Cadet Camp
by David Price
I had just turned thirteen when I first spent any time away from home. I had joined the Army Cadets just before my birthday and went to my first two-week summer camp that July. I was excited and nervous about being away from home with a strange group of boys, only a few of them I knew, including my two best friends.
When we got to camp in Devon my detachment was paraded and we were all shown into the large barrack room that would be our home for the next two weeks, rows of iron single beds lined the walls, about thirty in each main room with a smaller separate room for the four senior cadets at the end.
After dinner, a little drill and some recreation time we were all told lights out was at 10 and we needed to be finished in the wash house and toilet block, just across a narrow road from the barracks, by then. There was lots of excitement in the room with over thirty boys, between thirteen and sixteen horsing around, laughing, shouting and competing for who could be the rudest and loudest. I was more reserved, still anxious about being away from home for the first time, I’d also never been in the company of so many other boys, most of whom seemed to be quite rough and more robust than me.
As we all settled down and one of the instructors came round to switch off the lights I chatted with my friends in the nearby beds and worried about a couple of things I’d heard on the way down. There was lots of rough talk about wanking and how they put bromide in the tea to stop the boys from getting erections, presumably so that they wouldn’t be able to masturbate while they were in camp.
I had been getting strong erections regularly, sometimes when I least wanted them like in class or watching TV with my family. My cock seemed to have a mind of its own and I frequently had to hide myself with a book or pull my jumper down to hide the bulge! More significantly, I had started to have regular wet dreams, I would usually have some vaguely erotic dream, feel a strange tingling and throbbing and wake up with a sticky mess in my pyjamas! I knew this was all to do with growing up but it was a bit strange nevertheless, I knew that most little boys masturbated and That I would probably start doing so but so far had not managed it. I was very keen to do so and been rubbing myself sore at times hoping I’d ejaculate but all I’d managed to do was elicit a pleasant tingling feeling in my tummy. I was very conscious about my lack of control during the night and was worried about having a wet dream and having to reveal my shameful sticky underpants to my fellow cadets in the large barrack room, so I stuffed a handkerchief in my underpants and wrapped it round my penis in case it happened.
After lights it wasn’t long before I heard beds squeaking and fidgeting going on in the other beds. I could make out blankets being moved rhythmically and several of the boys took advantage of the nighttime to give themselves relief. The thought of being surrounded by a room full of little boys wanking together aroused me enormously and my erection grew instantly, and I gripped my hard penis tight in the hope that I too could feel the intense joy of orgasm.
Sadly, I fell asleep and woke up with perfectly dry underpants and all got ready for the day’s activities amidst much messing around and joking. The thing that worried me the most was the talk of initiation ceremony for first timers, and I was clearly one of them. The main one seemed to be having your balls blacked, every boy had to have a tin of black boot polish which, over the course of the fortnight he was expected to get through with the constant cleaning of boots. The idea was that the boy would be cornered in the toilet block or the showers and stripped from the waist down and boot polish rubbed all over his balls. It was a terrifying prospect but one that I found also quite exciting, combining passivity and sexual arousal. I wondered if it happened to me whether I would get an involuntary erection! Luckily for me, none of that happened and the days were uneventful other than the normal activities of cadet summer camp. After lights out however the group masturbation became more brazen, the apparent dosing of the tea with bromide seemingly having no effect! Almost as soon as the lights went off the room started to fill with the sound of little boys wanking, beds squeaking, sheets being rhythmically struck and even the sounds of gentle moans of pleasure and groans as their seed was released. From the streetlights which came in through the high windows I could see several boys on their backs with their knees up clearly masturbating and eventually rolling over to go to sleep after staining the sheets and their underpants with their youthful semen.
Emboldened by this unspoken acceptance of the joy in self-pleasure I decided to be less furtive and joined in with my fellow young teens and wanked myself off more openly. The thrill of doing it so obviously, it was clear to anyone who looked what I was doing, was intense. The boy in the bed next to me, also about thirteen years old, turned on his side to watch me and was frantically masturbating as he did so. Being watched provided the additional stimulation I needed and eventually the intense flush of pleasure surged through my thighs and tummy and exploded through my penis, and I came with a rush, spurting my teen spunk all over the bedsheets, my stomach and legs. I couldn’t help releasing a soft groan at this point and my neighbour stopped his vigorous movement and clenched his eyes closed, clearly in the throes of his own orgasm. I rubbed myself with the sheets and pulled up my underpants, which had been down at my ankles, to wipe up the sticky mess then rolled onto my side very satisfied with myself. The sound of other boys similarly staining their bedclothes continued for a while until everyone eventually fell asleep. The odour of spunk to anyone entering the room from outside must have been overpowering by morning!
