Five More Lashes
by David Heulfryn


Max’s backside was of great interest in the evening. Lily took a good look when he got home from school, gently stroking the fading red marks and checking he wasn’t seriously hurt. She asked him to sit down and tell her if he felt any pain. He felt a little, but not much.

Finn was excited to take a look when he got home, and later in the evening, Owen examined his eldest son’s backside. He gave it a playful slap when he’d finished, which caused Max to wince.

After dinner before Max went to his room after dinner, Lily gave him an empty jam jar she had cleaned out. She explained that the Doctor wanted a sample of Finn’s nocturnal emission.

“Couldn’t you find anything smaller?” Max smiled.

“I saw the amount he produced when he ejaculated at the Doctor’s. Trust me, you’ll need it.”

Finn was trying not to laugh as their mother gave Max the task of capturing his cum in the middle of the night. He said he was going to the bathroom for a wank. Owen laughed, and Lily filled him in on their trip to the Doctor.

Max was texting James when Finn went into the bedroom after having cum in the sink.

“Finn, can you take a picture of my backside so I can show James the stripes?” Max asked.

Finn laughed, “Max, I’ve heard of people sending dick pics to their boyfriends, but you never seem to get things right.”

“Ha, bloody, ha. Just take a picture.” Max handed his mobile to his brother and turned over on his bed so he was lying on his front.

Finn took a few pictures so Max could choose the best one.

After handing the phone back to Max, Finn sat on his bed, looking over at him as he fiddled with his phone, sending the picture. “How was it, Max? I’m glad I wasn’t there to see it.”

“It wasn’t as bad as I expected.” Max admitted, “It may have had something with Mr Price surprising Neil by making me cum and then cleaning it up.”

“I heard. The entire school is talking about it.”

“Neil was absolutely humiliated. Which was fun to watch, but when I was caned, I tried not to show any emotion or let on how much it hurt.”

“Good, don’t give that bastard the satisfaction,” Finn said angrily.

“But it’s going to happen again on Wednesday, and you’ll be there to witness it, Min.”

“I know.” Finn went very quiet. “I don’t want to.”

“You have to, Min, or you’ll get into trouble, and I don’t want that to happen.”

“It’s not fair, Max. You were just defending yourself.” Finn got emotional.

When it was time to go to bed, Finn got into his own bed. “What’s wrong, Min.” Max had expected company in his bed.

“It’s that thing you’re wearing. It’s uncomfortable when you’re spooning me. Do you mind if we don’t tonight?” Finn was nervous about upsetting Max.

“I’ve always said it’s up to you, Min,” Max said softly. “You could always spoon me tonight?”

“It’s not the same.” Finn sounded solemn.

“I will miss you tonight,” Max whispered.

“I’ll miss you too.”

Max looked at the empty jam jar on his bedside table. He doubted he would be woken up if there weren’t in the same bed when Finn had a wet dream.

Wednesday came too quickly for Max. It was his final five lashes of the cane, but he still had three more days of wearing the cock cage.

Both Neil and Max were made to parade naked on the stage in front of the entire school again, but when Neil removed Max’s cock cage, he didn’t get hard.

There wasn’t the circus of the Monday caning. This time it was straight down to business. Mr Price had Max bend over the birching frame and gave him five hard lashes of the cane.

In the audience, Finn sat with his eyes open wide. When the first lash came, he shuddered, and a tear rolled down his cheek. Adam was sitting next to Finn and felt him shudder. He looked over, but Finn didn’t turn his head. Adam reached for Finn’s hand and held it. The second stroke made him shudder again, and more tears rolled down his cheeks. He gripped Adam’s hand hard as the cane whooshed through the air before he heard the crack of the cane against Max’s flesh.

The third stroke caused another shudder. Scott was sitting on the other side of Finn, and he wrapped his arm around his shoulders to comfort him.

The fourth stroke made Finn’s lower lip wobble. Adam risked whispering to his friend, “Stay strong, Finn.”

The fifth stroke nearly broke him.

