Two Naughty Teenagers
by David Heulfryn


It was a short drive back from the CYMA, and I didn’t get to ask Dad everything I wanted to know. As we were nearly home, he pulled over and turned off the engine.

I can sense all the questions, Eric.” He turned to look at me now that he didn’t need to watch the road ahead.

I sat silent, my head swimming with questions.

Dad filled the silence. “You are growing up, Eric. Going through puberty, growing taller, getting bigger muscles, your willy is getting bigger, and today you found out what pleasure that little bit of loose flesh between your legs can give you.”

His words were making my cock get hard again.

“Boys your age start to masturbate and start to explore your sexuality. Not many people have their first orgasm caused by another person. That makes you special, Eric.”

I grinned at Dad. I liked being special.

“So, now you know how your willy can make you feel,” Dad placed a hand on my thigh, “I expect you will be playing with it a lot more.”

“Did this happen to Billy? Why doesn’t he go anymore?”

“I can’t say when he had his first orgasm, but I know he enjoyed himself when he learnt to swim. He even kept going to the pool afterwards. But he let his membership lapse and didn’t seem interested in going back.”

“Did you ever go with him?” I asked.

“I used to take him, but he didn’t want me to watch. That’s why I didn’t know I had to be naked to watch you. I waited in the changing room. But he was much younger than you when he went. He wasn’t going through puberty and didn’t have any hair yet. He wasn’t ashamed of showing his little tinkle. I think he went bashful when he got pubes. He turned into the embarrassed, sullen teenager.”

“He still is.” I giggled. “He is very moody and doesn’t seem to like me anymore.”

“Don’t think that, Eric. He’s your brother, and I know he loves you. He won’t ever admit it, not while he’s a stroppy teenager, but I know he loves you.”

“I love him too, but he is annoying.”

“And I’m sure he finds you annoying.” Dad patted my thigh, and I was about to protest. “I find you annoying.”

I looked shocked at my father.

“You may be annoying, but I still love you, Eric.” He laughed, “But you are not always annoying, Eric. You are sweet, kind, loving, considerate.” I looked down at my feet, embarrassed. “But now you are going to be more annoying than all those other things while you turn into a stroppy teenager like your brother.”

“I promise I won’t.” I pleaded.

Dad chuckled, “Yes, you will. Every boy turns into a stroppy teenager at some point. We still love Billy as a stroppy teen and will still love you.”

“Did Billy ever say what he did while at the CYMA?” I wondered.

“He mentioned a few things. He was more open back then before he became a stroppy teenager.” Dad chuckled. “But I won’t tell you like I won’t tell him what you did. If he wants to tell you, it’s up to him.”

“Can I tell him what happened to me and about Ross?”

“Be careful, Eric. He may not want to hear what you have to say. He may not want to be reminded of that place.”

“Okay, Dad.”

“As far as your mother was concerned, it was a swimming lesson.”

“Okay, Dad.” I agreed, “But what about swimming naked?”

“She knows about that.”

I was surprised, “She knows that I’ve been naked in front of a load of other boys.”

“Yes, Eric. She also knows that you’re growing up. And she knows what boys do when they grow up.”

I blushed. “Does Billy…”

“I’m positive he does. But don’t embarrass him by asking about it. Some boys think masturbating is private. Especially boys his age.”

“Okay, Dad. Is that why he keeps touching himself? He thinks I don’t see him, but his hand is always down his trousers.”

Dad laughed, “That’s just boys his age. He may be touching himself, but he won’t be masturbating, just touching himself. Boys his age are obsessed with their willies. I was the same at his age.”

“So he’s not masturbating when he has his hand down his sweatpants?”

“No, Eric. He’s merely touching himself. You might start doing the same soon. He’ll masturbate when he’s on his own.”

“Do you masturbate, Dad?” I asked.

Dad thought for a moment. “Sometimes, not as often as when I was a teenager. As we get older, we find partners, wives, lovers, and have sex. But even if we have sex, we do still sometimes masturbate.”

“Is Billy having sex?” I asked.

Dad furrowed his brow, “I hope not. He’s still young. I don’t think he has a girlfriend. Do you know if he does?”

