
The internet is a fascinating place to delve into. It is full of information and lies. I use it as a research tool for some of my stories as I haven’t experienced everything my protagonists go through. But I’m careful not to get sent down a rabbit hole of misinformation.

I revisit some of the articles/websites I find time and time again because they fascinate me. I have curated these into a selection of articles that have been important in my story research or ones I have found interesting.

I hope you find them as interesting as I did, and if you have any comments about your experiences, I would love to hear them. First-hand recollections are more relevant and bring the reality into focus.

I haven’t written any of the following artcles and I don’t claim ownership.


Naked Swimming – You may think that men and boys swimming naked at the YMCA or in gym class was an urban myth, but this series of articles found on the internet blow apart that myth. Fascinating!

Nudity/Naturism – Not all nudity is sexual and not all sexual activities happens in the nude. This series of articles examines nudity in all its forms.

Porn/Sex – Porn is big business. Does easy access to porn and the fetishes it shows impact on how we have sex? Adolescent exposure to porn is giving them an unrealistic view. Afterall, porn sex is not like real sex.

Circumcision – A significant difference between the UK and the US is our attitude to circumcision.

Prison Life – Ever wondered what it’s like to go to prison? I have and it’s something I don’t want to experience in real life. These articles, found on the internet, will give you a glimpse of what it’s like.

Miscellaneous Articles – A selection of articles on a variety of subjects



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