Nobody wore pyjamas, it was an invitation to be mocked mercilessly, so we all slept in underpants and t shirts. Walking around before lights out I noticed several boys already had erections and it seemed that most of us couldn’t wait to get into bed and start wanking. We all became much more open about our nocturnal self-pleasuring activity and a couple of the more adventurous boys even pulled down their bedclothes and fully exposed themselves as they brought themselves to climax. My next-door neighbour didn’t do that but did pull his sheets up to show me what he was doing. That was the first time I’d seen another boy’s erect penis, and it thrilled me enormously. He looked me in the face while he masturbated and was clearly turned on by being watched, I was fascinated by his cock, it was about five inches and although I couldn’t make out the colour of his cockhead but I could see it was slick and glistening. I don’t know what compelled me to do it but I quietly slid out of bed, I had already pulled off my underpants and my erect penis stood up, pointing to the ceiling. I kneeled by the side of his bed and watched him wanking with my face about a foot from his cock and frantically moving hand. He gasped and I saw his white sperm pulse out and cover his fingers in a sticky mess. The sight of this helped bring me off immediately and my seed spurted onto the tiled floor. I was overwhelmed with pleasure and kissed the teen boy on the lips in thanks and, pulling on my underpants, got back into bed. In less than a week I had gone from a masturbation ‘virgin’ to getting very close to sharing the experience with another boy. As the fortnight continued, I would get even closer as I explored the opportunities for mutual sexual pleasure.
By the end of the first week, I had stopped worrying about the initiation ceremony and was just enjoying the day’s activities, having fun with a group of boys I’d not previously known, and enjoying myself at night as we all pleasured ourselves! I must admit that my penis was getting quite sore and even the skin round the end was cracking and looked red raw as I was wanking every night, sometimes more than once. I had brought a small jar of Vaseline with me in my toiletries bag, my dad had suggested it might be useful if i got blisters from the army boots, and when I went to the toilet block, I rubbed some of it round the sore parts which relieved it somewhat. Unsurprisingly, the process of rubbing the slippery jelly over my cock gave me an instant erection and I couldn’t resist wiping it all down the length of my shaft and wanking quietly in the toilet. Even though I’d ejaculated twice the night before it only took a few seconds before I was doubled up in spasms of pleasure and my semen spattered onto the toilet seat. I wiped up my mess but the toilet paper was the old fashioned hard kind and just spread the it around and I had to use the handkerchief in my pocket which, by then, was already encrusted with my dried sperm from copious previous ejaculations.
Before we all used the washroom in the evening my next-door neighbour, Kevin, and I moved our beds slightly closer together so we were just less than two arm lengths apart but not so close that anyone would notice particularly. As soon as the lights were out, we chatted to each other in whispers then pulled our underpants down and began wanking together, he reached out his free hand and I took hold of it, it felt really intimate holding hands while we both gently masturbated. I kept having to stop as I didn’t want to come too soon and Kevin did as well, we both giggled about seeing how long we could make it last. We tried to be quiet, but it didn’t really matter as there were at least ten other boys vigorously wanking off at the same time! After about 15 minutes of soft wanking the orgasm suddenly rushed up on me and I clenched Kevin’s hand as I moaned and doubled up slightly and felt the familiar sensation of my warm seed pulsing out and running down my thighs and tummy and over my fingers. I asked Kevin if he’d come, and he said nearly. I was bold and asked him if he wanted me to do it for him? He nodded and I slid out of bed quietly and although some of my spunk had been caught by the sheets, the rest dribbled down my legs and was already going cold and runny. I looked around and saw the boy opposite was sat up in bed watching but it didn’t bother me, I reached under the covers and felt for Kevin’s penis. It was rock hard and warm to the touch; I could fit my fingers all round it and I stroked him gently up and down. He lifted the bedclothes so I could see it and after less than a minute he cried out quietly and I felt his cock spasm in my hand and pulse out several spurts of warm jizm all over my hand and his abdomen. When his ejaculation was complete, I pulled back his foreskin and enclosed my mouth around his pink helmet, the taste was slightly metallic and sweet and I cleaned the remaining spunk from his slowly softening member. Getting back into bed I saw the boy opposite was still watching and had been wanking as he did so, with his other hand outside the bedclothes he gave me a thumbs up! I watched him for a few minutes as he ejaculated into his bed.
