Going Home
by David Heulfryn


Dr Chapman called for Lily and Owen to meet him on Friday afternoon. Max was slowly recovering and felt well enough to join them. He’d not seen Finn all week and wanted to be there.

They all waited in the white windowless room for Dr Chapman and Finn to join them. The chairs were hard, and Max fidgeted, occasionally holding his ribs, although they didn’t hurt as much anymore.

Finn rushed into the room, glad to see his brother. He would have given him a tight hug but held back.

“How are you, Max?” Finn asked.

“Better.” Max pulled up his t-shirt and showed Finn his torso, “The bruising has gone down a bit.”

Finn edged forward and lightly touched Max’s bare skin and the bruising on his flank. The cut on Max’s eye was healing, but Finn needed to stroke it, hoping his touch would make him heal faster. Finally, Finn placed a light kiss on Max’s lips. “I’ve missed you.” Finn looked longingly into Max’s eyes.

“I’ve missed you too,”  Max said.

“Do you want us to leave you alone?” Owen said sarcastically at his sons.

Finn turned, smiling at his parents. “Sorry.” He held his arms open to hug them.

Dr Chapman, carrying a clipboard, ambled in.

“Good afternoon. Let’s all sit down to go through a few things.” Dr Chapman took control. He smiled at Owen and Lily. “Well, we have finally determined what is happening to Finn.”

They were all fixated on what he had to say. On the clipboard was the official report, but he didn’t need to read it; he knew what it said as he’d written it.

The inoculation Finn had received when they moved to Cockaigne had an unusual effect on his prostate. As the fluid flowed around his body, it collected in his prostate. The biopsies they had taken showed an unusually high concentration of one of the active constituents of the inoculation. This reservoir of the drug affected the prostate and caused it to increase the volume of semen produced. Another effect was spontaneous ejaculations. The prostate continually produced its seminal fluid, and when the prostate was stretched to its limit, it would cause an involuntary ejaculation to relieve the pressure on the tiny organ.

They discovered that if Finn had multiple orgasms a day, it eased the pressure on his prostate, and he was less likely to have involuntary ejaculations.

“Can you treat it?” Lily asked.

“The treatment is masturbation.” Dr Chapman said without any humour. “Finn needs to ejaculate at least three times a day to prevent his frequent nocturnal and occasional diurnal emissions. But the occasional one might happen.”

Lily turned to Finn, “I told you. I suggested that you masturbate.”

“Mum,” Finn smiled, “Are you really telling me off, a fourteen-year-old boy, for not masturbating more often? I think that has to be a first,”

Owen and Max chuckled.

“Will he be like this for the rest of his life?” Owen asked.

“We have found that every time Finn ejaculates, the reservoir of the drug in his prostate reduces. So we fully expect that it will be exhausted at some point and no drug would be present. At that time, we fully expect Finn’s ejaculations to return to normal. Normal volume and few if any nocturnal emissions.”

“So we just have to wait and hope it gradually diminishes?”

“Essentially, yes. We will want to monitor Finn regularly. He will need to visit Dr Wallace weekly for an examination and to provide further semen samples. Every other month, we want to take a fresh biopsy of his prostate to monitor the levels of the drug remaining in the tissue.”

“Why Finn?” Max asked, “Why did it happen to him and not me?”

“That is a very interesting question, and to tell the truth, we don’t know. But Finn was the first person to present with this condition, but our testing at the Academy has discovered other boys also have this condition. They have just hidden the problem or thought it was normal for them. We will continue to monitor all boys affected. We are continuing to investigate what all the affected boys have in common, but I suspect it is genetic. The boys may have a specific gene that prevents their bodies from metabolising and responding to the inoculation in the expected way.”

“Do you expect any long-term effects?” Max continued to quiz the Doctor.

“We don’t think so. Finn is very healthy, and we have tested his semen. Finn produces healthy sperm that are very motile. We expect no issue with future fertility, but we will continually monitor. Please remember we have frozen several samples of his sperm, so if there are any issues, we will provide IVF to help his partner conceive. But we don’t expect he will need it.”

“Fourteen, and they’re planning kids already.” Max smiled at Finn. He looked back at Dr Chapman, “Can he go home now?”

“We don’t plan on keeping him any longer. We don’t feel there is a need. We can leave the monitoring to Dr Wallace, and he will be in touch shortly with the time and dates of follow-up examinations. The other boys affected will also be seeing Dr Wallace for monitoring.”