“He doesn’t tell me anything anymore. I just see him playing on his stupid tablet or talking to his mates on it. He’s boring. He doesn’t do anything.”

“Boys his age don’t talk about sex or masturbating. Leave him alone, and he’ll talk when he’s ready.”

“Okay, Dad.”

“Ready to go home?” He asked.

“Yes, Dad. I’m hungry.”


My mother was waiting for us when we got home. She ushered us into the kitchen and put our dinner in front of us. She hovered over us as we ate. I could tell that she wanted us to tell her how the lesson went, but we were both too hungry to talk.

“He did really well,” Dad said as he swallowed. “There was another boy his age there. They were both quick learners. Eric was swimming widths with a float in no time.”

“I’m so glad, Sweetheart.” Mum grabbed my head and hugged me. I nearly choked.

“I loved it, Mum. I can’t wait to go back.” I said as I ate.

She stepped away from me, and I saw her give my Dad a thumbs-up out of the corner of my eye. I saw Dad smile.

We were left in peace to finish our dinner as Mum went into the living room to watch television.

Dad and I joined her after we ate. We both had drinks in our hands. I had a lemonade, and Dad had a gin and tonic. We sat down.

Mum talked about how it would be good if I could swim and be safe if I fell in the sea, a river or a lake. I never thought about that. I didn’t like the idea of swimming in rivers; they looked dirty to me. I could swim in the sea. That would be nice. We could go on holiday somewhere and live by the sea or ocean, and each morning, Billy and I could go for a swim. Perhaps Dad could join us sometimes. It was a fantasy; I knew Mum and Dad couldn’t afford holidays like that anymore.

I made my excuses and went up to bed. I was exhausted after the evening’s swimming and what happened in the showers.

“Fucking hell!” Billy exclaimed as I opened our bedroom door. I noticed his hand flinch out of his sweatpants.

I smiled as I knew what he was doing and how it made him feel.

I sat on my bed and looked at him.

“What are you looking at?” Billy seemed annoyed.


“Stop looking at me,” Billy demanded.

I stood up and took off my clothes to get ready for bed. I kept glancing at Billy and noticed he was watching me strip. I didn’t turn away from him this time to prevent him from seeing my cock. I remained facing him and exposing my cock to him. I’m sure I heard him sigh when he saw me. I found my pyjama trousers, slipped them on, and went to the bathroom to clean my teeth.

When I returned, I got into bed. Billy was still lying on his bed.

“Would you mind if we turned the light off?” I asked, “You can still play on your tablet. I don’t mind.”

“If we must.” Billy huffed.

I got out of bed, turned the light off and got back into bed. “I’m so tired after the lesson. It was so intensive.”

“Yes.” Billy made it obvious he didn’t want me to speak to him.

“You’ve not asked me about the lesson. How well I did?”

“I don’t ask you how your maths lesson went, so why would this be different?”

“I just thought you might be interested. It was fun.”

“Go to sleep, Eric.”

I huffed and turned onto my side, facing his bed. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I didn’t get very far as our mother knocked on the door, and I heard the sound of Billy pulling his hand out of his sweatpants. She poked her head around the door.

“Time to go to sleep, Billy. Turn off the tablet.” She told my brother.

“Night, Mum,” Billy said.

“Night, Billy. Night, Eric.” Mum said, but I didn’t say anything; I pretended to be asleep.

Billy put down his tablet and started to undress. I opened my eyes and watched him. My little cock tingled as he pulled down his sweatpants and stood wearing only his white briefs. The bulge in his briefs looked impressive. He turned around and pulled down his briefs so all I could see was his buttocks. He pulled on his pyjama trousers and went to clean his teeth.

As Billy left the room, I turned to face the wall and waited for Billy to return.

Billy spent much longer than the two minutes he needed to brush his teeth. He must have been there more than ten minutes. I smiled to myself as I knew what he was doing.

I was just as excited when it was time for my second lesson. The week between lessons seemed to last forever, and I’d been practising what I had learned on that first day.