Later that night I woke up when I heard muffled chattering, looking around I could see a group of half a dozen or so boys out of bed and gathered round one of the beds at the end of the room, I was somewhere in the middle. I got out of bed and quietly walked down to see what was going on and was conscious of the spunk stains on the front of my underpants! One of the older boys, about fifteen, had got into bed with another boy, I soon discovered it was one of the younger ones like me, age thirteen, and was lying on top of him although they were both underneath the covers. By the movements of the bedclothes, it was obvious what they were doing and from the moaning sounds and cries of “Oh God, Oh god!” from under the covers it sounded like they were both enjoying it. I’d obviously never been anywhere near people having anal sex before and the bulge in my underpants betrayed my excitement. The boys sat on the bed facing the action had all pulled their underpants down and were wanking all in a row, two of the boys had hooked their legs over the boy next to them and all were sat touching each other’s thighs. I shuffled in next to one boy and pulled off my pants. It was a really hot night, and I had already abandoned my t shirt so I sat there completely naked and joined in with the feverish masturbation as we watched the little boy being fucked by the older one.
The older boy lifted his head out of the bedclothes for some air but continued fucking his willing partner for a few more minutes before crying out and thrusting hard a couple of times then stopping. The younger boy asked if he was going to get off as he was lying in his own spunk, the older one kissed him on the back of the neck and did so and sat with his legs over the bed, his penis was now semi hard, and a clear dribble of spunk hung from the end of it. Most of the boys had ejaculated into their handkerchiefs or underpants they were holding at this point but when the little boy asked if anyone was next one of them stood up and got into the bed without saying anything. This time the bedclothes were off, and we could see everything, the spunk was running down the bum cheeks of the little boy and the older one got in position behind him and slid his cock in easily. He’d been wanking for a while, and I guess he was close to orgasm anyway but the slippery sensation of the previous boys cum must have made it feel amazing. Needless to say, he had released himself into the boy in less than a minute and lay across him moaning quietly. Pulling out you could see the semen running from the younger boy’s bottom. At that point I finally spurted into my underpants, which I was holding in front of my cock, with a sigh and sat waiting until everyone had finished. The little boy got out of bed and smiled at us all, pulling on his pants and t shirt and a pair of flip flops he went out to visit the toilet block to relieve himself of the spunk.
Without saying anything, having achieved at least a temporary release of our teenage sexual urges, we went back to our beds. I fell asleep fairly quickly but woke up while it was still only the grey light of dawn outside and half-asleep I stroked my once again rock-hard penis and almost without waking up I released the semen into my underpants with a few short spasms. The smell of spunk coming from my bed was musky and intense and I drifted off to sleep for another half hour before it was time to get up. I decided I would need an early shower.
The second week began with a 48-hour exercise where we left the camp and went out into the countryside for various schemes and mock battles, night patrols and the like. It was fun but hard work, and the weeks of dry weather and sunshine had parched the ground and we were constantly exhausted by the heat. I couldn’t speak for the other boys but satisfying my growing sexual urges was far from my mind in these circumstances! We got back to camp and paraded then spent several hours cleaning all the equipment then we were free to get cleaned up ourselves. We all needed showers so we took it in turns to use the shower block in groups, the showers were communal and about ten boys at a time could use them. I went over to the shower block with my clean clothes and wash things in a bag, we were all naked in a few seconds and under the warm water, soaping off two days of sweat and grime! The other boys in the shower were all about my age or slightly older and I noticed immediately that we were all getting erections, as we washed ourselves and joked around it was impossible to avoid the sight of the other little boys with hard penises sticking out in front of them or that a lot of attention was being paid to washing our private parts! There were a lot of boys to get through the showers so we couldn’t hang around although I really felt like staying in the hot and steamy shower room and relieving our sexual tension together. We all trooped into the changing room with a couple of boys holding their towels around their waists sticking out like tents! I was naked, as were my friends Rob and David and we towelled ourselves down in the changing room. David sat next to me on the bench, sitting on his towel, I was next to him and our legs were touching. I pulled my towel away and we both slowly started wanking. The other boys in the changing room didn’t pay us much attention and David hooked his leg over mine and we shuffled closer together. I tried not to look but was mesmerised by his bright red cock end which was glistening with pre-cum. My own cock was still a light pink colour, and I was becoming familiar with the range of colours that boys had when their cock were engorged, from pale pink to bright red.
