A Summer of Discovery
by David Heulfryn


Chapter 15: A Bientôt

Those who saw me walk back into camp stared at my crotch as they noticed the black marks above my bulge. As I got closer, they could see it was a signature, and a few asked me who Yves was. I just grinned at them and went to sit with Darren outside our tent.

Fisher glared at me as he and other teachers dismantled the cooking tent. I arrogantly waved at him, knowing it would aggravate him.

“For fuck’s sake, Ben.” Darren sighed, “Just leave him alone and stop winding him up. Let’s just have a quiet night.”

“If you insist.” I smiled at Darren, who frowned at me.

Calvin sat next to me, not saying a word.

“Where’s Pete and Andy?” I asked.

“In the tent, finishing up their packing.” Darren sighed, “I suggest you make a start. Your clothes are strewn around the tent.”

“What’s with you, Daz? It’s our last night; we should be having our last bit of fun instead of packing our bags and going to bed early.”

“From what I hear, you’ve had too much fun today.” Darren huffed.

“And the day’s not over.” I got up and surprised Darren by kissing him, thrusting my tongue down his throat and rubbing his crotch. It felt like he wasn’t wearing anything under his thin nylon football shorts.

Darren pushed me off him, “Fuck off and go pack.” He sounded stern.

I glanced over at Mr Fisher, who had stopped what he was doing and was smiling.

“I love it when you get angry.” I grinned at Darren and unzipped our tent to join Pete and Andy.

“We’ve dumped your stuff in the corner,” Andy told me.

“We couldn’t tell what was clean or dirty,” Pete added, “They stink of spunk.”

“Your spunk and every other guy who’s fucked you.” Andy continued.

“You sound jealous.” I teased and started stuffing my clothes into my small suitcase. I didn’t care if they were clean or dirty; they all got stuffed in my case together. I kept a pair of shorts and a T-shirt to one side for the trip home.

Pete and Andy left me once they had finished packing. I looked around the tent, and it appeared surprisingly tidy. Well, I had picked up my clothes, and I was primarily responsible for the mess. I checked the three sleeping compartments; all they had inside were our sleeping bags.

I had an idea. For our last night, I wanted us all to sleep together, so I took out our sleeping bags and then removed the inner lining, which segregated the sleeping areas. I folded it and put it in the corner with our suitcases and bags. I lay the sleeping bags back down. I positioned them so that I slept next to Calvin. I felt my cock lurch; I was getting horny again.

I was the last of the Speedo boys. All the others had discarded theirs and were now dressed in shorts and t-shirts. I was disappointed as I wanted us to spend our last night together in them. I looked down at the plump bulge and signature on my swim briefs. ‘Yves’. I wish I’d met him earlier in our stay; I may have had a chance to get to know him better.

I pulled at the waistband of my Speedos and rummaged around inside. I couldn’t resist having a quick fondle of my cock before delving deeper and pulling out the pen, which had slipped down and rested along my perineum as I walked back to the campsite with Calvin.

With a grin, I left the tent. I walked to Calvin, who was sitting in a chair and stood in front of him. My crotch was almost level with his face, and I handed him the black marker pen.

“Your turn to claim me.” I smiled.

“What?” Calvin was confused.

“Sign your name on my Speedos. I want to remember this holiday.”

“Educational excursion.” Darren and Andy laughed as they corrected me in unison.

“I want all you Speedo boys to sign.”

“Yves isn’t a Speedo boy. What’s he signed for?” Andy asked.

“He told me that he’s rarely out of a Speedo unless he’s in Cockaigne-sur-Mer, when he wears nothing.” I gave my bulge a quick squeeze as I imagined Yves naked.

Calvin started to write his name on my right hip. He began with a large ‘C’, so he had to use most of the right side of my Speedo for the rest of his name.

“Fucking hell, Calvin. Leave some space for the rest of us.” Darren laughed.

“I think he’s subconsciously telling us that Ben is his,” Pete spoke up. I was surprised he was getting involved.

Calvin blushed.

I bent down and kissed Calvin in front of everyone, including the other students and teachers who looked our way. “I will always be yours, Calvin. You’ll always be special to me.”

“Ah! So cute. They’re in love.” Darren teased.

“Fuck off!” I told him as Calvin blushed again. “Your turn,” I told Darren, who signed on the left.

Andy signed to the right of my crotch and drew a crass version of a cock spurting spunk.

Then, it was Pete’s turn. He took the pen and slowly pulled off the cap. He hesitated, reluctant to touch me. I don’t know why, as I’d taken his thick cock up my arse and loved it. Eventually, Pete decided on a space and signed his name on the waistband by my left hip. It was the furthest he could get from my crotch.