This was nothing like the casual strokes Max had received in his first week. That was done in the school refectory and wasn’t as hard as any of these five strokes.

Finn tried to hold back his tears, but his eyes were red and puffy. He was grateful when they were dismissed but was upset that he was prevented from seeing Max. He was led to their first class by Adam and Scott. He tried to find Max during break times and lunch, but he was nowhere to be seen. He wondered if he was hiding and checked the toilets, but he wasn’t there. Unbeknownst to Finn, Max was spending his breaks with Eddie, as far away from the rest of the students as possible.

Finn was glum all day. During Swim Club, Coach Anderson had to take Finn to one side to tell him to buck his ideas up.

“We all have bad days, Finn. Days when we don’t want to be here when we are thinking about other things. I understand that you’re thinking about Max, but you have a responsibility to those kids.” Coach gestured to his small group of ten-year-olds that hung on Finn’s every word. “The boys all looked up to you, Finn. I see them trying to be like you, comfortable with nudity and swimming naked. Don’t let them down.” Coach softened his tone, “Max is going to be fine. It’s all over now except for another couple of days of wearing the chastity device. I know you don’t feel cheerful, but put on a smile and show those kids that Coach Finn is still the best.”

“Yes, Coach.” Finn couldn’t help but smile. He put on a brave face and buried his feelings for the next two hours.

When Finn dismissed his class, giving them a congratulatory slap on the back and getting a few cute hugs from some of them, he noticed Eddie sitting by the pool, his legs dangling in the water.

He went over to him and noticed how sad he looked.

“Is everything alright, Eddie? You look upset. Can I help?”

“No.” Eddie sniffed. Finn thought it may have been a tear. “I hate what happened this morning at school.”

“Oh.” Finn sounded gloomy. “It’s not nice to watch, is it?”

“I didn’t watch,” Eddie said.

“I thought the whole school had to watch?” Finn queried.

“They normally do. But it was my friend being caned, and he asked the headmaster if I could be excused so I didn’t get too upset.”

“Max is your friend?” Finn sounded surprised.

“Yes, we’ve been friends for nearly two weeks. He’s been very kind to me.”

“He’s my brother.” Finn smiled at Eddie, suddenly feeling excited, “Max is my brother Eddie. He never told me you were friends. I’m going to have it out with him for not telling me.”

“Please don’t.” Eddie sounded concerned for his friend. “He’s been through a lot. I’m sure he meant to tell you. Please don’t blame him.”

“I’m only kidding, Eddie. But this is great. Me and Max are both friends with you.”

“Are you my friend? I thought you were my coach,” Eddie sounded bemused.

“I’m both. I’m your friend, Coach Finn.” He grinned at Eddie, who smiled back.

“Thank you, Finn. I mean Coach Finn.”

“Max isn’t allowed to go to rugby practice tomorrow, so he has a free evening. What do you say that you come back to ours after school and play some games. Once we’ve done some homework.” Finn put on a mock frown.

“Mum doesn’t like me going to other people’s houses without her.”

“We could go to yours then.” Finn still sounded excited.

“Max has already been,” Eddie said.

“Well, can I come too?” Finn pleaded.

“I’ll ask my Mum when I get home.”

“You are a great mate, Eddie. Now let’s get on with the lesson.

Finn slipped into the water, but Eddie got to his feet and walked to the ladder to gently lower himself into the pool.

The lesson was more relaxed than in previous sessions. It was now two friends on the pool, one teaching the other. And Eddie trusted Finn implicitly and did his best to do whatever he was asked.

Max was in bed when Finn got home. He said goodnight to his parents and went up to clean his teeth. Instead of going into his bed, Finn slipped into Max’s bed and snuggled against him.

“I thought this damn cage made you feel uncomfortable?” Max whispered, having not quite fallen asleep.

“It does. But after today, I want to be with you. You see, I met your friend at the pool. In fact, I’ve seen him the last few weeks, and I never knew he was your friend.”

“Really? Who?” Max wondered.

“Eddie. I’m teaching him to swim.”

“Eddie? Your teaching Eddie to swim?”

“Yes,” Finn confirmed.