Max and Finn smiled at each other, “You can come home, Finn.” Max said.

“I wish I could hug you,” Finn said solemnly.

“I do too.”


Finn leaned against Max on the back seat of the car as Lily and Owen took him home. Only his left ribs hurt; they took the brunt of Neil’s fists.

Max wrapped his arm around his brother. It felt good to feel him. Finn was still naked; he’d not worn any clothes for over a month.

“I told the Doctor I want to call it the ‘Finn Effect’, and he promised he would in his final report.”

“I’m so proud of you, Min.” Max said sarcastically, “You have a medical condition named after you. How about ‘The Finn Hyperspermia Syndrome’?”

“I’m sticking with the ‘Finn Effect’; you’re just jealous.” Finn teased Max.

“At least they think it’s only temporary.” Lily twisted her head from the front passenger seat to look at Finn. “I bet you’ll be glad to get back to school.” She suggested.

“I think I need another week off. My balls still feel tender.” Finn said.

Lily turned to Owen, “I think we’d better go back. He’s still not well. Perhaps they should keep him for another month.”

“Don’t you dare!” Finn squealed, “I’ll go back to school on Monday. I promise.”

“Good boy, Finn,” Lily said.

“I’m not a dog, Mum.” Finn and Max laughed.

“More like a guinea pig.” Owen chuckled as he drove.

Finn was quiet the rest of the way home but kept touching and stroking Max. His head rested gently on Max’s shoulder. He touched his leg and traced his finger along the seam of his grey sweatpants. He stroked the skin on Max’s hand as it rested on his shoulder. The brothers had not been in physical contact for several days. They had deeply missed each other, and now they were together again. They needed to talk. Max knew that Finn would interrogate him when they were alone. He knew little about what happened when Neil attacked him and nothing about what would happen next. Finn had many questions but had to wait until they were alone; neither boy wanted to talk in front of the parents.


When Owen parked in their driveway, Finn got out and rushed around the side of the car to open Max’s door. He held his hand out so Max could steady himself and get out of the car without causing any discomfort.

Lily went into the house first, followed by Max and Finn.

“We’re going to our room,” Finn told his parents.

“You haven’t been home on over a month, and you immediately disappear to your room. I thought we could be together.”

“Let them go, Love,” Owen said to Lily. “They’ll be down when they’re ready.”

Lily sighed and went into the kitchen. Owen followed and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “I feel the same way, Darling. But he’s back now. You know both boys felt the separation keenly. They’ll be down soon, once they’ve had some time alone.”

Lily turned around, crying, “If this is how I feel now, what about when they go to university? They are my babies.”

“They’ll be older then. We will be glad to be rid of them,” Owen smiled.

“No, I won’t.” Lily held Owen tightly.

“Neither will I,” Owen whispered in her ear.


In the bedroom, Finn gingerly hugged his brother. It was the lightest hug Finn could manage.

“Let me see what he did to you,” Finn asked, pulling up Max’s t-shirt. Max helped and discarded the t-shirt with little discomfort. “Trackies too.” Finn smiled.

Max slipped his hands under the elastic waistband of his grey sweatpants and pushed them down. He kicked them aside.

“Oh, Max.” Finn looked at his brother standing in front of him in nothing more than a pair of tight white briefs. He looked at the bruises on Max’s ribs. He traced a finger over the worst of them. “How bad are they?”

“They were a lot worse on Monday. It hurt to breathe. Now they only hurt when I breathe deeply. The Doctor said it would just take time for them to heal. I’m not to do anything strenuous, no lifting. Otherwise, I should carry on as normal.”

“Shouldn’t you be in bandages, keep them still?” Finn asked.

“No, they don’t do that. Bandages will prevent me from breathing properly, and the ribs should be moving.”

“How long?”

“Three to six weeks. It’s already been a week, and I’m feeling much better. In another fortnight, I should be almost back to normal.” Max said.

“What about sleeping? Can you sleep alright?” Finn asked.

“Better now, I have to sleep on my right-hand side, and I sometimes wake up if I try and move.”

“Does that mean I can’t sleep with you tonight? It’s the one thing I’ve missed most these past few weeks.” Finn looked at Max, hopefully.

“We can try. But I’ll kick you out of bed if it becomes too much.”

Finn kissed his brother on the lips, “Let’s go downstairs. Mum needs to see us.”

“What for?” Max was confused.

“She just needs to see us to know I’m home and safe. Know that her two sons are together again.” Finn took Max’s hand and led him downstairs.