When I say practising, I don’t mean swimming, but masturbating. I started spending longer in the bathroom and would play with my cock until it got hard. Then I did what Ross did to me. Every time I did, it felt as good as the first time.

My cock was hard as Dad drove us to the CYMA. I was jiggling my legs with excitement. Dad told me to calm down, or I won’t get the best out of the lesson.

When we arrived, I rushed into the changing room, running ahead of my father. I looked at the crowd of boys, trying to find Ross. I finally saw him. He was already naked and about to walk to the showers.

I sat down where he had been and took the locker beside him. I was nearly naked when my Dad sat next to me. I pulled down my white briefs and rushed over to Ross.

“Hi, Ross!” I was excited to see him. I shared his shower and started to wash.

“Eric!” I was surprised when he hugged me. It was a brief hug, but it got my cock fluffing up. “I owe you something.” He looked serious.

“What?” I wondered.

“Turn around.” He ordered. I did and showed him my smooth arse.

I felt a sting and heard a loud slap as he slapped my arse.

“Last week, you said the last one gets a slap on the arse. I didn’t give you one last week, so I’m giving you what you’re owed.”

It didn’t really hurt. I turned around laughing. I noticed Dad in the shower; he had to find a free shower away from us, and he ignored the playful boys as he washed himself and got ready to go poolside.

Ross didn’t touch my cock while we were in the shower. I wanted him to, and I got hard in anticipation. But when he had rinsed off, I followed to queue up with the other boys. I soon got cold, and my cock wilted as I slapped my arms against my body and jumped up and down to try and keep warm.

The door opened, and the gorilla let us in. His deep voice told us to go to the shallow end and the others to their part of the pool.

Our teacher was standing on the side of the pool, waiting for us. I looked at his smooth, pale body, his blonde pubes, and his pale cock. He looked sexy. Ross noticed me staring and nudged me in the ribs. I giggled as I’d been caught looking.

“In the pool, hold onto the gutter and kick your legs like last week.” His voice resonated around the pool.

My Dad went to the teacher, and they talked while we were splashing. I couldn’t hear what they were saying above the splashing and giggles of the boys around me.

“Okay, Guys!” The teacher got our attention as he lowered himself into the pool. Dad also got in. Both men were standing, and I enjoyed comparing their cocks. Dad looked hairier and thicker, but the teacher was longer. I liked how my teacher’s cock looked.

“Stop staring, Eric!” He nudged me in the ribs again, “You’re making me jealous.”

I giggled again.

The teacher then got us to practice what we learnt last week, blowing bubbles and holding our breath. We had to be comfortable with our heads below water.

It was back to splashing, getting the floats, and kicking our way across the pool. Ross and I tried racing again, but no slap for the loser this time. I was panting after each width of the pool we swam.

“Okay, Guys.” The teacher got our attention again, and I noticed that he and Dad were standing on the side of the pool, looking down at us. “Floats on the side, please.” There was a scurry of young bodies as we placed our fluorescent floats on the side. “Now, buddy up. I want you in pairs.”

I looked at Ross, and he looked at me. We linked arms in case someone tried to break us up.

“Good. It’s so much easier when there’s an even number.” The teacher smiled. “Now, the next part is floating. I’m going to show you what to do. Now you agree that Mr Ashworth here is big.” Some boys giggled, but the teacher ignored it. “He’s at least as heavy as me. I’m going to try and pick him up.”

The teacher stood face to face with my Dad, clasped his around underneath his buttocks and lifted him off his feet. The teacher struggled and lowered him again.

Dad patted his fleshy belly, “Looks like I could do with losing a few pounds.”

The teacher laughed, as did we. “See, he is almost too heavy to lift up.”

We agreed. They then lowered themselves into the water and moved to the deepest part of the shallow end until the water reached their belly buttons.

“Now, Guys. I’m going to lift him again in the water this time and support him while he floats.”

My Dad seemed to fall backwards. The teacher placed one hand beneath his shoulder blades; we didn’t see what he did with his other hand. I think it was on his bottom as it lifted, and Dad seemed to be floating in the water.

“Right, Guys. Gather around us. I want you to feel where I have my hands on the underside of Mr Ashworth’s body.”