“He told me he has a crush on his swim coach.” Max smiled.

“Really? He’s never said.”

“Well, he’s shy and not very confident. It takes a lot for him to say things, especially personal things.”

“You know he’s in my class? What am I going to do? I don’t fancy him. I like him, but I don’t fancy him.” Finn didn’t want to hurt Eddie’s feelings.

“Say nothing. It’ll probably pass.” Max suggested.

“I’ve suggested that we go back to his house after school. He’s going to check with his Mum.”

“But I can’t. I’m grounded.” Max reminded Finn.

“Shit! I forgot. I’ll talk to him in the morning.”

“Let’s explain the situation to Mum and Dad in the morning. You never know; they may lift the ban for one night.” Max sighed. “You know, Finn. He reminds me of you a little. He’s a raging nudist too and gets naked the moment he gets home.”

“Well, it seems we have a lot in common.” Finn smiled. “Good night, Max. I’m knackered. I love you.”

“I love you, Min.”

Max was woken up later that night. Finn was making some strange noises, squeaks and groans. He knew what was happening. Max reached over and grabbed a wad of tissues. He lunged beneath the duvet and wrapped them around Finn’s hard cock. He held them in place, listening to Finn continue to make odd noises. He felt Finn’s cock throb and the tissues became wet as his cum soaked through. He waited for Finn’s cock be stop throbbing before he released his grip.

The tissues remained glued to Finn’s cock. Max wiped his damp hand on his bare hip and then went back to sleep.

Max had forgotten that he was supposed to try and get a sample of Finn’s cum when he had a wet dream.

The blaring alarm woke up the brothers. Finn was still half asleep when he slid out of bed. He looked down at his hard cock still wrapped in cummy tissues. His laughter made Max open his eyes and look at his brother.

“Look at this, Max.” Finn waggled his hard cock in front of his brother.

Max smiled and groaned as he forced himself from under his duvet. Finn was peeling off the tissues, but some remained stubbornly stuck.

“It’s a pity I can’t sleep with tissues wrapped around my cock. They would fall off. Hang on.” Finn literally jumped with excitement, “I have an idea.” Finn went to the chest of drawers and pulled out a sock. He slipped his cock and balls inside the sock and showed Max. “It stays on. I can sleep with my cock in a sock.”

“You could just wear underpants.” Max sighed.

“Don’t be daft. I’ve slept naked for so long that I don’t think I could. I think I could sleep with this on my cock. It’ll soak up my cum if I have a wet dream and save Mum from washing the bed clothes daily. Then perhaps she’ll stop worrying about me.”

Finn pulled off the sock and put it back in the drawer.

“Just get rid of those dirty tissues. Make sure you put those in the bin. Don’t flush them. You’ll only upset Dad.”

Their bedroom door opened, and Owen stood naked, looking at Finn and the wad of dirty tissues in his hand. “What’s going to upset me?” He stood as his morning erection slowly deflated.

“I just told him to put those tissues in the bin and not to flush them,” Max said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“You weren’t thinking of flushing them, were you?” Owen looked at his youngest son. “Do you realise how many sewers are blocked by people flushing things down the toilet they shouldn’t? There are only three things that you should put in the toilet, pee, poo and toilet paper.”

“Dad?” Finn grinned, “Why is your mind always in the sewer?”

“You cheeky sod.” Owen smiled and stood aside from blocking the doorway. “Now get downstairs and put them in the bin.” Owen gave his son’s pale arse a light slap as he passed.

“How are you, Max?” Owen sounded serious.

Max stood up, his cock still trapped in the cock cage. He rubbed his sore backside. “I’m fine, Dad.”

“It’s alright not to be.” Owen looked at his oldest son.

“I know, Dad. Really I’m fine. I only have two more days to go. I’ll make it.”

Owen approached his son and gave him a hug. Max could feel his father’s half-hard cock pressing against him.

When the boys were freshly showered and Finn was dressed in his school uniform, they went downstairs for breakfast.

