Testing the Boys
by David Heulfryn


Max held Eddie’s hand as they waited for his mother to arrive. They were excused from classes, and Eddie gradually calmed down. When his mother arrived, she hugged Eddie and turned to the receptionist.

“Now, tell me what’s going on.” She sounded angry.

“I’ll call Mr Johnson. He’ll be able to explain.” The secretary said.

Eddie’s mother wasn’t happy at being made to wait, but she sat next to her son and noticed that he was still holding Max’s hand.

“I’m glad you were with him, Max.” She said. “He doesn’t like his routine interrupted, and if you weren’t with him this morning, he might have had a meltdown.”

“I’ll always be here when he needs me.”

“Thanks, Max. You are a good friend.”

“He’s a good friend, too,” Max said, noticing Eddie blush.

Mr Johnson arrived and immediately apologised to Eddie’s mother. “I’m so sorry, Ms Mason. None of us knew what was happening until this morning. Cockaigne Pharma needs to test all boys at the school. Come through and let me explain.” He led Eddie’s mother into an office, and Max and Eddie stayed at the reception.

“Mum will sort it.” Eddie smiled at Max.

“That’s what Mum’s are for. What would we do without them.” Max said rhetorically.

Max kept hold of Eddie’s hand while they waited. Minutes later, Mr johnson called Eddie into the office.

Eddie refused to let go of Max and dragged him along.

His mother sat him down and explained what the people in white coats were doing at the school.

“Eddie,” she said softly, “the people are here to test every boy’s semen. They say there is nothing to worry about. There isn’t an infection going around, so you won’t be getting sick. You’ll be fine.”

“Why are they doing it?” Eddie asked.

“They just need to check that all the boys produce the right amount of semen. Some boys are producing more than normal.”

“Like Finn?” Eddie said.

“Yes, like Finn.”

“Will he be okay?”

“As far as I know, Finn is fine. They only want to find out if any other boys are like Finn.”

“Okay.” Eddie sounded uncertain.

“I’ve asked Mr Johnson if you could be one of the first to give a sample. Get it out of the way, and he says I can be with you if you want.”

“How will they get it? Will they use a needle?” Max could feel Eddie shake.

“No, no, Love. Nothing like that. They won’t put needles or anything else in you.”

“Well, how will they get a sample?” Eddie sounded confused.

Max wanted to tell him what was expected of him, but he left it up to his mother. Eddie didn’t understand, and his mother was embarrassed as she explained.

“They need your penis to get hard and then for you to masturbate. Do you understand?”

Eddies nodded, “Like I sometimes do in bed at night.”

“Exactly, but this time there will be someone in the room with you, and when you orgasm, they will collect your semen and test it.”

“So they want to see my willy spurt white stuff,” Eddie said.

“Yes. There will be a chaperone in the room, as well as the nurse. They are to make sure nothing happens to you that isn’t supposed to happen.”

“Like what?” Eddie asked.

“Like someone touching you where they shouldn’t.” Eddie nodded. “I’ve asked if I could be with you, and they have agreed. That’s only if you want me there. I know how nervous you get around new people.”

“You’ve never seen my willy spew white stuff,” Eddie stated.

“No. But I know it does. I make your bed every day and wash your bedclothes, so I have seen it dried on your bedsheets.”

Eddie squeezed Max’s hand. “Could Max be with me? I’d feel safe with him. I’m not sure I’d want you there, Mum.”

Ms Mason looked over at Mr Johnson. He shrugged and said, “I don’t see why not.”

She looked at Eddie, “I’ll wait outside, so I’m here if you need me.”

“Shall we go now?” Mr Johnson asked, and Eddie nodded.

They walked through the school to the nurse’s station, where any sick students were taken before a parent collected them or where they were patched up if they got any cuts or grazes.

Eddie and Max went in, and Mr Johnson stayed with Eddie’s mother by the door.

Inside, a male nurse greeted them. Behind him was a middle-aged woman. “Hello, Eddie. I’m Jeremy, and this nice lady is Mrs Wilson. She is the chaperone to ensure you are kept safe.” The nurse looked at Max.

“I’m Max. Eddie wants me to be here. He gets nervous with new people and situations.”

“I have been advised of the special circumstances. If you like, we can do you at the same time, save you coming back.”

Eddie looked at Max and smiled.

“I’m not sure…” Max started.

“Please, Max. It won’t be so strange if we both do it.”

“Okay.” He reluctantly agreed.

“Great, now, if you could both take off your uniform. I will need to check your testicles first, and then you can start masturbating. It’s better if you’re naked, as we don’t want you to get any semen on your clean uniforms.”