I took the marker pen from him and watched Charlie drag the dismantled cooking tent towards the coach. I went over and offered to help.

“Thanks, Ben.” Charlie grinned. “Mr Fisher is starting to fold the tables and chairs so we can get an early start in the morning.”

Charlie unlocked the storage compartment underneath the coach, and we felt the hot, stale air hit us. We threw the packed tent inside.

“Get in there, Ben and shove into the back corner; we have loads to get in.”

I crawled inside the stuffy space and felt Charlie slap my arse. I turned my head to grin at him.

Charlie directed me to ensure the tent was correctly stored and told me to stay inside. What I hoped he had in mind was dashed as I saw Fisher and some others carrying tables and chairs to the coach.

“This stuff needs stacking in the opposite corner. Tables first.” Charlie told me and pushed a table to me.

“It’s nice to see you being helpful for a change.” Fisher poked his head inside the storage space and smiled. I sarcastically smiled back.

I didn’t expect to be roped into helping pack up, but I kept teasing Charlie whenever I got the chance, even pulling down my Speedos sometimes to give him a flash of my cock.

Charlie told me to come out after the last chair was stowed away.

“You could always come in here.” I teased and flashed my cock again.

Charlie looked around like he was seriously considering my offer. “No chance, Mr Fisher will wonder where I am and come to check.”

“I don’t mind him coming to watch.”

“Fuck off, Ben. I think you’ve had enough fun this holiday.” Charlie said.

“There’s always time for some more,” I said as I heaved myself out of the compartment and retrieved the marker pen I had left by the coach. I held it up for Charlie. “You need to leave your mark on me.” I smiled.

“I thought I’d already done that by stretching your hole and filling you with my spunk.”

I felt my cock thicken at the memories of him fucking me, and I nearly got a full erection as Charlie dropped to his knees. I could remember how his mouth felt as he sucked me. I was getting so horny again, but Charlie slapped my cock.

“You wish!” He laughed, “That thing gets hard at the least a bit of provocation.”

“Well, stop provoking it.”

Charlie slapped my bulge again and raised the marker pen to sign his name on my left hip.

“I should be signing across your arse as I was the first to take that this trip.” Charlie rose to his feet after leaving his mark.

Mr Fisher confronted us as we walked back to the tents.

“What took you so long?” He seemed to be talking to Charlie rather than me. “I’m waiting to get this lot to bed.”

Fisher glared at me as I grinned.

“Don’t even think about it, Ben. I know you have a dirty mind, and now you’re out of school, you’ve been behaving atrociously. I know you’re young, but not everything is about your pleasure.”

“I know, Sir. I intend to work very hard when I go to Uni.”

“Good, now isn’t it time you stopped wearing those stupid Speedos and showed more decorum.”

I couldn’t help but grin. “If you insist, Sir.”

It didn’t take long before my light blue Speedos were at my feet. I picked them up and swirled them around my finger, teasing him.

Mr Fisher almost squealed in shock as he stared at my cock. I swayed my hips to make my soft inches swing, and before he could say anything, I walked back to my tent.

Some of the students saw me and started to wolf whistle and cheer, which caused some faces to appear from the tents as they unzipped the door to see what the fuss was about.

Darren huffed when he saw me. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing. You are such a wanker!”

“Get inside your tents!” Mr Fisher shouted at us, his face turning red in anger. “I don’t want to see or hear any of you until the morning.”

The fun was over, and the students skulked into their tents. Darren pushed me into ours, and I fell onto my sleeping bag. He zipped up the tent flap.

“You couldn’t stop yourself, could you! You’ve just gone and spoiled everyone’s last night. You are a massive twat and a wanker.”

I turned on my sleeping bag and lay on my back with my arms behind my head. I must have looked like the arrogant twat Darren was accusing me of being.

They ignored me as they stripped off their shorts to lay on their sleeping bags. It was still too hot to get inside them, so we lay naked on top, all except Calvin. He’d suddenly got bashful again and kept his underwear on.

I was about to tease Calvin when I heard the zip on our tent flap. Mr Fisher’s red face poked inside. His eyes scanned our naked bodies, and despite still wearing his underpants, Calvin covered his crotch with his hands; he was the only one.

“I do not want to hear a peep out of any of you tonight, and I expect you to behave better in the morning. While we’re here, I’m responsible for you and your behaviour.” Mr Fisher then glared at me. “How you behave reflects poorly on me and the school. I’ll be glad when we’re back in England and dropping you off back at school. I hope that will be the last time I see you again. I can understand some end-of-year revelry, but you have taken it too far, and I will have to report back about your behaviour. You have just put future trips at risk. I hope you are proud of yourself!” Mr Fisher said sarcastically and zipped up our tent again.