Lily was coming off the phone, and Owen was pacing in the front room.

Max and Finn looked concerned. They wanted to know what was happening.

Lily sighed before speaking, “I’m glad you’ve come down. That was Senior Officer Nathan Morehead. Neil’s trial has been set for next Wednesday. He is pleading guilty but with provocation. That means you will need to give evidence. Do you think you’ll be up for that?”

“I’ll be fine Mum.”

“Good. He says it’s a simple case and should be over with very quickly. He’ll be sentenced at the same time.”

“Do we know what sentence he’ll get?” Max asked.

“Officer Nathan thinks Community Servitude and some lashes. He doesn’t think he’ll get a custodial sentence. He also mentioned the possibility of Victim Restitution.”

“I don’t like that. It doesn’t seem right.” Max reiterated his opinion on having a personal slave.

“What’s Victim Restitution?” Finn was confused.

“It’s where Neil would be my slave for a while. He has to do anything I tell him.” Max told his brother.

“That’s awful!” Finn was shocked. “Surely that can’t be right?”

Lily spoke up, “None of us like the idea of having a slave, but if it comes to that, he can help around the house.” Lily looked at everyone in turn, “But we all must promise that none of us will make him do anything degrading.”

Owen wasn’t happy. “He beat up Max!” He glared at Lily, “Look at the boy,” He gestured to his almost naked son and his bruised ribs. “He deserves to be punished.”

“He will be, Owen.” Lily gave him a look telling him to control himself. “He’ll get community service, enforced nudity, and birched in front of the entire Town.”

“I don’t think I could watch,” Max said.

“Neither could I.” Finn agreed, “I watched Max get caned at school. It was horrible.” Finn reached out to hold Max’s hand.

“You don’t have to,” Lily told them.

“I will!” Owen snarled. “I want to see that bastard in pain.”

Lily held Owen, “That’s not who we are. We are not vindictive. We have both our boys back. Let’s just enjoy having them together again. Neil will get punished. We can be satisfied in that.”

Owen calmed a little, “Okay.”

“Now,” Lily took control, “Owen, go into the kitchen and put a pot of coffee on. Finn, it’s time for you to ejaculate. I don’t care where you do it, but make sure you do it. Max, just make yourself comfortable. Do you want a drink?” She asked Max.

“No thanks, I’ll just wait for Finn to finish, and then I’ll have a lie-down.”

“Come up with me,” Finn said to his brother.

“Are you sure? Don’t you want some privacy while you do it?” Max suggested.

“I’ve spent a week wanking in front of strangers,” Finn told Max, “And I’ve spent so much time alone I would like you to be with me, Max.”

Max followed Finn upstairs. Finn waited for Max to lie down. “Are you okay.” Finn stood over his brother.

“I’m fine.” Max looked over at his naked brother. “I think you’ve grown since you’ve been away, you seem taller, and I swear your cock is bigger.”

Finn grabbed his cock and wiggled it in front of Max. “I’ll have to measure it later.”

“Are you sure you want me here?” Max had spent the last month alone in their bedroom. It felt different with his brother back.

“You know I don’t care about these things.” Finn went to his bed and lay down. His right hand started playing with his cock, bringing it to life. “I don’t care who sees me naked, hard, or even wanking.”

“I sometimes forget you’re a hardcore naturist and exhibitionist.” Max looked over and watched Finn stroke his cock. Even hard, it looked longer. Max felt his cock firm up in the confines of his white briefs.

“Without me around, I bet you’ve become bashful again.” Finn gasped as wanked.

“I suppose I have.” Max struggled to push his briefs down to his ankles and kicked them to the floor. He reached down and rubbed his cock and balls. It felt good to get some air around his balls.

Finn noticed his brother was now naked and smiled.

“How long does it normally take you?” Max asked.

“Only a few minutes. If I think of Adam, I can cum quite quickly.”

“You still have a thing for him?”

“Oh fuck, Max. He’s gorgeous. And a good friend. He’s the best in every way.”

Max heard Finn groan. He looked over at his brother and watched him cum. It kept coming, spurting up his chest and wetting his belly. “You still cum a flood, I see.”

Finn held his cock still in his hand. His chest rose and fell as he recovered.

“Do you think the volume is reducing?” Max wondered.

“I can’t really tell.” Finn rubbed the cum over his skin. “It’s beginning to feel thicker and stickier. But I don’t sense the amount getting less.” Finn got up. “I’m going to clean myself up.” He went into the bathroom and left Max alone.