Eddie quickly stripped, he wasn’t embarrassed about being naked, but Max frowned as he saw Eddie throw if clothes onto a chair. Max took Eddie’s clothes and neatly folded them so they would get creased.

“Thanks, Max,” Eddie said as Jeremy knelt before him and checked his balls. Eddie giggled at the nurse’s touch, and his cock hardened.

Max watched and slowly stripped as Eddie’s balls were fondled and his cock rose. Mrs Wilson stood motionless, watching.

“Your testicles are fine, Eddie. So please start masturbating, but let us know when you are about to ejaculate.” Jeremy, the nurse, turned to Max and started to examine his balls.

Eddie watched and laughed, “Come on, Max. Wank with me.”

Mrs Wilson glared at Max. “What’s the matter, Max? You’re not going to defy an order, are you? It would give me great pleasure to inform the headmaster of your refusal.”

Max held his soft cock. Jeremy had finished checking his testicles and nodded to Max to let him know he should start masturbating.

Max struggled to get an erection with Mrs Wilson glaring at him. She blamed him for getting her son, Neil, into trouble. Max looked over at Eddie. His cock looked thick and slick with precum. Eddie’s foreskin glided over his red and shining knob.

“This is fun.” Eddie giggled, “I’ve never done it with another boy before.”

Max thought Eddie would freak out. He knew Eddie liked being naked but never showed any sexuality while nude.

Max closed his eyes to try and get the disapproving face of Mrs Wilson from his mind. He thought about James and soon got an erection. Twenty-four hours ago, James had Max’s hard cock in his mouth, sucking and licking him. They felt freer to enjoy each other’s bodies while Finn wasn’t sharing the bedroom. Max had woken up on Sunday morning with an erection. James fondled and stroked it as they kissed. James disappeared under the duvet, and Max felt his lips on his cock.

Max groaned and gripped his cock tighter and wanked faster. The memory of coming in James’ mouth took him over the edge.

“I’m about there.” Max gasped at Jeremy, who handed him a small plastic cup. “Oh, shit!” Max gasped as he fumbled for the cup and only just managed to aim his cock at the opening in time. His cock pulsed, and he came in the cup. As his cock came, Max looked at Mrs Wilson and smiled. She grimaced at him.

Max stroked his spent cock a few more times to milk the remnants of cum out and passed the cup to Jeremy.

“Thank you, Max.” He put a lid on the cup and labelled it up.

Eddie was now making noises which told Max he was about to cum. Eddie looked at Max. He was grinning as he continued to wank. Eddie looked at Max’s wilting cock and announced he was ready.

Jeremy didn’t get him the cup in time, and his first shot of cum flew through the air and landed at Mrs Wilson’s feet. She wasn’t impressed.

Jeremy thrust the cup over Eddie’s cock. He held it steady as Eddie aimed and shot the rest of his cum into the receptacle. Jeremy struggled to keep Eddie’s flailing cock inside the cup, and he had to hold Eddie’s cock still.

Eddie groaned as Jeremy held his cock, the first person to touch his cock, other than himself. Once his cock had stopped pulsating and spewing cum, Eddie jumped up and down, “That was so much fun. Just looking at you made me cum so much faster. You have a beautiful cock, Max.”

“Erm…” Max was lost for words, “Thank you.” He didn’t know what else to say.

Jeremy handed Max and Eddie a tissue to clean up. They wiped their cocks and dropped the used tissues into a nearby waste basket.

“Thank you, boys. You can get dressed now.”

“I don’t know why I was so scared,” Eddie said to Max as he pulled on his white briefs. “I think it was because you were with me.” Eddie’s face beamed.

“I’m glad I could be here for you.” Max didn’t sound convincing, but Eddie couldn’t pick up on the nuances of speech. What you said is what you meant. Max didn’t enjoy masturbating in front of two strangers; he wasn’t happy about wanking in front of Eddie.

Once the boys were dressed, Max turned to Mrs Wilson. “Thank you, Mrs Wilson. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

She stood open-mouthed as they left the room. Max smiled, glad to have shocked her and thinking he got off from looking at her as he wanked.

Eddie’s mother immediately started to straighten Eddie’s tie and tuck in his shirt properly.

“Muum!” Eddie whined as she fussed over him.

“I’m taking you home.” She declared, “There will be disruption all day, and I don’t want you caught up in it.”

“But can I see Finn later?” Eddie looked upset. He missed Finn and wanted to see him. His mother saw him getting upset that he may not be able to see his friend today.

