and they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves.” Henry winked at Finn.

Owen and Lily poked their heads into the bathroom to check the facilities. Owen had ideas of what he wanted to do in the shower with Lily. They smiled at each other.

“I’ll leave you to settle in.” Henry smiled. “I’ll send Billy up with some complementary sandwiches and a pot of tea.” Henry asked the brothers, “Would you guys prefer some homemade lemonade?”

“Yes, please,” Max answered for both of them.

Henry smiled and left the family to unpack.


Owen took his family on a tour of the town. He showed them the school they would attend and took them to look at the rugby stadium. Max was amazed at how good it was and surprised that he would be training there if he wanted to join the local team. Finn was excited to see the leisure centre, the water slides and the Olympic-sized swimming pool. They parked in the centre and took a walk around the town centre. Finn was still dressed. He wanted to strip off but was surprisingly nervous about doing it as there weren’t many people naked. He was disappointed as he imagined that most would be naked, whatever the weather. Dreams and reality are rarely the same.

They found a pleasant restaurant on the high street and ate a hearty meal. By the time they returned to the B&B, they were tired.

Henry greeted them on their return. “I hope you’ve had a nice afternoon.”

“Tiring, but the town really is quite lovely. And the people are so nice.” Lily answered.

“And what about you boys. It’s your first visit. I’d love to hear what you think.”

“Great,” Max mumbled.

“It’s brilliant. I love it.” Finn said excitedly, “But….” He thought twice about asking his question.

“But what? Please feel free to be honest.” Henry looked at Finn.

“Well, I thought more people would be naked.” Finn sounded embarrassed.

Henry laughed, “Well, it’s cold out. But in the heart of the summer, you can’t move for naked bodies.” Henry smiled at Finn. “But I think you’d find more people are naked when they get home. Like me.” Finn looked at Henry’s naked body again.

“Mum? Can I get naked now?” Finn asked.

“If you must. Go put your clothes in our room and join us in the lounge. We’ll get you a drink.”

Before Lily finished talking, Finn was running up the stairs and out of sight.

“He’s been dying to be naked in Cockaigne all day,” Lily told Henry.

Max wasn’t ready to be naked in public yet.


The family spent the evening in the lounge talking to the other guests. Finn wasn’t the only naked guest, most came into the lounge naked, and Henry kept the room nice and warm to make everyone comfortable.

Max and Finn were the only kids in the room and were mainly ignored, so they talked to each other. Finn yawned, and Lily suggested they go to bed.


When we were in the room, Max started to undress. “Are you going to bed naked? Like you normally do?” Finn asked.

“Yes. I’m okay with it when it’s just the family. I still get embarrassed when I get naked in front of people I don’t know.”

“Good,” Finn said and grabbed the washbag from his backpack. “Here you go.” He passed Max his toothbrush, and they went into the bathroom. “I like having two basins.” Finn squeezed toothpaste onto his brush, Max held out his brush, and Finn squeezed some toothpaste onto it. “It means we won’t bump heads.”

Max smiled at his brother, wet his brush and started to clean his teeth.

It may have been a different bedroom, but Max kept to his routine. He stood by the light switch and watched Finn get into bed. Once he had settled, Max switched off the light and made his way through the dark to get into the same bed.

“I hope you’ve warmed it up for me.” Max joked as he slipped under the duvet.

“Are you in bed yet?” Finn asked, “It seems like you’re so far away.” Finn shuffled over to Max’s side of the bed. He found Max lying on his back. Max raised his arms and let Finn snuggle up against him. He wrapped his arms around his brother.

“This feels so nice, Min.” Max sighed.

“I know. I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”

“So, what do you think of this place?” Max asked, but he knew Finn was excited to live in Cockaigne.

“It was different than what I expected. It’s more normal than I thought it would be. But what about you, Max? I’m sorry about what happened when we got our permits.”

Max didn’t want to think about that embarrassing moment. “It’s alright. I was just so uptight. It happened. I just want to forget about it.” Max could feel Finn’s cock harden and press against his thigh. “You seem to be getting excited, Min.”

“I’ve not cum today like you have. I’m feeling horny.” Finn kissed his brother’s shoulder.

“Forget about it. I’m not lying here while you toss-off.”

“Don’t you want to do it as well?” Finn asked.