I looked over at my mates, and they all glared at me.

“It’s not my fault he can’t take a joke,” I whispered, not wanting Fisher to hear me.

Darren turned to face away from me. Pete and Andy were whispering at the other end of the tent. I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Calvin, who lay beside me, looked embarrassed and disappointed.

I turned over and spooned him. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close to me.

“Don’t be worried. It’s not you that’s in trouble. It’s only me. I’ll apologise to Fisher in the morning if it will make you feel better.” I felt Calvin nod his head, and I kissed his earlobe.

I didn’t want Calvin to be disappointed in me. I didn’t want him to go home, wishing he had never come on this trip. I’d pushed his limits, and he had become a more confident young man. I was proud of him. In return, Calvin tempered some of my excesses; he made me think before I acted. He didn’t know it, of course, and if I’d been with Calvin earlier, I would never have stripped off my Speedos in front of Fisher.

I squeezed Calvin tighter against me. “I’m sorry, Calvin,” I whispered in his ear. He knew I was sincere, and I felt his body relax. I kissed his neck, “Thank you.”


I didn’t know what time I woke up. All I knew was that it was light outside. I think the warm, stuffy air in the tent woke me. I couldn’t hear anything outside, so I lay still, trying to get back to sleep. My cock was hard and was poking Calvin in the backside. He was still sleeping, his breathing light. I reached around and felt his morning erection, creating a tent in his underwear. I chuckled at the thought of a tent within a tent.

Calvin let out a strange noise as I touched his hard cock. I pushed down his underwear, releasing his cock and exposing his arse cheeks. I couldn’t get them down further without moving and most likely waking him.

My hard cock pushed between his warm fleshy cheeks, and I slowly stroked his cock. He groaned again.

“Push inside,” Calvin whispered.

I looked over at my sleeping mates. Darren fidgeted and lay on his back. His morning erection lay along his belly, pointing to his sleeping face. I double-checked to ensure he was still asleep. His breathing was steady and soft. He was asleep.

I held on to Calvin’s hips and pushed my cock at his hole. Calvin relaxed, and my cock easily slipped inside, garnering a satisfied moan from his throat.

I let go of his hip and put my hand over his mouth. Calvin teased me by flicking his tongue on my palm. It tickled.

My palm was getting wet with his saliva. I released his mouth and placed my sloppy hand on his cock. I stroked him as I thrust my cock in and out of his arse.

Calvin struggled to stifle his groans, and I could feel his cock harden even more. His cock throbbed, and as I continued to fuck him, his cock spewed cum. It splattered onto Darren’s hip and his belly. Some landed on his stiff cock, and I watched it twitch as Calvin’s cum slid down Darren’s shaft and settled on his balls.

As Calvin came, his hole clamped down on my invading cock, and I shot deep inside him.

It felt fantastic. The feel of Calvin’s pulsating cock on my hand, the sensation of his hole squeezing my cock and the sight of Calvin’s cum over Darren’s body.

I released Calvin’s softening cock and reached over to feel Darren’s cock. It felt warm and hard.

I stroked him, pulling his foreskin down and exposing his red and moist knob. If Calvin wasn’t between us, I may have leant closer and sucked on his exposed helmet, but I had to be content with only touching him with my hand.

Darren squirmed, but his eyes were still closed. I felt his cock turn to steel and throb in my hand. His exposed knobhead flared, and cum shot up his body. I gave his cock a couple more strokes and released him. For a few moments, his cock twitched and then remained still. I watched as it slowly deflated, his foreskin inching over his exposed knob and then closing to conceal itself again; a single pearl of cum remained at the tip.

I snuggled back into Calvin, feeling his warm, naked body against mine. The tent was beginning to stink of cum, sweat and musk, but I couldn’t be bothered to open the door flap to let in some fresh air.

My cock slipped from Calvin’s hole as it softened. I looked over at my tent mates. Darren looked handsome, covered in his and Calvin’s cum. I would have liked to suck his cock clean like I had done many times. Pete was lying with his back to me, his arm around Andy, who was lying on his back, his half-hard cock lying along his hip.

I felt melancholy. This was most likely going to be the last time we were all together, and definitely the last time we were naked together, some of us covered in cum.

Outside, I began to hear movement. Mr Fisher’s voice carried through the stale early morning air as he went into the tents, waking the boys.

I was glad of the rush of air when Mr Fisher unzipped our door. I turned to look at him to let him know I was awake.