“Dad.” Max sat down, nervous about what he was about to ask. “Before you just say now and think I’m taking the p… mickey. I want to ask you if I could go back to a friend’s home after school.” Owen opened his mouth to refuse, “My new Friend is Eddie. Finn is teaching him to swim and didn’t think when he suggested we go back to his house after school.”

“Surely, if you explain that you are still being punished, he’ll understand.”

“It’s my fault, Dad. I didn’t think. I got over-excited. We only realised we were both friends with him yesterday.”

“I can’t go back on the punishment, Max,” Owen told his son.

“I know, Dad. But I hoped you could make an exception this one time. Eddie is autistic, and if he thinks it’s going to happen and doesn’t, it could make him anxious and have a meltdown. I think Finn and I are the only real friends he has.”

“You can extend his punishment by a day,” Finn butted, “and you can ground me for not thinking properly. But don’t take it out on Eddie. Please.” Finn pleaded.

Owen considered what they’d said. “Okay, you can go. But we want you back by seven. Agreed?” He looked at both his boys.

“Agreed, Dad.” They replied in unison.

“Invite him round here next time.” Lily smiled at Max.

“I will, Mum.”

As Finn was making sure he had everything for school, Lily had a quiet word with Max.

“What happened, Max? Did you forget?” Lily spoke softly to Max.

“Sorry, Mum. I was still half asleep. I just grabbed the first thing that came to hand. If he sleeps in my bed tonight, I promise, I’ll try to get a sample.”

“Thanks, Max. I love you.”

Max frowned, “Where did that come from?”

“I don’t know. I thought I’d let you know, and despite what happened, I still think you are a good boy.”

“Thanks, Mum. I love you, too.”

Lily hugged Max and felt the cock cage press against her. “Not long now, Sweetie. Just a couple of days. I’m so proud of you.”

Max was confused about why she should be proud of him when he was being punished for fighting, but as he thought about it, he understood. He was sticking up for himself against a bully and taking his punishment with good grace.

Eddie felt giddy when he told Finn and Max they could come home with him. It was the first time he was with both brothers at the same time. He was excited to show Finn his painted fantasy figures. Max told his brother how good they were and how he must have a steady hand as he could never have painted them as well as Eddie.

When they arrived at Eddie’s house, his mother noticed the cock cage on Max. She frowned and wondered if Max going to be a good influence on her son if the second time she saw him, he was being punished for something.

Eddie recognised the look on his mother’s face, “He was being bullied and stood up for himself and me. It’s not his fault. The boy is related to a teacher, so Max got all the blame.”

“That’s not entirely true, Mrs Mason. I was sticking up for us. But it takes two to fight, and I should have known better. We can leave if you’re unhappy with us hanging around Eddie.”

“No, Mum!” Eddie was getting upset. “Max is my friend and is a good boy. You can’t take him away from me.”

Eddie’s mother hugged her son. “I’m not going to, Eddie.” She stepped back and looked at him, still in his school uniform. “Now, why are you still wearing that uniform?”

Eddie beamed at his mother and rushed to take off his clothes.

“Do you mind if I take mine off, too, Mrs Mason?” Finn asked.

She smiled at Finn, “Sure, feel free.”

Eddie’s mother watched the three naked boys go upstairs. She saw the red welts on Max’s backside and felt sorry for him.

The brothers enjoyed the few hours they had with Eddie before they had to leave to get back home before curfew.

When it was time to go home, Finn stuffed his uniform into his backpack and walked home with Max. Both boys were naked, and neither cared. Max got a few double takes from passers-by when they noticed the chastity device he was wearing. They knew he was being punished for something.


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4 Replies to “”

  1. I’m sure I’m not the only one who adores Max and Finn (and James and Eddie.)

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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    1. Those boys are truly special.

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  2. What changed? In 25 June issue Finn told Max he fancies Eddie, now in this issue he doesn’t.

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    1. I see what you mean now I’ve gone back. Finn is fourteen, he’s hormones are all over the place. He did initially think he fancied Eddie, but he’s come to think of him more as a friend now. I’ll need to redit this part to clarify Finn’s feelings.

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