The Path To Punishment
by David Heulfryn


Eddie knew Max and Finn would attend school this week and waited patiently for them. But he grew nervous when he noticed Neil walking naked behind them.

Finn ran over to Eddie and hugged him. Eddie pulled away, feeling uncomfortable with the unwanted touch. Max strolled over and greeted his friend.

“W… What’s he doing here.” Eddie looked nervous as he glanced at Neil.

“He’s being made to help as part of the victim restitution. I’ve asked him to carry my bag as it’s heavy.”

The boys carried on walking to school. Eddie was mainly silent, but he did ask Finn if he was going to swim club on Wednesday.

“Try stopping me. I’ve missed it so much. I’ll talk to Coach. I hope he hasn’t given my class to someone else. I’ve missed those little tykes.” Finn said excitedly. “And I’ve missed training you.” He smiled at Eddie.

They noticed Adam and Scott waiting for them as they reached the school gates. Finn ran over and gave Adam a passionate kiss on his lips. Scott looked shocked.

Adam noticed his friend’s surprise, “Sorry, I forgot to mention that Finn and I are now an item.”

“You sneaky sod. How could you not have told me? This is awesome.” Scott beamed.

Neil remained a few steps behind them as the friends spoke. He looked around and saw his friends, Stuart and Kevin. He smiled and gave them a look, indicating to them not to come over. He would talk to them later.

Neil carried Max’s bag to class when the morning bell rang. Max tried to take it from Neil, but he insisted. He put the books Max would need for his first class on his desk and left him as he went to the back of the class to sit with his Minions.

“I’m helping out Max while he’s still hurt.” He whispered to them.

“Well, let us hurt him some more. He should be the one sitting naked in class and getting punished, not you.” Kevin said.

“Yeah, give us the word, and we’ll make him wish he never came back to school.”

“Don’t!” Neil ordered them. “We need to stop this, or you two will be punished with me. It looks like my Mum can’t work her magic anymore, and if you get caught, they will throw the book at you.”

“I don’t like it.” Kevin sneered.

“It’s not fair,” Stuart said.

“Leave him alone,” Neil instructed. “If I hear that either of you have touched him, or his brother, or his friends… In fact, anyone. I will personally disembowel both of you.”

The Minions grumbled and opened their school books just in time as the teacher called for silence.


Neil helped Max all day. He was attentive and ensured Max didn’t strain his ribs. They walked home together. Max and Finn got naked as soon as they got home. Max stripped with the help of Neil. The three naked boys spent a few hours in Max’s bedroom doing homework. Neil left when Lily shouted to them that their dinner was ready.

Tuesday, Neil grew nervous but still helped Max. Instead of sitting with Stuart and Kevin in class, he sat with Max, who sensed how anxious he was. Wednesday morning, he arrived on Max’s doorstep looking pale and scared. It was the day he would face the magistrate and find out his punishment.

Neil waited in the bathroom as Max showered. There was an atmosphere of fearful anticipation, and words were hardly spoken. As Max turned off the shower and pulled back the shower curtain, Neil stood up, and instead of passing Max a towel, he began to dry his body gently. Max looked at Neil, but Neil would look into his eyes.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to say anything to the magistrate?” Max whispered.

Neil thought a moment, “No.”

“I don’t mind, Neil. You’ve really changed; you’re not the same person who hit me.”

“Yes, I am,” Neil said through gritted teeth. “I hate you for being nice to me.” Neil finally looked at Max, who saw the anger in his glassy eyes. “I hate you!” Neil started to cry.

Max reached out to hug him, but Neil pushed him away.

“Fuck off, Max,” Neil screamed and ran out of the bathroom.

Finn was shocked to see Neil running into the bedroom and jumping on Max’s bed. He buried his head in the pillow and screamed. Then he lifted himself and started punching the mattress hard.

Finn became scared and rushed into the bathroom to ensure Max was alright.

“Are you okay, Max? Neil didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“No.” Max sighed, “He just seemed to have flipped.”

“He’s in the bedroom punching your bed.”

“He’s got so much anger in him. I don’t think he knows how to handle it.”

“I don’t understand, Max.” Finn looked confused, “Why is he so angry? Is he angry with you because he’s going to be punished?”

“I don’t think so, Min. He’s just angry with life. I know he seems to have a good life, but there are always things that could be better.” Max leant into Finn to whisper, “Don’t say anything to anyone, not even him, but he told me that he hasn’t seen his dad for years. His Mum won’t let him.”

“That must be awful,” Finn felt sorry for Neil.

“He doesn’t want pity, Min. So don’t let on that you know. But I think that’s where his anger really comes from.” Max finished drying himself and walked back into the bedroom.

The brothers found Neil face down on Max’s bed. His pillow covered his head. Max sat on the bed and gently placed a hand on Neil’s bare back. He shuddered at Max’s touch and started to sob.

“It’s going to be alright, Neil. Let me help you.”

“Really,” Neil sniffed, taking the pillow from his head to look at Max.

