The Punishment of Neil Wilson by David Heulfryn

Note: This story contains scenes of physical punishments. The punishments include birching and sexual penetration. If these scenes cause offence or are liable to trigger painful memories, please do not read any further. Please note that this story is pure fiction and not derived from actual events.


This story is not part of “The Chronicles of the Fletcher Family” as it has a dark tone and doesn’t fit the style of that story. I skipped over Neil’s punishment in that story, but we did see some of the effects of that punishment. I only started to write this after I finished the main storyline. Neil’s punishment had to be brutal, not merely a few lashes of the birch. It is also a reminder that Cockaigne is not the paradise it thinks it is, and the residents must adhere to the laws, as the punishments can be harsh.

I will not be offended if some people don’t read this, as it contains some scenes that some of you may find disturbing. We all like different stories, and I know this will not be for everyone. I must admit that I don’t generally read these stories. I don’t find them remotely erotic, but writing it can be somewhat cathartic.

I have new stories planned this year, which will be more pleasant to read. So stay tuned.

Happy New Year 2024

Many thanks to everyone who has visited Screeve; I wish you all a Happy New Year. And a big thank you to those who have commented, rated stories or emailed. I appreciate it all.

I have been posting episodes from the life of Max & Finn since October 2022, and despite many challenges in 2023, I managed to post updates regularly. That story is now over, but I do not promise not to revisit it from time to time.

I have a new story next year, “The Punishment of Neil Wilson”. I didn’t want it to form part of the main story about Max and Finn for reasons I will explain next year.

Some of you may have celebrated New Year already; others may not be celebrating yet. But raise a glass to your friends and family. And if you don’t have any, raise a glass to me. We all need to look after each other. I have raised a glass to all of you this year.

Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd the days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dearFor auld lang syneWe’ll drink a cup of kindness yetFor the sake of auld lang syne

A Trip To Suddene by David Heulfryn

The time has come to say goodbye to the boys. This is the final instalment of the saga of Max and Finn. They are settled with boyfriends and are enjoying life in Cockaigne. I could write about the boys forever, but the time has come to set them free and continue their lives without me chronicling their most private and intimate moments.

The final part centres on Max’s bully, Neil, and his meeting with his estranged father. The relationship between the boy and his bully has changed. Neil had changed.

I’m not too fond of twee endings and wonder if this could happen in real life. Most of us would have been bullied in our lives if not for being gay or identifying as anything other than straight; then it would be because of your ginger hair, your glasses, perhaps a stutter, or a limp. But it is because of Max’s sheer force of will that he never gave up on Neil, despite his friends and family not understanding. I am so proud of Max!

So, just as we leave Max and Finn, we leave 2023. I’m not sad to see it go, and I hope 2024 will be a better year for everyone.

So, happy New Year and stories from Cockaigne will continue.

After by David Heulfryn

Neil comes back to Max after being punished. He won’t allow anyone else to help him, and James reluctantly leaves Max alone with his bully. No one knows what happened to him on the punishment stage, but he is showing the scars of being birched.

Max bathes the boy and settles him on his bed. Neil is exhausted and instantly falls asleep. Max gently rubs a soothing ointment onto Neil’s welts and bruises before covering his naked body with his duvet.

Before by David Heulfryn

As punishment day approaches, Neil becomes more insular and contemplative. On the day, James finds Neil on the doorstep. James isn’t happy seeing the boy who beat up his boyfriend, but Owen sets him straight and tells him to go up to see Max. He finds the brothers sleeping, and he soon falls asleep and is woken by the light touch of Max’s lips.

A Welcome Return by David Heulfryn

Finn gets back into his old routine and is looking forward to going to the pool and continue to train his group of kids. He is given a warm welcome, they are all excited to see him. His class has shrunk since he had to give it up during his stay at Cockaigne Pharma. Eddie is also pleased to have Finn back at the pool.

The Path To Punishment by David Heulfryn

The day has arrived for Neil to meet the magistrate. Naturally, he is nervous and is still adamant that Max will not speak up for him and try to reduce his punishment.

The judge is surprised when Max refuses to give a victim impact statement before Neil’s punishment is announced. Max asks that he say something afterwards.

A New Perspective by David Heulfryn

Neil turns up at the Fletcher’s house early in the morning. It is part of his provisional punishment, but Owen isn’t pleased with being woken so early.

Max talks to Neil, who opens up about his life and family. Neil seems to change as the boys talk, and Max begins to understand the boy who has made his life hell since he started school.

Adam Comes Clean by David Heulfryn

Owen is unhappy being awoken by James knocking on the door. But Max is happy to see his boyfriend, and they are soon in bed together.

Another unexpected guest arrives, Adam. He wants to see Finn and tell him about his family, his step-brother in particular. Adam wants Finn to know about him and his step-brother before he answers the question Finn asked him when they first met.

Going Home by David Heulfryn

Dr Chapman knows what is causing Finn to have frequent nocturnal emissions and why he is producing such large quantities of semen when he ejaculates. He informs the family and releases Finn. But Finn will still need regular checkups.

The brothers are pleased to be home together. They spend some time together in their room, and come bedtime; they sleep together for the first time in a month.