She asked Max, “Would you mind picking him up after school and taking him?”

“I’ll be happy to. I know Finn would like to see Eddie.”

“Thank you, Max. I hope it wasn’t too embarrassing in there for you.” She said, nodding to the door they had just come through.

“We got it done,” Max said flatly.

“Max has got a pretty cock, Mum.” Eddie giggled and caused Max to blush.

“I’m sure he has,” she replied.

“What did you think of mine, Max?” Eddie smiled.

Max choked on his tongue and coughed. What was he supposed to say? It was pretty, beautiful, and thick. “Erm… It is nice.” Max eventually said.

“You really like my cock?” Eddie wanted confirmation.

Max noticed Eddie’s mother smile as she watched him squirm. “Yes, Eddie. I like it. It’s certainly bigger than mine.”

“Come on, Eddie.” Ms Mason took pity on Max and decided to get Eddie home. “Let’s go home. You’ll see Max later, after school, when he takes you to see Finn.”

“Bye, Max.” Eddie grinned and stood proud that somebody he trusted thought he had a big cock.

Max checked his watch and walked down the long and quiet corridor to get to his lesson.

Adam went to see Finn after school while Max collected Eddie. He knew they would be coming later, so Adam made the most of his time alone with Finn.

“I’m glad you’ll be getting out soon,” Adam said.

“Yes, but I’ve got to wank three times a day.”

“You make it sound like a chore. Pharma has had all the boys wanking into a cup all day. They started with Year 11. I expect they’ll get around to our year in a couple of days. Some boys say they’re going to fake being sick to avoid it. But they got wind of it, and it was announced after lunch that anyone not in school, then they would go round to their house and make them wank in front of their parents.”

Finn laughed, “I bet no one wants that.”

“Except you.” Adam laughed and playfully jabbed Finn on the arm. “Come on, let’s get some work done.”

Adam sat next to Finn, and they started working on their new English assignment. He placed a copy of a grainy photograph. “We need to write about the picture, Finn, and imagine we are a person in the picture. We need to write about what we may see, feel, hear, taste and smell.”

Finn took a deep breath. “I smell a mixture of stale sweat and deodorant.”

“Sorry,” Adam apologised, “It’s been warm today.”

“It’s alright. I quite like it.” Finn smiled, “What do I smell like?”

Adam leant over and took a deep breath through his nose. “I can’t smell anything. Not even soap.”

Finn lifted his arm, showing Adam his armpit. “Smell this.” Finn laughed, not expecting Adam to sniff his pit. But he did. Adam leant closer and looked at the light brown hairs. He sniffed.

“Musky,” Adam said. “Not sweaty at all.”

“Wanna sniff my crotch?” Finn pushed his chair away from the table and showed Adam his limp cock, draped over his loose balls. “It probably smells of stale cum.”

“I’ll pass.” Adam smiled but kept looking at Finn’s cock and dark blond pubes. “Let’s get on with the work.” Adam stopped looking at Finn’s crotch and looked back at the picture. Finn shuffled forward, and the two teens did their English homework together.

Adam was disappointed when Max and Eddie joined them. He was enjoying his time with Finn, even if it was doing homework.

Finn jumped up and hugged his brother. Eddie also held his arms open, permitting Finn to hug him.

When Max got home, Lily asked him about Finn. He reassured her that Finn was okay, and she told him to change as dinner was ready.

What greeted Max when he entered his bedroom shocked him. On top of his newly fluffed pillow were two packets of condoms and a tube of lube. He sat on his bed and picked them up. He stared at them and wondered what they were doing on his bed. Then he looked at his bedside table and noticed a small box. He picked it up and looked at the picture of a dildo on the packaging. He opened the box and took out the dildo. It was about six inches long and about as thick as his hard cock. But he considered it was thinner than James’ cock.

“Hurry up, Max. Your Mum is putting dinner out.”

Max threw the sex toy onto his bed and scrambled to get out of his uniform. He jumped into some clean grey sweatpants and a T-shirt.

Max sat down at the dinner table and looked at his mother and then his father. They looked normal, like there was nothing left on his bed.

“What are those things doing on my bed?” Max asked but didn’t know who to look at. He didn’t know which of his parents had put them there.

Lily placed a bowl of pasta in front of Max. “How was Finn, Dear?”

“Finn!” Max wanted to know about the stuff on his bed, not talk about his brother. “He’s fine,” he said incredulously. “What about that stuff on my bed? Which one of you put them there and why?”

Lily came back to the table with a bowl of pasta for Owen. “Help yourself to parmesan.” She then got her dinner and sat at the table.