I was the first; he was my Dad, after all. I felt his back and where the teacher’s hand was. I then went lower and felt the teacher’s hand on my Dad’s buttocks. I’d never touched my Dad there, and it sent a tingle to my cock. Ross was next and smiled at me when he’d finished.

As the other boys felt my Dad, I noticed that his cock got fatter and harder. All the touching had made his cock hard, and it stood out from his body like a submarine periscope. Neither he nor the teacher were fazed by it, but some of the younger boys couldn’t help staring. I hope to be as big and impressive as my Dad when I grow up.

“You’ve all had a feel. You can see that I was holding him up with just my hands. In fact, some of you could hold him up. Eric, come here.”

I blushed. I knew what he wanted me to do.

“Duck your head under the water and come up between my arms.”

I did what he said and was now sandwiched between the teacher and my Dad. The teacher’s body was pressed against mine, and I felt that tingle again.

“Now, place your right hand between your Dad’s shoulder blades.” Dad dipped slightly as my hand touched him. “Hold him up, Eric.” I pressed harder, and his ears came out of the water. “Just hold him so his ears are just below the waterline.”

I eased off a little to allow my Dad sink half an inch.

“Now, place your left hand on his buttocks, and I will slide mine out of the way.”

I felt that tingle again as my hand touched his arse. I’m sure my fingertip went into his crack.

The teacher stepped back and left me holding my Dad on my own.

A proud smile spread across my face.

“See, Guys. In the water, your body is buoyant and effectively weighs less. Eric couldn’t hold up his father like this on the ground. But he can confidently support his father’s weight in the water.”

Some boys looked surprised.

“Thanks, Eric. You can let go of your Dad now.”

Dad buckled beneath me and put his feet on the bottom of the pool. He went and stood next to the teacher, and I stood next to Ross.

“Now, I’m showing you all this to prove that you will all have the strength to hold up your partner as I want you to do this yourselves. Choose the person who will float first. Mr Ashworth and I will go around and make sure you are all okay.”

Ross and I had fun floating. Ross went first, as I supported him. I would push hard against his buttocks and make his soft cock wobble. I discovered he was ticklish, especially when my fingertips dipped between his cheeks. I tickled him, and Ross giggled. His cock grew hard as well.

When it was my turn, Ross ensured he got the technique right to support me while I floated, but then he thrust a finger between my cheeks. He wasn’t tickling me like I did him. He was prodding me, and his finger poked my rosebud. The tingling in my cock got more intense, and cock went rock hard.

Ross laughed and tickled my hole. It felt fantastic. I didn’t want him to stop, but the teacher spoiled our fun and told us to swap again.

My loss was Ross’ gain. I did the same to him and made his cock hard. I heard him groan as I tickled his hole.

“Okay, Guys. Feet on the bottom.” The teacher said.

Ross and I giggled as I had fingers tickling his bottom. I lowered Ross, and we listened to his next instruction.

The teacher was in the shallowest part of the pool. The water only reached mid-thigh. I liked looking at him. “Now, I want you to help your partner by flapping your hands.” He demonstrated this by turning his hands into a scoop and rotating them around his wrist. “Now, do this while you are flat on your back. It will help you stay afloat. Then your partner needs to drop their hands so they no longer support you.”

Dad stood next to the teacher and copied what he was doing. They waded into deeper water to show us. Dad was on his back again. I looked as the teacher supported him. Slowly, the teacher stepped back, and Dad floated without help.

“Now you Guys have a go.”

I was first. Ross supported me, his eyes looking at my cock as it rose above the water. He didn’t tickle my arse this time. We were trying to learn how to float on our own. I started flapping my hands and felt Ross’ hands move away. I got nervous, afraid I would sink. I gasped and buckled, standing up.

The teacher came over. “Try again, Eric. Remember to flap your hands like this, make a scoop out of them and push down so it lifts you up.”

I tried again.

“You can do this, Eric.” Ross encouraged me but kept hold of me for longer.

I concentrated on flapping my hands and looking at the ceiling.

“You’re doing well, Eric. Keep your hips up.” I felt Ross’ touch between my shoulder blades get lighter.