“Of course. I’ll talk to the magistrate today.”

“Not that!” Neil was adamant, “Just help me. I don’t want to feel this angry anymore.”

Max wiped away the tears on Neil’s cheek. “Okay, Neil.”


They didn’t go to school; they went to the magistrate’s court. Lily had reluctantly allowed Finn off school to be with his brother. Neil was ushered away from Max and his family when they arrived. Finn held Max’s hand for support. Max noticed Neil’s mother watching him. She looked irritated. Finn pulled at his shirt collar with his free hand.

“This feels so irritating.” Finn huffed. Lily insisted that they dress smart for court. The boys didn’t want to wear their school uniforms, so Lily ensured they wore their best suits. Finn’s was getting a little small as he was still growing; it pulled on his shoulders, and the shirt was tight.

“Stop fiddling with your shirt!” Lily batted his hand away from his neck. “But you do need a new suit. This one is far too small for you.”

“I hate wearing a suit, Mum.” Finn protested. “You only make me wear it for weddings and funerals. And no one is planning on getting married anytime soon.”

“And no one is planning on dying either.” Max grinned and nudged Finn in his ribs.

When they were allowed into the courtroom, they saw Neil standing in the dock, naked and flanked by two court security guards. He looked vulnerable and scared. Max sat with his family in the public gallery. He reached out and held Finn’s hand again. Reporters and other people arrived, and the hum of conversations grew louder. A court usher closed the door; the public gallery was full, and the barristers were present.

“All rise.” A different court usher dressed in the traditional black robe stood and called out to the room.

Max looked over at Neil as he stood. The arrogance the boy usually displayed at school was gone, and Max thought he looked cute. But inside, he sensed the angry young man the boy was suppressing.

Neil’s face turned ashen when he saw the judge enter. It was the Chief Judge, Randall Cowper. He wondered why the head of Cockaigne judiciary was bothering with a simple minor transgression as petty assault. It could be good or bad. Had his mother pulled some strings and persuaded Judge Cowper to give her son a lenient sentence? Or did he get involved because he wanted to make an example of the boy? Neil felt a pit in his stomach.

“Be seated.” Judge Cowper said as he sat at the bench.

The courtroom sat, causing the noise of rustling clothes and scrapping chairs. Neil made to sit, but the security guards held his supper arms to prevent him.

“I had expected this to last all day as we went through mitigating circumstances, past transgressions, school records and circumstances. We had witnesses lined up who have now been released and sent back to school. This morning, the barrister for the defendant came to my chambers to change his client’s plea to ‘no contest’. He accepted he was entirely to blame for the incident. For that, I wish to praise the defendant.”

Neil’s barrister stood and nodded his head and his course horse-hair wig. “Thank you, Your Honour.” He sat back down again.

“So, this leaves me with little to do other than pronounce sentence.”

Neil visibly shook in the dock. Max was looking at him, willing him to stay calm.

The judge took a deep breath. “When I saw this case come up, I decided to relieve the circuit judge of the responsibility and take it myself. I recognised the name of the defendant and the family he comes from. We all owe the family thanks for helping create this special community. Still, we cannot allow the defendant’s descendants to decide the fate of a boy who admits to a vicious and sustained assault on an innocent victim. I wanted to ensure justice was fair and impartial. We shouldn’t be seen to make an example of the defendant, nor should we be seen to be too lenient. I spent the few hours before this case examining precedents.”

The room remained perfectly silent as the judge spoke. Neil looked directly at him, waiting to hear his punishment. But judges always like the sound of their own voices.

“I have also looked at all the evidence and statements by the witnesses. Last week, I spoke to some of the boys’ teachers to get some background on their behaviour in school and previous incidents. I am aware that the victim was recently punished for a minor transgression in school, but I do not consider this relevant to their subsequent behaviour.”

Max squeezed Finn’s hand as he was reminded of the lashes the headmaster gave him in front of the school. He momentarily hung his head, ashamed of being punished and beaten naked. His arse cheeks had recovered, but he felt a slight twinge where the deepest welt on his buttocks was last to heal.

“I was deeply concerned with the level of attempted interference my office and the security office received. I am satisfied that the defendant had no part in that interference. But let those present here be on notice that in future, I will suffer no such interference and declare those involved in contempt of court and will pronounce a severe punishment.

The courtroom was flooded with gasps of surprise. The old family had been given notice that they no longer held the power and influence they once had.

“Before I pronounce the sentence, I would like to ask Max Fletcher to stand and give his victim statement to the court.”

Max shivered and slowly rose to his feet. Finn refused to let go of his hand even though it felt uncomfortable sitting while Max stood. Max looked at Neil and mouthed ‘please’, but Neil shook his head. “I have nothing to say,” Max said to the judge. He was about to sit back down when the judge instructed him to remain on his feet.

“This is highly unusual, Mr Fletcher. Are you sure you have nothing to say?” The judge asked.

“Yes, Sir. I mean, Your Honour.” Max stuttered.