Max absent-mindedly caressed his cock. It grew hard, and he leisurely stroked it. He was startled when Finn came back. He instinctively covered himself.

“You really have gone backwards, Max.” Finn smiled. “Just let it free. I don’t care if you’re hard. For fuck’s sake, I’ve just wanked and cum in front of you.”

Max pulled his hands away and let his hard cock point to the ceiling.

“You have a beautiful cock, Max. You should show it off more. Do you want me to leave you alone so you can have a wank?”

“No.” Max said softly, “Please lie down and watch me like I watched you.”

Finn sat on his bed and watched as Max slowly stroked his cock.

“I can’t go too fast because of my ribs,” Max said.

“Just take your time. When was the last time you wanked?” Finn asked.

“It was over a week ago. I’ve not done it since Neil beat me up.”

“Don’t let him stop you. And I bet you won’t need to wank when James comes to visit.”

“I hope he comes this weekend.” Max wondered. His hand was stroking a little faster.

“Are you thinking of his lips on your cock.?”

“Oh, fuck, Finn.” Max gasped, “It feels so good when he sucks me. I miss it.”

Finn watched as Max’s orgasm approached and eventually took over his body. Max squeezed his cock and held it still as it spewed cum over his belly. It was thick and white. As the pulsing of his cock diminished, he stroked his cock very slowly, squeezing more cum out from his exposed knob.

Max let out a final gasp and released his spent cock.

Finn waited a moment and noticed Max wince and clutch his bruised ribs. The exertion had caused him some discomfort.

Finn went over to Max, “Let me clean you up. I can see you’re struggling.” Finn went to grab some tissues from Max’s bedside table. He noticed the condoms and lube and picked them up. “What are these doing here?” He showed them to Max.

Max laughed and winced as he felt a sharp pain in his side. “That’s Mum’s idea. It’s her way of telling me she’s okay with me and James having sex.”

“And have you? Since that first time?” Finn asked.

“No, we’ve still only done it the once. But Mum and Dad say they don’t mind us fucking.”

“I’m sure they didn’t put it that way.” Finn chuckled.


Finn put down the condoms and lube and grabbed some tissues. He wiped the cum from Max’s belly and mousy pubes. He took a fresh tissue and wrapped it around Max’s cock, and wiped it clean. Finn screwed up the cummy tissues and sat back on his bed.

“I’m glad your back, Min,” Max said. “But you know you shouldn’t flush those tissues.”

The brothers laughed.

“It won’t matter just this once.” Finn smiled.

Max chuckled, “Just this once! We’re always doing it when Dad’s not looking.”


When it was time for bed, Max and Finn did everything together. They leaned over the wash basin in the bathroom as they brushed their teeth. They then went into their bedroom. Both brothers only had one thing on their minds; the sleeping arrangements.

“Do you want to try it tonight?” Max asked.

“Only if you’re sure it won’t hurt you.”

“We won’t know if we don’t try.” Max smiled.

“Okay, so how do we do this?” Finn asked.

“I’ll get in bed first. Get comfortable on my right side. You then shuffle in against me and pull the duvet over us.”

“Okay, but if you’re in pain, I’m getting in my own bed,” Finn said as Max pulled back the duvet and lay down on his back at first, then turned onto his right side. He shuffled backwards, making room for Finn.

“Okay, I’m ready,” Max said.

Finn lay on his right-hand side on the bed, but the boys weren’t touching.

“Shuffle back a little,” Max told Finn.

Finn shuffled, but he stopped when he felt Max’s bare skin. Max shuffled forward until their bodies were moulded against each other. Max reached down and adjusted his cock and slipped it between Finn’s arse cheeks. He then wrapped his arms around his brother. He didn’t hug him tightly; he wanted to but didn’t want to cause himself any pain.

“Do you feel okay, Max?” Finn asked, concerned.

“I feel so much better now you’re here with me.” Max sighed and yawned.

“Let me know if you want me to move, no matter what time.”

“I will, Min.” Max kissed his brother’s bare shoulder. “I love you, Min.”

“I love you, too, Max.”

The brothers fell asleep in the same bed for the first time in a month.


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One Reply to “”

  1. Reading about the close relationship between Finn and Max really ‘warms my kockles’.
    I wish I was this close with my brothers, not meaning I wanted to be in the same bed naked, but just the closeness.

    Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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