I got nervous again but flapped my hands faster. Then I remembered to scoop them and found I didn’t need to flap them as fast. Ross still had his hand on my arse, keeping my legs up, but he wasn’t touching me anywhere else.

“I’m going to let go in a moment. My hand will just be an inch below your bottom, so if you sink, you will soon feel my hand again to keep you safe.

“Okay,” I gulped.

His hand left my cheeks, and I was floating. I was keeping myself in the water. I smiled, proud to have managed it.

Dad came over. “Well done, Eric.”

“I could float forever like this.” I was excited.

“That’s the idea. If you accidentally fall into the water, you can float forever until someone rescues you.”

“Can I try now?” Ross whined.

I was about to stand up when Dad said he would help him.

I floated around while Dad supported Ross. My cock tingled as I thought about Dad’s hand on his arse.

“Remember, scoop your hands and start flapping. Push the water downwards so you float.”

I could see Ross tense up as he tried to float. I could see Dad tense his arms as he supported Ross again.

“Try again, Ross,” Dad told him.

It took Ross a few times to get the technique right, and then he floated. I kicked my feet a little, so I floated to him. We floated next to each other.

“How long have you been floating,” Ross laughed.

“Ever since you let go of me, this is so much fun.” We knocked into each other, which broke our concentration, and we sank. I laughed as I went under and swallowed a mouthful of pool water.

Ross was giggling as I coughed and gagged.

Dad and the teacher were looking after the other boys, and they left us alone. We tried again and were having more fun with it this time. Ross started to tickle my bottom again and give me a stiffy. When it was my turn, I did the same to him. Ross groaned as I made his cock hard.

Then, I nearly jumped out of the water. Instead of trying to float, I felt Ross’ hand on my hard cock. No one else could see as it was underwater. He started to stroke me.

“Shush.” He whispered, and I kept holding him. I looked around, and the others were busy trying to float to notice us. Dad and the teacher were occupied checking the younger boys.

I kept hold of Ross as he kept stroking me. I felt naughty. I thought we were doing something wrong. My balls ached, and my cock lurched and spewed cum into the pool. I giggled as I came and blushed.

“Good work, Guys.” The teacher said. “Now it’s practice time. I want you to practice what you’ve learnt from the last two lessons. Kicking, dunking, bubbling and floating. Rotate what you do, but try all again at least four times. Mr Ashworth and I will be watching and helping.”

Ross and I diligently practised until the teacher told us the lesson was over. Ross and I quickly left the pool and put our fluorescent floats on the rack. We walked quickly to the door to the changing room, careful not to run, but it didn’t stop the teacher from frowning at us.

We were first in the showers, but others soon joined us. I was nervous, but I knew I wanted to touch Ross. I didn’t even get any shower gel onto my hand before I reached out and grabbed his soft cock. I looked at my hand as I stroked him and felt it thicken and harden. He was soon erect, his red knob poking out of his foreskin. I was fascinated as his foreskin rolled back and forth, and my hand stroked him. My other hand reached for his balls. His sac was loose from the warm water. They felt larger than mine. I rolled them between my fingers, making Ross groan.

I had started playing with my balls while I masturbated in the bathroom at home. I enjoyed the feeling and was glad Ross liked what I was doing to him. I glanced up at Ross, and he had his eyes closed, his head rolled backwards, and his mouth open slightly. Only then did I notice he was letting out soft moans and grunts.

My eyes were brought back to his cock when I felt it throb. I watched a pearl of precum fly from the tip as I kept up my rhythmic strokes.

His cock throbbed again and lurched between my fingers. I nearly lost my grip, only just managing to keep hold of it as his cock shot cum at me. He sprayed my crotch, cum landed on my belly and in my pubes and over my cock. I kept stroking but slowed down. I liked this bit when I did it to myself. It felt so good, and it teased a few more drops from my cock. It worked with Ross as it dribbled some more cum onto the shower room floor.

I let go of Ross’ cock, and he stepped forward to hug me. Our bodies connected, and then he kissed me. I’d never been kissed before. He only pressed his lips to mine.