“You are not being coerced to stay quiet, are you, Mr Fletcher.”

“No, Your Honour. But Neil, I mean the defendant, did ask that I not say anything.”

“Why?” The judge asked.

“Because he doesn’t want what I say to influence you and lessen his sentence.”

Judge Cowper smiled.

“That’s quite interesting. But nothing you could say would make me lessen his punishment.” Judge Cowper smiled directly at Max. “We are independent and not impressionable.”

“I understand, Your Honour.” Max looked between the Judge and Neil.

“I smell collusion between you and the Defendant, Mr Fletcher.” Judge Cowper said. Max squeezed Finn’s hand, suddenly becoming scared.

“Your Honour?” Max breathed deeply. “I would like to say something, but may I speak after you have pronounced the sentence, Sir. I don’t want to break my promise.”

The judge softened; he suspected collusion but no intimidation. “Have it your way, Mr Fletcher. But may I say it has taken great courage to address the court and me with this unusual request. But I will grant it.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Max said and was instructed by the judge to sit.

“So, we will hear the impact statement after I pronounce the sentence.” The judge looked directly at Neil. “It is the decision of this court that violently assaulted a fellow resident, causing extensive injuries. I consider this assault to be entirely unprovoked. Some would like me to issue a harsh sentence; others would like to seek leniency. I have considered both courses and view both to be inappropriate. The defendant deserves no special treatment either way. The issue of leniency can be rejected as I have to consider the defendant’s disciplinary record. I accept that all instances have been of a low level of misdemeanour. I considered the case of delivering a harsh punishment but rejected this, too. The defendant has no previous court record. He has no history of serious misconduct and doesn’t appear regularly in this courtroom. As far as the court is concerned, this is his first offence.”

Neil listened, wishing he would get to the point. Get the waiting over with. He wanted to blurt out to tell him his punishment.

“The defendant does have a history of causing mischief. But this is generally confined to the school, and due to his age, I consider this just the usual school troublemaking. But the defendant has recently turned sixteen, and I hope this will warn him to mend his ways.” The judge now addressed his words directly to Neil. “This conviction will remain on your juvenile record. Once you turn eighteen, it will no longer be visible and will not affect your future. But Security will always be able to see this conviction, and if you appear before this court again, it may be considered in sentencing. Consider this a warning to change your ways and not be a problem to society but be a contributor.” The judge took an audible breath. “Mr Wilson, it is this court’s judgement that you be sentenced to twenty lashes and humiliation on the punishment stage at noon on Saturday. Now you are sixteen, the punisher has more options for humiliation open to him, including penetration. And the humiliation will be at their discretion.”

Neil stood stoically, the sentence slowly sinking in. He could cope with twenty lashes, but the humiliation was an unknown. It depended on the punisher, how he felt on the day, and the reaction of the watching crowd.

“Mr Fletcher,” The judge turned to Max, who stood up. “I think we are ready for your impact statement.”

“Yes, Your Honour.” Max coughed to clear his throat. He didn’t know what to say. He decided to say how he felt. “When we moved to Cockaigne, I didn’t know anybody. I don’t make friends easily. I was paired with Neil on my first day in school. He resented me from that first day. I don’t know why. I was a burden to him. I can honestly say that I didn’t share his antagonism, but I’m not going to say I’m perfect. I may have unconsciously antagonised him. But I was secretly hoping he would be my first friend in Cockaigne. Perhaps I was too needy. Neil got me into trouble, for which I was caned in front of the school. It was the most humiliating time of my life so far. I tried to keep clear of him. I knew he didn’t want to be friends, so I tried to keep out of his way. But I’m afraid, on occasion, I would taunt him. That was childish of me. I don’t want to say too much, but Neil has opened up to me since the incident and doesn’t feel angry towards me. I have agreed to help him. Enduring his punishment is, in his mind, his first step, and he didn’t want me to stop him getting what he felt he deserved.” Max took another deep breath. “Neil is a confident and proud young man. I would have asked for clemency, but he is too proud to accept it. He is still angry and has issues he needs to deal with and I hope his family allows him to go on that journey. I have told him I will help him if he needs me. I can’t entirely agree with his actions, but he is young and needed to lash out at somebody. Unfortunately, that was me. I wish he didn’t have to endure that punishment. And whether he likes it or not, I consider him my friend.”

Finn stood up and hugged his brother. The courtroom started clapping. The judge called for order.

“Thank you, Mr Fletcher. Your words are noted.” He turned to Neil, “You are to report to the punishment stage on Saturday at 11:30 a.m. to be prepared for your punishment. You are to remain naked until 8:00 a.m. Monday morning.”

“Thank you, Your Honour.”

“All stand!” An usher stood and instructed the court.

Judge Cowper stood and left.

The courtroom rumbled, and Max approached Neil as he left the dock.

“Are you alright?” Max asked.

“I will be.” Neil looked pale. “Can I come back with you? I can’t go to school, not today.”

“Of course you can.” Max placed a reassuring hand on his arm.


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