“Mum!” Max looked at her, “Dad!” Max looked at him. “What’s going off? Why have you given me condoms and a dildo.”

“Your father and I talked today. We know you and James are in love and beginning to experiment with each other. Neither of us has a problem with that, and we trust you. We also trust James. We know neither of you will force the other into doing anything you don’t want.”

Max looked at his father sprinkle parmesan cheese over his pasta. He thought he detected a smirk on his face.

“What we do is none of your business,” Max told them, unhappy at having to discuss his sex life.

“We know, Max.” Lily took the small bowl of parmesan from Owen and sprinkled some onto her pasta. “Parmesan, Max?”

Max was astounded at their reactions. “Parmesan? I don’t want parmesan, and I don’t want condoms, either. And I certainly don’t want a dildo. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?”

Owen laughed, almost coughing out a mouthful of pasta.

“They’re not for now,” Lily said, “but you may need or want them later. We just want to make sure you have them when you need them.”

“Even if I wanted to have sex with James, what you’ve just done has put me right off. Every time James and I are alone, I’ll be thinking you and Dad are listening in case we are having sex.”

“There’s nothing like a sex talk from your Mum to put you off.” Owen laughed and got a glare from Lily. “It was all your Mum’s idea.” Owen wanted to distance himself from what Lily had done.

“Did you know Mum was going to do this?” Max looked at his father.

“Well, we did talk about it this morning.”

“And you were supposed to be having a talk with him!” Lily was angry that Owen was neglecting his fatherly duties.

“I don’t need anyone to talk to me about sex. I know what I’m doing, and I know how to do it.”

“And now you have the equipment when you’re ready.”

Max sighed. “Okay. I’ll just leave them in my drawer. But I don’t want you checking up on me. I don’t want you checking to see if any condoms have been used. James and I are fine. We’ll do what we want when we want and when we’re ready.”

Owen gave Max a sly look, knowing that James and Max had already had anal sex at least once. He wondered if they had done it again. “Leave the boy alone, Love. I’ll have a talk with him after dinner.”

“Something to look forward to.” Max sighed and twisted his fork to pick up his spaghetti. Max remained quiet while he ate.

“She’s just trying to help, Max,” Owen said as they sat beside each other on Max’s bed. “We talked this morning, but I didn’t think she would buy all that stuff today, and we never talked about a dildo. I think she got carried away. She’s trying to show you that she knows you’re growing up and is ready to accept that you may be in a sexual relationship.”

Max sighed and stared at his feet and his dirty white socks.

“I’ve not told her, Max. You believe me don’t you.” Owen was concerned that he had told Lily about knowing the young lovers had had sex.

“I believe you,” Max said flatly.

“Have you done it again?” Owen asked. He knew the discussion would make Max uncomfortable, so he ensured they didn’t look at each other.

“We’ve only done it once. I want to do it again, but we’ve never had the opportunity. We’ve talked about it, and James wants to do it again as well. But things with Finn… I don’t think I can do it while I’m worried about him.”

“I understand, Max. We are all worried about your brother. But don’t let that spoil your relationship with James. He’s a good boy.”

“I know, and he understands.”

“What’s the best thing about your relationship? What do you look forward to most when he visits?” Owen asked.

“I love the way he holds me when we are lying in bed. He envelopes me in his arms, and I feel his naked body against mine.” Max sighed and leant sideways to rest his head on his father’s shoulder. “I really do love him, Dad. It’s not puppy love or a teenage crush.”

Owen stroked Max’s silky brown hair. “I know, Max. We can tell. If you ever need anything, please let me know. Whether you need bigger condoms or more lube or anything else. I will get it for you, and I won’t embarrass you like your Mum would. I can also make sure you get some time together, not just for sex, but for anything. Young lovers need time alone.”

“Thanks, Dad. But I don’t want you and Mum thinking we are having sex whenever we’re alone. It’s not the case. We talk, we hug, and we kiss. He tells me about College and Rugby and makes me feel part of his life.”

“I’m glad.” Owen stopped stroking his son’s hair and lifted his head so they looked at each other. He placed a gentle kiss on Max’s forehead. “I love you, Max. I know I don’t say it often enough, but I do. I couldn’t have asked for a better son.”

Max smiled, “What about Finn.”

Owen laughed, “Don’t get me started about your brother. He’s trouble, mischievous and cheeky. But I love him just the way he is.”

“I do too, Dad.”

“Promise me you will never fall out. Promise you will always be there if he needs you.”

“I will, Dad.”

Owen stroked Max’s hair again and left him alone in his room.


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