I would like to thank everyone for your comments, emails and suggestions. It has been a great series to write, and I hope you have all enjoyed the relationship between the brothers, their family and their friends. This series has proved to be enduring and intriguing to me and is now even longer than my Cockaigne Chronicles novel, “Becoming Kes”. That is no mean feat, especially for me.

But the story of Max and Finn is not over yet. The story is not ready to end. Although I did not start the story with the intention of the brothers visiting Cockaigne, it has naturally converged with the town. So the next part will deal with the family dipping their toes into the remarkable world of Cockaigne. I hope you enjoy the following ten chapters as the brothers experience the town.
It’ll be interesting seeing how the stories merge. Sex was only a part of the boy’s journey (and not with each other) whereas it was an integral part of the chronicles and didn’t shy away from incestuous couplings. Will Fin, Max, & dad succume to the chronicle ways?
I want the brother’s to remain true to themselves when they visit Cockaigne. I also want to show a gentler side to the town. Cockaigne is not all sex and punishments, although no doubt there will be some of that.