“Definitely not. Mum and Dad could come in any moment, and besides, I just don’t feel like it.”

“So you’re not hard?” Finn asked.

“Not even a little,” Max said.

“Can I check?” Finn slowly rubbed his hand down Max’s chest. His fingers brushed through his pubes. They felt soft. Finn liked how they felt between his fingers.

“Don’t you dare, Min,” Max said firmly, and Finn reluctantly rubbed his hand back up Max’s chest. He found his nipple and played with it.

“Stop it, Min.” Max laughed. “You are such a fucking tease. If you want to wank, go into the bathroom.”

“I want us to do it together.” Finn pouted.

“Perhaps tomorrow night.” Max gave in.

“Thanks, Max.”

They lay silent a moment. Then Max began to giggle. “Your breath is tickling my tit.”

“Sorry.” Finn shifted his head. “Have you thought about moving here?”

“It’s been such a busy day I’ve not had time to think. I enjoyed it and would love to play in that brand-new rugby stadium. It looks so much better than the place we currently play. I bet the changing rooms are great.”

“It did look good. I’d enjoy watching you play there.”

“It’s really difficult for me, Min. Today has been great, and I see how much you and Mum and Dad would love to move here. And I would love to move here, but I don’t want to leave James.”

Finn could feel Max shake as he started crying. Max was glad his little brother couldn’t see his tears. But Finn knew. He knew Max better than anyone, except possibly James. Finn reached around and wiped the tears off his brother’s cheek.

“It’s okay, Max. You heard Mum and Dad, we can make this work. James will come and visit at weekends, and you can meet him at the weekends he doesn’t come here.”

“But I’d miss him during the week.” Max sniffed away more tears.

“We have smartphones now, Max.” Finn hugged Max tight, “I’ve also had a quiet word with Mum. She says she will relax the rules and let you video call him until our curfew.”

“I need to talk to James.” Max relaxed. “I also need to talk to Mum and Dad because I need to know how it will work.”

“Oh, Max.” Finn jumped up, the duvet flying from their naked bodies, “I’m so happy.” He lay on top of Max and hugged him as tight as his arms could manage.”

“I’ve not said yes, yet.” Max pushed Finn away. He sat up, straddling his older brother. “I need to talk to James and Mum and Dad first. If James is unhappy…. “

“Come on, Max. You’ve said James will support you. He’s a good boyfriend. He won’t stand in the way of what you want.” Finn leaned forward and placed his hands on Max’s ribs for support. “I can see us all being happy here.”

“You certainly will, being able to run around naked whenever you want.” Max felt the pressure of Finn’s weight on his chest.

“You are the best, Max.” Finn leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his brother’s lips.

Finn lifted himself off Max and stood by the bed. He grabbed the duvet and threw it back on the bed. Max grabbed it, started pulling it, and kicking it to get it flat on the bed. Finn tried to help but seemed to make it worse by twisting it.

“Just get back into bed.” Max sighed.

Finn climbed back in and snuggled up to his brother. Max fidgeted to get the duvet straight before settling down. Finn wrapped his arms around his brother.

“This feels different,” Finn said as he spooned Max, his soft cock nestling in the cleft of Max’s buttocks.

“Because we seem to have swapped places. It’s usually me spooning you.”

Finn felt his cock thicken. “We might have to change places more often. I like this. But I also like it when you wrap yourself around me. You make me feel so safe. I hope I make you feel safe too.”

“You do, Min,” Max whispered, enjoying the feel of his brother against his bare skin. “I love you, Min.

“I love you too, Max.”


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2 Replies to “”

  1. Thanks for the chapter David. You know, and I don’t know why, I’ve always pictured Cockaigne as a modern town. Certainly no Victorian or Georgian buildings. Maybe it is because in other chapters you write – when people move there – there are not many children yet, because they still have to arrive. Also because of the state of the art research facilities as mentioned in “Kes”, and the fact they provide housing. I expected everything to be built in the last decade or something like that.

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    1. Your are right. I did described Cockaigne as a “New Town” so much of it is/should be virtually brand new. The only old part of the New Town is Old Cockton which is a mixture of old and new houses. I couldn’t find any royalty free pictures of nice new buildings I liked to represet the Security Centre and the B&B. If I come across some I might update them.

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