David must have been as desperate to ejaculate as I was and it took probably less than a minute for him to let out a muffled squeal as he jerked and pulsed several squirts of his white cream onto the changing room floor. I followed immediately after and coated his leg with several deposits of my jizm as we both let out huge moans of relief! Not wanting to leave a mess for the other boys, we had been thoroughly disciplined in the cult of cleanliness by the army, we wiped up our semen with our dirty clothes and dressed in our underpants, t shirt and flip flops and walked back across the road, in the warm afternoon sun to our barracks to get dressed.
I think it was likely that most boys achieved some relief in the showers as everyone was in a really good mood that evening, we had a good time in the social club and there was lots of boisterous fooling around before lights out. We’d all had a lot of fun out in the field but it was good to get back to comfortable beds and clean sheets. While we were away for the two days all our sheets had been changed and as result, when we got into bed, the familiar smell of dried spunk had gone, for now!
As soon as the lights were out the room was filled with the sound of squeaking beds and bedclothes being disturbed, soon to be joined by sounds of moaning and muffled cries of pleasure. I was part of this of course and both my neighbour Kevin and I pulled down our sheets to below our waists so we could masturbate feely and watch each other in the act. I immediately noticed the boys on the opposite side of the room watching us as we wanked in unison. Reaching out my unoccupied hand, I gripped Kevin’s tightly as I brought myself to orgasm, letting out a huge sigh as I squirted out several pulses of spunk onto my tummy and chest. Kevin whispered “Oh God” and I could see his cock, still gripped by his fingers, dribbling with his boy cream. After finishing, Kevin leaned across with his spunk covered hand and I held it, giggling, and I returned the favour with my deposit and holding his hands so our sperm mixed together in a delicious sensation of slipperiness! I put my fingers in my mouth and tasted our spunk and he did the same. If tasted musky and stronger than usual but not unpleasant.
I let my semen dry on the fresh sheets and slipped into a deep sleep. Some talking, which sounded like two boys wanking each other off, work me up but it wasn’t until daylight that I heard Kevin whispering to me asking if he could get into my bed. He quickly slipped under the covers and I pulled the sheets over our heads, we snuggle up together and started kissing. I could feel his erection pressing against me and I slipped my hand inside his underpants, holding onto his cock and slowly masturbating him. Kevin put both his arms round me and moaned as I brought him to orgasm inside his pants, his warm sperm coating my hand. After letting go of me, Kevin slid down the bed, still wearing his spunk-stained underpants and he pulled mine down and past my ankles, I instinctively opened my legs, and he positioned himself between them. My penis was already stiff, and I felt him take it in his hand then I felt it enveloped in a warm soft place as he wrapped his mouth round the end of my cock. It felt incredible and I moaned gently, I could see other boys stirring in their beds, but it didn’t put me off. Lying with my head back on the pillow I surrendered to the sensation as Kevin slowly worked his mouth up and down my shaft, coating it with saliva and licking underneath my sensitive bell end. I whispered to Kevin that I was going to come soon and he nodded and kept working on my cock with his mouth, then I felt a flood of sensations as I spasmed and released myself in his mouth, I cried out with pleasure as I filled his mouth with my warm seed. On the way up Kevin kissed me on the mouth and I could distinctly taste and smell semen which gave me a thrill. We both sat up in bed giggling and chatting while everyone around us woke up and began getting out of bed. I was going to miss all this when I had to go home in a few days!
Towards the end of the second week the hot weather showed no sign of letting up and the nights were hardly any cooler than the daytime. Most boys just slept in their underpants although some slept without any and before lights out there were several boys walking around their bed spaces naked, the younger ones, like me, mostly had no pubic hair and at night they were stretched out on their beds with the sheets off, asleep but with erections noticeably sticking out from their smooth skin. As soon as the lights were off the room was full of the sound of little boys wanking, beds creaking and sheets being struck and also the sound of boys moving around and getting into bed with each other. It wasn’t long before muffled moans and gentle squeals of pleasure announced the arrival of more teen orgasms. I could see several beds had more than one person in them with boys lying next to each other and either masturbating together or bring each other to orgasm with their hands or mouths.