My cock was rising and pressing against Ross’ thigh. He pulled away and reached down to grab it. I groaned when I felt his fingers curl around my shaft. He pushed me against the shower wall, but the water wasn’t flowing over me. Ross was in direct line. It soaked him, flattening his dark hair to his scalp. He dropped to his knees and caressed my hard cock.

What happened next made me gasp. He leant forward and sucked my cock into his mouth. I looked at his lips move along my shaft and back again. When only the tip of my cock was in his mouth, he sucked harder.

I closed my eyes and leant back, enjoying the feeling of his mouth on my cock. Nothing else mattered; nothing else existed. I didn’t sense the roomful of naked boys, some washing, some masturbating and some even doing what Ross was doing to me. I’d forgotten about my father. He was watching me get my cock sucked. He stood with his hand on his hard cock, stroking it slowly while Ross pleasured me.

Ross gripped the base of my cock with one hand and fondled my balls with the other. I squirmed against the cool tiles of the shower wall. Ross kept me in check, my cock in his mouth and my balls in his hand. I didn’t think I could feel any better and was disappointed when he let go of my balls. But the lack of touch on my balls led to something better. His fingers pushed between my legs, and I felt him tickling my rosebud again. I didn’t giggle this time. It felt different to when he did it to me in the pool. He pressed against my hole. I shuddered and felt my balls ache. I didn’t get the chance to say anything before my cock exploded in Ross’ mouth.

I felt Ross’ lips grip my shaft as he gulped down my cum. His tongue licked my exposed knob, taking all my cum into his throat. He pulled his finger from my hole and stood to face me. The water from the shower soaked him. I laughed. He looked funny with his hair over his eyes.

I looked around me and noticed my father gasp and spasm as he came over the floor. He approached us, kissed my forehead, and tousled Ross’s hair. He looked around for a free shower and started to wash himself. His cock stayed hard as he watched the other older boys play with themselves and with each other. The younger kids giggled and washed as they watched the older boys have extra-curricular fun. Some of the young boys had hard, hairless cocks, but they didn’t get the same pleasure from them that the older boys did.

Ross and I washed and grabbed some towels to dry ourselves. We sat together on the bench in front of our lockers.

“I can’t believe you did that to me,” I said to Ross. “It felt fantastic.”

“I enjoyed it. I would like to do it again.”

“Not yet. I think I’m spent.” I giggled

Dad walked over to us, and we watched his long cock sway as he approached us.

“Your Dad is so sexy. I hope your cock gets as big as his.” Ross whispered in my ear.

“So do I.” I giggled.

“It’s a shame we only see each other once a week.” Ross sighed. “Can I give you my mobile number?” He looked uncertain, like he was being too forward. A boy who had masturbated me and sucked my cock was shy about asking for my number.

We swapped numbers and promised to text or call the next day. Dad told Ross not to bother me tonight as I had to have dinner and needed an early night for school tomorrow. I groaned as I wanted to talk to Ross later, at least text him. But Dad said he would confiscate my mobile phone if I called or texted.

I don’t know why he was being so hard on me.

I felt a little down after a fun lesson and a special time in the shower. Dad sensed my disappointment and said we could call each other the next day.


As Dad drove home, I asked him why he didn’t want Ross and me to call each other.

“You are friends, I can see that. But I could tell what happens in the shower is new to you. I want you to take the time to process what has happened and discover for yourself how you feel about it. What Ross did today was very grown up. Boys your age usually stick to wanking.”

“Wanking?” I hadn’t heard that word before.

“Masturbating. It’s the slang for masturbating, but most boys call it wanking. I was surprised that Ross went so far so quickly and gave you a blow job. That’s when he put your willy in his mouth and made you cum.”

“It felt so good. I want him to do it again.”

“That’s fine, but that place is special. It can only happen in that place. You do understand?” Dad looked serious.

“Not really, but I trust you,” I said.

“Good. If you do anything outside that place, you could be in trouble. And I could be in trouble.”

“I don’t want to get us into trouble, Dad. I promise nothing will happen outside the pool.”

“If you are tempted, please talk to me first. I may be able to help and take you somewhere safe where it is allowed.”

“Thanks, Dad.”


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