Mr Fisher looked at our naked bodies, and I swear he muttered ‘fucking hell’ under his breath, the first time I’d ever known him to swear.

“Wake up the others, Ben, and meet me outside. Fully dressed pleased.” I smiled at him, not a mischievous smile but a knowing smile. “I’ll leave the flap open to let out the stench you boys have created.”

“We’ll be out soon, Sir.” Mr Fisher pulled his head out of our tent and moved on to the next one. I leant over Calvin and rocked Darren awake. “Wake up, Daz. We need to get a move on.”

Darren slowly woke up and looked at his naked body. “Fucking hell, what happened?”

“Looks like you had a wet dream, Mate.” I grinned, stifling a chuckle.

“Don’t be fucking stupid, Ben. I’ve not had a wet dream since I was fifteen.”

“Then one was overdue.” I laughed.

“What did you fucking do?” Darren glared at me.

“Nothing, I promise.” I couldn’t stop giggling.

“Don’t fucking lie to me. I know you, Ben. Now tell me.” Darren wasn’t happy.

“Ok, Daz. I was awake and saw you turn onto your back. Your cock was hard, so I just reached out to touch it.”

“You wanked me off in my sleep!” Darren sounded incredulous.

“No, I promise. It was just two short strokes, and you shot off. It took me by surprise. I didn’t mean to.”

“You fucking perv, Ben. Now I need to clean myself up.”

“I can help you, Daz.” I stuck out my tongue and wiggled it.

“Fuck off.”

Our conversation woke Pete and Andy, who were watching us, grinning.

I stood up, grabbed my wet wipes and cleaned up my cock and balls. As Calvin stood, I cleaned up his arse of my leaking cum. He blushed bright red. I turned him and cleaned up his cock and balls. Our three mates watched.

“Now we know what those two did in the night.” Andy laughed.

Darren stood up, and I threw my wet wipes at him.

Like Calvin, I dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, and we went outside. Calvin and I joined Mr Fisher.

“Here we are, Sir. Suitably dressed, I hope. What can we do to help?”

“If only you were like this the past fortnight.” Mr Fisher smiled at me, “We need all the luggage taking to the coach, but don’t put it in yet. We need the tents in first.”

“I always wait until I’m asked before I put it in.” I grinned.

Fisher ignored my innuendo, “Then go and start disassembling the tents. I’m going to the ‘Alimentation’ to get the breakfast I ordered.

“Thanks, Sir. I’m starving.”

When Mr Fisher returned with a bread tray in his arms, we all gathered around him and grabbed some food. It was laden with croissant and pain-aux-chocolate.

“Only two each!” He raised his voice, “Only two. One of each or two of one. You need to make sure there is enough for everyone.”

Two was hardly enough to satisfy the stomachs of teenagers, but we would have to be content with what we were given.

After breakfast, we took down the tents and loaded the coach.

“Thanks, all of you. We have made good time this morning. You now have fifteen minutes before we need to leave. So if any of you need the toilet, go now, or you’ll have to go on the coach.”

Half of us made our way to the ablution hut. I followed but took a detour to the ‘Alimentation’. My heart sank when I saw an older woman behind the counter. I was still hungry, so I bought a few ham and cheese baguettes for me and my mates.

As she wrapped them in parchment paper and reached for a paper bag, I saw a beaming face appear behind her.

“Yves!” I swear I jumped up and down like a little boy being given a present.

“Ben. It’s so good to see you.” Yves said in his thick French accent and came around the counter to embrace me.

“We have to leave in ten minutes. I just popped in on the off chance…”

Yves pressed his lips to mine, and we kissed. We were disturbed by the old lady clearing her throat.

“Douze Euro!”

“Mémé!” Yves whined. They then started speaking very fast in French. I couldn’t understand a word.

I reached for my payment card and gave it to the lady. With my food paid for, I gave Yves a quick peck on the lips and told him that I’d be in touch. The woman stood and pouted the way only a grandmother could.

“A bientôt.”

I smiled back at Yves and returned to the others as they were boarding the coach. I handed a baguette to my mates and sat next to Calvin. There were murmuring around us as no one else had the idea of stocking up with food for the journey home.

It didn’t take long for the boredom to kick in, and Calvin started to doze off. He leant his head on my shoulder, and I put my arm around him to hold him close. I heard someone say in a hushed tone how cute we looked.

I closed my eyes, and despite it still being early in the morning, I also dozed off, my head lolling and resting on Calvin. I couldn’t believe it. I actually slept on the coach.

This holiday we had undoubtedly changed me. I was looking forward to what else life had in store for me.

The End

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  1. Thank you to the last chapter of Ben’s first adventure.

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