It was so hot that I kicked off the sheet covering me and pulled my underpants down to my knees and gently caressed my erect penis, I could see the boy in the bed opposite watching me as he pleasured himself under the covers. I enjoyed performing for him and had to keep stopping in case I came too soon as I was enjoying the experience of putting on a show for him. The pre-cum was dribbling over my fingers and I had been wanking for about ten minutes and my cock started to feel a bit sore, which wasn’t surprising as I had masturbated about a dozen times since we got back to camp from the exercise three days before! The boy across the room got out of bed and came over, he was slightly older than me, perhaps just 14, thin and had an erect penis of about 5 inches which bobbed up and down as he walked over. He crouched by the side of my bed and I stopped wanking, he whispered asking me if I fancied going to the showers. I guessed he wanted to do something together but was nervous about doing it in front of people, I nodded and got out of bed, pulling up my pants and putting on a t shirt I followed him out of the barrack room.
The lights were always left on in the shower block and we went straight through to the communal showers, there was no door, just an open entrance and the space for about 8 people to shower in. The boy took off his clothes and I followed suit, we were both erect and I kneeled down in front of him and took his penis into my mouth. His cock was about 5 inches long, thinner but about the same length as mine with a bulbous pink head, it was slimy with pre-cum which I tasted as I moved my mouth up and down his length. He steadied himself against the wall and I felt his cock spasm, but he didn’t orgasm as I was expecting, I didn’t have much experience of sucking and I found out that cocks often twitched several times before orgasm. He didn’t try and push my head but rested his hands on my shoulders and moaned as I pleasured him. As I was doing this, I realised we didn’t quite enjoy the privacy we were looking for as the sound of movement in one of the toilets was obvious. I could hear banging against the sides of the door and moaning which suggested very strongly there were two boys enjoying themselves in there!
He asked me to stop, which surprised me as I was preparing to receive his semen in my mouth. He walked over to one of the sinks and found a piece of soap and, running the tap, he worked up a lather and came back into the showers. I knew what he wanted to do and leaned against the wall with my hands and parted my legs. He worked the soapy lather onto his erect penis and I felt his warm and slippery hand between my bum cheeks. I was nervous but not scared, I’d seen other boys being fucked in the arse already several times in the past few days and it seemed just part of the sexual experience we were all enjoying. Kevin positioned himself behind me and I felt his legs press against the inside of my thighs and probing between my bum cheeks with his cock. Holding his penis, he found my hole and gently pressed against it, I winced as he pushed harder, it hurt but not enough to stop. The pain continued and my eyes were clenched shut then suddenly he slipped deeper in, and the pain subsided deliciously. He leaned against my back and held himself there before slowly stroking in and out a couple of inches at a time. I moaned out loud as he pushed into me and he gasped as he probed me with gentle thrusts. My hands were pressed against the wall, and I was taken by surprise when I suddenly started to ejaculate, I cried out and my legs felt weak as my cock spasmed and spurted cum onto the wall of the shower. Feeling this, the boy also moaned and I felt him orgasm inside me, it felt warm and after a few second he slipped out and I felt his spunk dribble down my leg.
After getting our breath back we put the shower on and we both cleaned ourselves up, giggling about what we’d both done and congratulating each other on our mutual orgasm which I felt was quite an achievement! There was a towel left on the floor by one of the other boys and we dried ourselves and walked out of the showers in our pants and t shirts. As we did so, it was obvious the boys in the toilet were still enjoying each other, the door was slightly ajar and Kevin and I both peaked in to see one boy straddling the toilet with his back to us and another boy behind him thrusting hard into him, I noticed he was tanned but his bum cheeks were white and they tightened as he slapped against the other boy. Both were moaning loudly and crying out “Oh god, oh god” and it sounded like they were close to orgasm. We left them to it and returned to the barrack room where things had quietened down with most of the boys asleep having achieved relief either by their own efforts or by another boy’s hand or mouth. The room smelled of fresh spunk and I got back into bed and fell asleep holding my penis.
Unfortunately, we left for home the following day but I still cherish the sexual awakening I enjoyed on my first trip to cadet camp.
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